Sunday, April 4, 2010

Roasted Yellow Pepper Soup - Passato di Peperoni

A golden soup to brighten a stormy day on the Oregon coast.

From the kitchen of One Perfect Bite...Storms pass, but when you're in the midst of one it's wonderful to have a meal that will warm the cockles of your heart. Bob is grilling a chicken to accompany this wonderfully light soup that originated in a Florentine trattoria. Its molten color evokes summer and the soup captures the heady flavor of peppers that have ripened under the Tuscan sun. Served hot or cold, Passato di Peperoni, is a perfect first course, and a wonderful way to begin a meal. This is really simple to make. The trick to making what could be an ordinary soup spectacular lies in the roasting of the peppers. No short cuts should be taken here. I've found I get the best flavor if the peppers are drizzled with olive oil and placed in a 375 degree oven for 30 minutes before they go into the stockpot. Once that's done, you're on your way to having one of the best soups you've ever tasted. I highly recommend this. As a matter of act, I happen to love this soup. Serve it with a lovely salad, some great bread and plain grilled meat or poultry for a peasant feast that kings will envy. Here's the recipe.

Roasted Yellow Pepper Soup - Passato di Peperoni...from the kitchen of One Perfect Bite inspired by Patricia Wells


2 tablespoons olive oil + olive oil for drizzling
1 large carrot, peeled and finely chopped
1 large celery stalk, finely chopped
1 medium onion, finely chopped
2 pounds thick-skinned yellow peppers, roasted and sliced
Salt and pepper
2 medium-size baking potatoes, peeled and diced
1 quart water
2 cups chicken broth


1) Combine olive oil, carrot, celery and onion in a stockpot set over medium heat. Saute until vegetables are soft and fragrant, about 10 minutes. Add roasted peppers and cook for 5 minutes longer. Season with salt and pepper. Add potatoes, water and chicken broth. Bring to a simmer and cook, covered, until potatoes are tender, about 20 minutes.
2) Use an immersion mixer or a blender to puree soup. If using a blender puree soup in batches to prevent burns. Season to taste with salt and pepper. Serve in soup bowls, drizzling each portion with a generous amount of olive oil. Yield: 6 to 8 serving.

You might also enjoy these recipes:

Tuscan Bean Soup - One Perfect Bite

Avgolemono - One Perfect Bite
Tortilla Soup - One Perfect Bite
Easy Black Bean and Chorizo Soup - Stacy Snacks
Roasted Red Pepper Soup - Klutzy Chef
Roasted Cauliflower Red Pepper and Garlic Soup - Savoring the Thyme
Creamy Corn and Red Pepper Soup - Simply Life
Pepper Soup - eCurry
Roasted Red Pepper and Tomato Soup - One Perfect Bite


Allie and Pattie said...

Oh my gosh, Mary- I LOVE roasted peppers. My grandmother ALWAYS had them available and we would have soups such as this one or make wonderful sandwiches with tomatoes or eggs. Lovely! Is that your view?? My gosh, even a stormy day is spectacular!
xoxo Pattie

Mary Bergfeld said...

Pattie, we've spent the last several day on the Oregon coast. It has been a lovely change of pace for us.

giorno26 ¸¸.•*¨*•. said...

Ciao Mary,
questa passata di verdure me lo faceva spesso mia madre ( che era francese )....
Buonissima e gustosissima :-)
La consiglio veramente a tutti !

Buona serata

Angie's Recipes said...

This is a truly comforting soothing soup!
We had a rather rainy Easter Sunday here too and a soup like this would be exactly what I need!

Hayley said...

HEY Mary

Roasted yellow pepper soup looks delicious and hearty!

Stella said...

Hey Mary, your stormy day is very beautiful, and I must say quite 'witchy' too!
This soup sounds so healthful and wonderful. I love soups and purees that are bell pepper based-so nice...

♥Sugar♥Plum♥Fairy♥ said...

Love ur gorgeous soups and this one sure rocks away...........

Schnitzel and the Trout said...

I feel I am part Italian, everytime I see a recipe like this. Thanks so much for sharing and proclaiming your love for it. Your endorsement is good as gold.

