Sunday, May 16, 2010

Blueberry Glacé Pie - Blue Monday

From the kitchen of One Perfect Bite...I am readying myself for a feast of epic proportions. Tomorrow is Bob's birthday and I've spent a good part of the day preparing for the celebration. Bob is a pie person, so, while there will be a token cake holding a passel of candles, the real emphasis will be on some of his favorite pies. The pie I'm featuring today has been around for quite awhile. Before image consultants took it uptown, it was called an icebox pie. For better or for worse, it's now referred to as a glacéd pie. Fortunately, it has remained easy to do and it's a wonderful recipe to have on hand for berry season. It is a pure berry tart and, unlike many icebox pies, this one has no custard filling. While I used a crumb crust for this occasion, short crusts are also wonderful with this tart. Be sure to use fresh berries when making this pie. Frozen berries exude too much liquid and will keep the filling from setting properly. Those of you who love fruit will love the zen-like simplicity of this pie. Here's the recipe.

Blueberry Glacé Pie...from the kitchen of One Perfect Bite


1/2 to 3/4 cup sugar
2-1/2 tablespoons cornstarch
1/4 teaspoon salt
2/3 cup water
3 to 4 cups fresh blueberries
2 tablespoons unsalted butter
1-1/2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice
1-1/2 tablespoons orange liqueur
1 8 or 9-inch pastry shell, baked
Optional: whipped cream for garnish

1) Combine sugar, cornstarch and salt in a saucepan. Whisk in water. Stir in 1 cup blueberries. Bring to a boil, stirring constantly, and cook until very thick, about 15 minutes. Remove from heat. Stir in butter, lemon juice and orange liqueur. Let cool.
2) Fold reserved blueberries into blueberry sauce. Refrigerate for 1 hour. When chilled, spoon into cooked pastry shell and refrigerate for 1 hour longer. Garnish with whipped cream if desired. Yield: 6-8 servings.

You might also enjoy these recipes:
Strawberry Glace Tart - One Perfect Bite
Chocolate and Hazelnut Pie with Vanilla Cream - One Perfect Bite
Apple Custard Pie with Streusel Topping

This post is being linked to:
Smiling Sally - Blue Monday


My Little Space said...

Jolly good! This looking like a perfect spring pie. Love the blueberries on it. Have a good day!
Best regards, Kristy

Ren- Lady Of The Arts said...

I like the zen like simplicity!

Angie's Recipes said...

Happy Birthday to Bob!
Even a non-pie person would love this blueberry pie! Simply tempting.

giorno26 ¸¸.•*¨*•. said...

Hi Mary e buon compleanno a Bob !!!
la casa che possiedo in montagna e proprio vicino ad un bosco dove ci sono tantissimi frutti di bosco, dalla more, alle fragoline, ai mirtilli, alle ciliegie di montagna.
Questa tua ricetta, appena in montagna farà più caldo da far crescere questi frutti sarà mia premura realizzarla.
Grazie di averla condivisa con noi amanti della montagna !!
Buona giornata :-)))

Federica Simoni said...

buon Compleanno a Bob e complimenti per questa crostata super golosa!! ciao!

Patricia @ ButterYum said...

Oh dear.... I'd love a slice for breakfast! I'm a huge blueberry pie fan. Huge!!


Zurin said...

Happy birthday to Bob and that pie looks dazzling! its no wonder he loves pies.

Joanne said...

Wow. Is really all I can say to this. The filling looks so thick and incredibly delicious. Love that deep blue hue.

Allie and Pattie said...

Oh lovely!! And I have a ton of berries around. Happy birthday to Bob!
xoxo Pattie

Jann said...

This is the perfect birthday pie!It is gorgeous and so healthy!!

Martha said...

I'll keep this on hand for blueberry season -- it looks yummy and I do like this kind of pie!

Happy Blue Monday to you!

♥Sugar♥Plum♥Fairy♥ said...

An Absolutely stunning Pie...loving it the beauty of the delicious berries , heightened by the creamy dream..
Super sunday to u....

oneordinaryday said...

