
Sunday, May 30, 2010

Blue Cheese and Onion Burger Topping

When I fire up the grill for burgers, it's rarely to make gourmet patties. Hamburgers are an occasional treat for Bob and me, and we so enjoy them that I'm loathe to season the meat with anything other than salt and pepper. I do, however, do a lot of work with the condiments and relishes I serve with the burgers. Among my favorites are a Balsamic Onion Marmalade which I shared with your last year. Today's blue cheese and onion topping is another. The award winning recipe was developed by Norma Reynolds for Country Woman Magazine. She uses the flavored onions as a side dish to accompany meat for special dinners. I prefer to use them as a topping for an all-American burger. You'll find these onions extremely easy to make. I've cut back a bit on the amount of butter used in her recipe and, by trial and error, have concluded that 1/4-inch onion slices work best in this dish. I like the onions to retain a faint crunch and have found that onions cut too much thinner than that tend to form an unappetizing slurry. Blue cheese can be downright unpleasant when used to excess. Here it's paired with lovely caramelized onions and creates a real taste treat. I hope you'll try this so you can judge for yourself. Here is the recipe.

Blue Cheese and Onion Burger Topping...from the kitchen of One Perfect Bite courtesy of Country Woman Magazine


1-1/2 cups (6 ounces) crumbled blue cheese
2 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce
1/2 teaspoon dill weed
1/4 teaspoon pepper
2 large onions, thinly sliced
4 tablespoons butter, melted


1) Preheat oven to 425 degrees F.
2) Combine blue cheese, Worcestershire sauce, dill and pepper in bowl of a food processor; cover and process until blended.
3) Place onions in an ungreased 13-in. x 9-in. baking dish. Drizzle with butter; top with tablespoonfuls of blue cheese mixture.
4) Bake, uncovered, for 20-25 minutes or until golden brown. Serve immediately. Yield: 2 cups.

You might also like these recipes:
Blue Cheese Twice Stuffed Potatoes - One Perfect Bite
Blue Cheese Steak Sandwich - One Perfect Bite
Blue Cheese Gougeres - One Perfect Bite

This post is being linked to:
Smiling Sally - Blue Monday


  1. My husband is crazy for blue cheese but not fond of onions. I, however, would go for this burger exactly this way! Yum!

  2. YumYum! You sound like Bobby Flay! He only likes to season his burgers with the toppings. Me, I go both ways - I just love a good burger that's all!

    Have a great weekend!

  3. A PERFECT topping for burgers for the kick-off of barbecue season!

  4. Oh my goodness - that sounds delicious! Blue cheese and onions are two things I love. Yesterday, in a restaurant, I had a smoked chicken salad with onion marmalade and aioli. I'm going straight over to the post with the onions.

  5. This sounds delicious! I love onions and blue cheese, so I will have to try making this.

  6. Onion and blue cheese together definitely make a perfect burger topping!

  7. Ant onion and cheese combination is good, this sound fantastic. Diane

  8. I love blue cheese, so this recipe sounds perfect!!
    Hope you have a lovely Sunday,

  9. These do look and sound amazing... love everything in the ingredient list... keeping this recipe

  10. Blue cheese is wonderful with beef and onions? Well, they make everything better! Have a wonderful day, Mary!
    xoxo pattie

  11. Mary, it looks like you have perfected this condiment. Can't wait to try it.

  12. I haven't even had my breakfast yet and now I am positively craving a burger with blue cheese and caramelized onions! Just delicious and a perfect treat to enjoy on a holiday weekend!

  13. I think caramelized onions are the best burger toppings! I love that you paired them with blue cheese. Definitely a winner. I bet they would also be great on a piece of steak.

  14. That is a combination of 2 of my husband's favorite things. It sounds delicious!

  15. I love topping everything with onions and I adore blue cheese so this is definitely for me!

    Have a fabulous weekend!


  16. Very gourmet! Love the bleu cheese, as my husband would love this one too, and onions. Oh yes!

  17. Blue cheese provides such a savory note to the burgers - the onions just send it over the edge to happy-burger-eating-land. I don't mess with meat either when doing burgers - much more fun to play with the toppings.

  18. This looks yummy! There is nothing like onion, blue cheese and beef!

  19. Hi Mary,
    Thank you so much for warning me about my typo. Yes, it was basil I should had wright and not bail... Have a try on that loaf because the flavours are really amazing
    Thanks again and have a nice day,

  20. I made the mistake of turning on food network late last night and saw a show on mac n cheese, and one had a similar topping, so now I am sure I am going to be walking around thinking of a burger with this topping and a side of mac n cheese- I will have to walk an extra few miles for this indulgence!

  21. Blue cheese is the best cheese ever and you did it up perfectly! That is one incredibly delicious looking burger! Here's wishing you a wonderful safe Memorial weekend holiday!