Gloria Baker said...

I love roasted peppers Mary, and I love your photos look awesome and nice! gloria

Hungry Dog said...

The soup sounds great. And, I love those photos of the oregon coast! Love it up there, such a beautiful part of the country.

Ciao Chow Linda said...

I remember eating this at Cibreo in Florence. Is that the trattoria you refer to? I always loved it and your version looks every bit as good.

Mary | Deep South Dish said...

I have never had this kind of soup, but I do love a good sweet roasted pepper. We had a gloomy day down here along the coast too, but ... without that view LOL!!

Happy Easter!

Namitha said...

I love roasted pepper. But never tried a soup with it. This looks so fantastic Mary :-)Beautiful pic of the coast too :-)

Karen said...

What a beautiful color to this soup! I'm at my daughter's house south of Sacramento and it's been raining all day. It'd be nice to have a bowl of this soup tonite!

Kerstin said...

I love roasting peppers too and would definitely slurp up every bit of this - yum!

3 hungry tummies said...

What a brilliant colour! The flavour must be really enhanced by the grilling process. Hope you have a great day!

DailyChef said...

I love pepper based soups, but I usually make red pepper ones. This is a must try.

Arlette said...

Oh this is lovely, I wish I had this recipe when I was easting Lent Diet....

THis is very strange... Two nights ago Vancouver was hit with a bad had the same bad weather. Yesterday It was 27C in North Bay during the day, and suddendly at night the weather changed and turned to heavy winds, rain everything was blowing away. It was scary, we thought we were under tornedo warning...the temp dropped to 4C overnight.

Jen_from_NJ said...

Your soup looks amazing as does the Oregon coastline. Stormy weather and a delicious soup - perfect!

Sushma Mallya said...

I love roasted pepper,and turning it into a soup sounds exicting, and looks very delicious,love the colour of it...

Deb in Hawaii said...

Gorgeous soup--such a beautiful, bright color. Hope you had a wonderful Easter! ;-)

Alessandra said...

Lovely! I love passato di peperoni, usually it is a bit of a 'posh' starter in Italy, in a way one of those things that people serve before many other dishes, but never for me, just a big bowl and some nice crusty bread is all I need in a stormy night :-)

Ana Powell said...

Hi Mary
A must do soup, for its colour and flavour.
Loved all your photos.
Awesome work x

Cherine said...

this is a beautiful, colorful, flavorful soup!!

T.W. Barritt at Culinary Types said...

What a gorgeous, warm golden color. And, the storm photos are awesome.

Deana Sidney said...

Mary, the counterpoint of the yellow with the blue gray of the coast photos were wonderful... what colors!!!

From the Kitchen said...

A delicious ray of sunshine on a stormy day. And, by the way, I've loved some cloudy, rainy days on the Oregon coast when we lived in California. I see myself curled up with a good book, a cup of this soup and a view of the roiling sea. Delicious and comforting!


Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Mary, this is new to me, but it look so delicious ! Have a good day ahead.

Anonymous said...

This looks and sounds amazing. I love roasted peppers, but I've never roasted yellow ones! Can't wait to try it!

Valérie said...

Such a warm, vibrant colour! Just the thing for a rainy spring day!

D said...

Mary, lovely soup and we will try this one for it sounds wonderful!

Great photos of the coast, and pleased that you and Bob had a relaxing Easter weekend.

Inspired by eRecipeCards said...

Mary, of course your soup looks amazing, but your photography today is outstanding.

Meagan said...

I found your recipe on Tastespotting. This looks delicious! I will have to use an immersion blender to get it really smooth :)

Valen said...

This looks great, and I have a bunch of yellow peppers!

Pam said...

We are heading to the coast (Pacific City) this weekend, I am hoping it will be sunny. Great photos.

The soup looks BEAUTIFUL - I love the color.

Mary Bergfeld said...

Linda, it was indeed Cibreo.

Maria said...

Love the bright yellow color!

Cathy said...

Your photos are wonderful, Mary. The beach is an awesome place during a storm.

Love the vibrancy of this soup. I can imagine who wonderful the flavor is.

Rita said...