Just gorgeous. Beautiful job.

Ana Powell said...

Happy Birthday to Bob.
A stunning & delicious pie ♥

Becky said...

Mary, tell Bob "Happy Birthday!" Mike loves blueberry pie and we have blueberries on our bushes at the farm. I'm going to give your recipe a go when they get ripe. Thanks for sharing. The recipe I've been using the last few years uses a short crust, so I will enjoy trying the crumb crust. I also like the addition of orange liqueur.

Katy ~ said...

I make a very similar pie but without the orange liquer. Now that I see it in your list of ingredients, I am definitely going to have to try it. Mary, this looks super good, and is the single best way I know to showcase blueberries in a pie.

Julie said...

Beautiful, those blueberries look amazingly good. Happy Birthday to Bob!

pam said...

I like pies that have zen-like simplicity! Those are my favorite kind of pies!

Unknown said...

Your lovely pies! Before I can make one, another one comes along! And then another one! Lucky Bob! Happy Birthday to him!

Ciao Chow Linda said...

Who wouldn't love a beautiful pie like that? Can I tell you my birthday?

Katrina said...

Ooh, that looks so good. We are more pie people here, too!

Lucie said...

I love the look of this pie, Mary! Happy Birthday to Bob :)

Cathy said...

This pie really showcases the wonderful flavor of the fruit. Happy birthday wishes to Bob.

SashaInTheKitchen said...

looks amazing!

Sushma Mallya said...

Happy bday to bob, pie looks beautiful

Pondside said...

We are pie lovers in this house too. My blueberry pies are always mum's recipe. The word that comes to mind on looking at your photo is 'luscious'. I'll be trying this one.

Gloria Baker said...

Mary this Bluberry Glacé Pie is fantastic, love it! Love the blueberries! huggs gloria

Jen_from_NJ said...

Happy Birthday to Bob! What a great pie! Enjoy!

Jaynie said...

I am a pie person also. With the exception of Coconut Cream, fruit pies are my favorite. I will definitely be trying this come berry season.

Diane said...

This looks so yummy. Wish Bob a Happy Birthday from France. Diane

Monica said...

Looks sweet hubby will love it. Thank you for sharing!

PeggyR said...

Oh that looks heavenly! I hope Bob has a wonderful birthday! I love to eat blueberries right out of the container, but I think I will have to make a pie now!

Debbi Does Dinner Healthy said...

The pie looks excellent! I've cooked a lot with blueberries but I have never made a blueberry pie. I think it's about time...

Unknown said...

Mary that looks absolutely wonderful!!! I love blueberries!

D said...

Mary, a beautiful pie and Happy Birthday to Bob. I hope you two are having a wonderful weekend.

Hiperica di Lady Boheme said...

Hi dear, wonderful look and delicious recipe! Thanks for your nice comment! Your blog I like lot! Kisses

Devaki said...

Dear Mary - I am absolutely loving your color coded food posts! Happy birthday to BOB :)

It has been on my list to make a blueberry pie and now you've provided with both the recipe and the inspiration :)

Ciao, Devaki

Julie said...

This is my absolute FAVORITE kind of blueberry pie! I love the berries when they are just chilled instead of baked. I'm bookmarking your recipe to try next time I want to make it.

Claudia said...

I do love the fruitiness of this - fruitiness combined with zen - how can it not be wonderful? And so spring-pretty.

Unknown said...

Growing-up my mom always made blueberry pies, I have made one in awhile. THANKS!!! for reminding me. HAPPY!!! BIRTHDAY!!! BOB.

Ingrid de Villiers said...

Oh Mary...this Blueberry pie looks delicious!! I wish I could have a slice of yours now with my hot cup of tea!! Pure bliss!!

Valerie Harrison (bellini) said...

The best thing about icebox pies, and of course if there are any leftovers, they can be put back in the freezer for another day.

Unknown said...

Mary, the pie looks delicious. I hope you had a great weekend. Please send my birthday regard to Bob. Michael.

Pam said...