  22. This is a great topping. I normally love my burgers plan, but this sounds irresistible.

  23. I love onions, lots of it. I include onions in just about every dish I cook. These looks so good!

  24. Hi Mary,
    sono rimasta incerta sul da farsi per questa ricetta, mi spiego :
    cosa intendi per Blue Cheese ?
    E' un vostro formaggio Americano o è il nostro formaggio italiano che noi chiamiamo " Gorgonzola " ?
    Happy day :-)

  25. A great topping for a burger!!

  26. I would love this topping on a juicy grilled burger.

  27. I made some grilled burgers today that had only salt and pepper. Soemtimes simple is best, but I do thrive on delicious toppings. This one would be so good Mary:D

  28. There is seriously nothing better on a burger than caramelized onions and blue cheese. Sounds perfect right about now!!


  29. I have just browsed your blogs and found awesome recipes for my party this weekend. I will give this recipe a try. Thanks for sharing.

  30. Hello Mary, I am in Florida and looking at my comments. Thank you for your visits.

    I picked the cherries, 2 1/2 galleons, and didn't have time to pit them or use them. I put them right off the tree into those green plastic bags (advertised on TV that preserves things)and put them in the refrigerator. Do you know if they will be ok until we get home on Weds. Should I freeze them? I thought you might know. Smile. If I should freeze them I can ask my sister to go in the house and do it for me. She is my backyard neighbor.

    I love the onion recipe. I could make this and I know my family will love it. Me too!

    Hugs, Jeanne

  31. This sounds great, must be really nice as well...have a wonderful week mary

  32. You have made my husband very happy, 2 of his favorite things and I copied these recipes!!!

  33. Ummm...I KNOW we will love this. We have onions of some kind most every 'em. Thanks for the lovely recipe.
    Enjoy the holiday.
    xo bj

  34. Definitely a fabulous topping for burgers, very interesting..

  35. Beautiful blue bowl. I love blue cheese too so that recipe sounds scrumptious. Happy Blue Monday.

  36. I love blue cheese! Sounds awesome with the onions!

  37. You hit the nail on the head, Mary, as this is HAMBURGER WEEKEND! Happy Blue Monday.

  38. Great holiday recipe...I never would have thought of doing them that way!

    Have a wonderful Blue Monday!


  39. I would love to hvae this on my hamburgers. Sounds delicious! Hope you are having a great Memorial Day weekend.

  40. Gabriel, I just wanted to welcome you to One Perfect Bite. I hope you enjoy the recipes. Have a wonderful day. Blessings...Mary

  41. lovely topping....going to try it

  42. Perfect for my burger as well! Who could ever resist this!

  43. Thanks Mary for that lovely welcome. I really enjoyed learning new recipes from One Perfect Bite. Thanks a lot

  44. Thanks to your inspiration, I made burgers with caramelized onions & blue cheese this weekend. They were probably the best burgers I've ever eaten.

    Martha in KS

  45. Martha, I'm glad the burgers work well for you. Hugs and blessings....Mary

  46. Thanks Mary for that lovely welcome. I really enjoyed learning new recipes from One Perfect Bite.

  47. Yummy,blue cheeze i love to eat this,and also i will have to try making this.thanx for sharing.

  48. This sounds delicious! I love onions and blue cheese, so I will have to try making this. A great topping for a burger!thanx.

  49. I really enjoyed learning new recipes from One Perfect Bite, thanx for the wonderful post.

  50. I love making compound butters and this is one of the best. Great for steaks, burgers, corn on the cob...and baked potatoes. Wow...delicious! Thanks so much - it gets a big 5 from me. Great post

  51. Wow, that Sounds delicious! Hope you are having a great Memorial Day weekend. thanx for the post.

  52. Well, I love blue cheese! Sounds awesome with the onions, thanx for the post.

  53. Quiet good. should be perfect for burger toppings. Thank you for showing the recipes.

  54. These were good. I didn't have any dry mustard so I left that out but kept everything else the same (eyeballed the quantities) but I'd make these again.

  55. I like burgers, And I'm sure I will love to put this topping for a perfect burger :). Its looks really very yummy.

  56. I love onions and blue cheese, so I will have to try making this. thanx for sharing with us.

  57. I was wondering if anyone knows of a brand of blue cheese that has a lot of the blue mold veins in it. I tend to eat the more heavily molded/veined parts of the cheese so I was actually wondering if any brand goes a little heavy on it when they make the cheese. Thanx.

  58. Well, I love blue cheese too so that recipe sounds scrumptious. Happy Blue Monday. thanx for the post.

  59. Delicious, but I wish the blue cheese would have been more fine. Perhaps grate your own if you don't like big doses of blue cheese.

  60. I thought this was pretty bad, but then again maybe i just don't like the consistency of ground chicken which is really mooshy. also it wasn't at all spicy, and i found it hard to tell if the chicken was properly cooked since the wing sauce colored it orange.

  61. I love Buffalo wings, and this a great healhy alternative, I followed the recipe to a T and they turned out juicy and delicious!

  62. I could make this and I know my family will love it. Me too! thanx.

  63. We made these for my daughter's Baptism. We had a small bbq at our house afterwards. I think we used less onions than the recipe called for. Everyone enjoyed their burgers, so I think it was a hit!!

  64. This sounds delicious. Blue cheese and onions are two things I love. Thank you for sharing this one. Love it.


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