What a lovely soup! I love roasted red pepper soup, but yout is new to me. We are vacationning in Victoria BC and your pictures were what we lived here on Good Friday; scary stuff. Thank you for your nice visit.Love your blog.

Claudia said...

After extraordinary sunshine and warmth in MN (a rare early spring), the welcome rains are coming and I know what will warm all of us - this hearthsome, hearty, soup!

Foodiewife said...

Mary, the shots of the stormy ocean are breathtaking! Almost every workday, I park at the famous Asilomar Beach (Pacific Grove, CA) to enjoy a packed lunch. I love it when it's stormy, and the waves are crashing. I'm mesmerized by it, so I loved your shots. As for the soup-- I've made a roasted red pepper soup, but I never thought of yellow peppers, which I always buy and grow in the summer. Lovely, and I'm always so pleased when I see your recipes. They're just lovely, and I marvel at how you post just about daily!

Lori said...

Since I love yellow peppers I bet I would love this. Looks so sunny Mary.

Kim said...

What a gorgeous soup Mary! I love the yellow color, perfect for adding some brightness on a stormy day.

The pictures of the Oregon coast are gorgeous!

The Fajdich Times said...

You really captured that storm. We had a rainy Easter also.....but not as beautiful as yours! I love roasted peppers and your soup sounds wonderful:)

Andreas said...

Looks like a great soup for the (few :) ) cold spells of spring.

♥ Kathy said...

That last picture is my favorite and the soup looks delicious!

Anonymous said...

It's been raining a lot lately here and I think homemade soup is what we need. yum! I hope all is well with you and your family.

The Blonde Duck said...

It's like a bowl of sunshine!

Devaki said...

Mary - What phenomenal pics - just the incentive needed to fix your delightful soup. Nothing but goodness there :)


Ciao, Devaki @ weavethousandflavors

LittleRed said...

That sounds delicious and I love the photos of the coast. I love stormy weather. I looks like it was a beautiful day to curl up in a nice sweater with a delicious bowl of your soup. I've got a pumpkin on my counter now waiting for me to make a I must add this to my to do list as well:) thanks for sharing!

Bonnibella said...

My boyfriend's parents live along the Oregon coast and it's always beautiful even when misty. I will have to make this soup for them the next time I visit Oregon.

Erica said...

I love red roasted pepper, but that soup looks delicious......I have to try the yellow pepper soon! Beautiful pictures.

Martha said...

This sounds wonderful Mary! I've never tried anything like this, can only imagine how good it is - bookmarking for a future feast :-)

Rambling Tart said...

Oh Mary, what gorgeously vivid color in that soup!! YUM! :-) And I adore your coastal pictures! They're marvelously wild and wonderful. :-)

Carla and Michael said...

Mary, beautiful pictures as always. I have roasted a lot of peppers, however never for a soup recipe. I've been wanting to try one from Giada on FN with reds and still haven't got around to it. I think I will try this one first! I have also heard that they can be served cold in the summertime with a dash of sour cream on top. Have you ever heard about that?

Mary Bergfeld said...

Carla, I often serve the soup cold, but I've never used sour cream.

Blessed Homemaker said...

I love peppers, any peppers! And this looks great for a wet day.

BTW, love your pics.

2 Stews said...

You are right Mary...a golden soup is perfect storm food! Your pics just carried me along and made me want the soup even more!! This is a winner and I think some of your sun dried tomato pesto on a crusty French bread would be the perfect addition :-)


Rita said...

I was sure I had left a comment; this soup sounds so good. I am intrigued by it. Wonderful photos.
Thank you for your visit.

Anonymous said...

Hi Mary, thank you for visiting by blog and leaving your nice comment :) I just wanted to say that you photos are truly amazing and this roasted pepper soup sounds delicious! I would never thought of turning this yummy vegetable into soup. Brilliant idea to serve it with a piece of fantastic crunchy home made bread ... what a perfect dish!|

Mrs. L said...

I can't wait until yellow peppers go on sale at my market to try this. I still have wonderful memories of a soup like this I used to get at a local restaurant.

Diana's Cocina said...

This is a beautiful soupand full of flavor.

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