What lies ahead? Does it matter? Today, the world is young and it belongs to them.
"The world was all before them, where to choose
Their place of rest, and Providence their guide;
They, hand in hand, with wandering steps and slow,
Through Eden took their solitary way."
John Milton - Paradise Lost
The photo was taken by my youngest daughter. The children in the picture are my grandson, Joshua, and his friend Lily.
This post is being linked to: Finding Beauty at Dipity Road
Oh Mary sweetie...
This picture is just precious, and oh my is it ever priceless. I love it. The world ahead of them, and only their little footprints left on our hearts behind.
Thank you for sharing. I love it. Just absolutely love it.
Country hugs and so much love...Sherry
This is an absolutely sweet pic with very sweet thoughts...
Cute-makes me feel all the more lovey dovey.....
Mary, may we all live with these sentiments. It is said, that the young will lead and would not follow these two...
Thanks for reminding us that the future is not to fear, just unknown.
awwww this is an awesome picture. So cute!!
Absolutely beautiful picture! I just love it! TFS.
Mis Bloomers
It is a beautiful picture!
I just LOVE this picture. So sweet! I love the shadows, it looks like they have little guardian angels following them. Kathy
Such an adorable picture!
Children are my favorite subjects..by far..This one is so cute:)
That might just be the worlds most gorgeous picture!
What a sweet picture.
Perfect example of my challenge! This would be an awesome shot blown up BIG... So cool in a study or family room dont you think?
Look at those precious lil feet and hands (can you tell im partial that way?)
Thanks so much for sharing... beautiful!
Claudia, I wish we could blow it up but it was taken with a cell-phone camera. It was originally saved at this size.
OMG so darling!
A precious moment captured! thanks for sharing
they are so cute and so tiny. I love these candid little shots, they are keepers for sure.
That picture says it all doesn't it. Such perfection in the little ones and they grow up so fast. They are priceless, Char
Oh so precious!!
That's so sweet...
Oh so precious!!!
Mary, what a beautiful photo! that gives my heart quite a tug.
What a darling and heartwarming photo. I loved it when my kids were that little and even though it wasn't but just a few years ago, it seems like so far away. Thank you for sharing this.
Adorable photo!;-)
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