What I would give for a slice of this pie... it looks lovely Mary.

Hiperica di Lady Boheme said...

Hi dear! In my blog there are the awards for you!
I are happy of add you at my blog-roll. Kisses

Martha said...

Hi Mary,
Thanks so much for stopping by my blog. I've been on kind of a blogging break lately, just not much time to post or visit. I was so happy to see you pop in over at The Motivation Station too. Have a great week! :-)

Foley said...

Mary - the pie is worthy of actually drooling on my keyboard! Looks fantastic and the recipe surprised me as to the ease of it!
All sorts of berries are now running through my mind....

Tom said...

That looks great! Not only can I imagine how good it must taste, but I also have blueberry stains on my teeth just from reading this post.

Anonymous said...

This looks terrific! I love bluberrys and I never have made a pie with them it looks perfect for summer. Have a nice day!

sweetlife said...

happy bday to BOB!! this pie look so beautiful, I don't htink I could cut into it..ya I would


Sarah @ Mum In Bloom said...

This looks really easy and delicious! What a great way to make a healthful sweet treat. I love pies and will definately make this. I just made a gross zucchini lemon pie - but at least the crust came out good ;o)
Thanks for the inspiration as always :)

Lori said...

Mary it looks delicious. I dont think I have ever had an open blueberry pie. It seems I like pies more and more.

Jeannie said...

Oh wow! I would love to sink my teeth into a piece of that pie!
Happy birthday to Bob:D

peggy gatto said...

Sending you a yummy thank you!!!!

The Quintessential Magpie said...

Mary, that is a divine recipe. I have fresh blueberries in the fridge as I type, and I might just have to try this one. It sounds so good.

I love ice box pies. My grandmother used to make lemon ones a lot. I don't know that I've tried a blueberry one, but your recipe is so good I think I will!

Wishing Bob a very Happy Birthday!

Happy Blue Monday...


Sheila :-)

xinex said...

Everytime I visit your blog, I get hungry, Mary. That pie looks delish! Happy birthday to Bob!...Christine

Little Inbox said...

With a piece of Blueberry Glacé pie, there won't be Monday blue for me, hehe...

Anna said...

I love blueberry...thanks for sharing this recipe, I'm going to bookmark it! Ciao, Anna

luna said...

Just gorgeous. Beautiful job.
Happy BM...Luna

SmilingSally said...

My husband's favorite birthday cake is also a pie! Happy Blue Monday, Mary.

Becky said...

I realise I already commented on the deliciousness of your pie, but I'm back because I decided to join in the Blue Monday fun.

black eyed susans kitchen said...

Oh my...this looks delicious and perfect timing...I will keep this recipe for blueberry season which is just around the corner at the Jersey Shore!

gengen said...

Wow i like that we have a lot of blueberry you want some fresh too. Happy blue Monday.

Decor To Adore said...

Oh yum! Your blue makes my heart go pitter pat. Well done!

Becky K. said...

Happy Birthday to Bob!

The blueberry pie makes my mouth water! Yummy!

Becky K.

Sherrie said...

I am up in Maine and this is the Blueberry Capital. Nothing better than fresh blueberries in a pie. Thanks for the recipe..

~ Janie ~ said...

Wow! This reminds me of a blueberry tart my mother used to make. I think I must try this one. Happy birthday to Bob!

Shy said...

Happy Birthday to Bob, Thats one delicious blue berry cake.

JEANNE said...

Hello Mary, I have been gone for 4 days on an antique shopping spree in Ohio and KY. My sister is a dealer and I went along for the fun. I'm hoping you won't give up on me Mary. I love visiting your wonderful blog so I will always be back for more. smile.

Happy birthday to your hubby tomorrow. I too prefer pie to any other dessert. My dad was a pie guy too. My mom catered to his love of pie. We had lots pf pie during my growing up years.

I love this recipe. I have a strawberry pie recipe that is very much like this one. Fresh strawberries are a must as well. It sounds delicious.

Have a happy cooking day. I wonder what you will cook for the big day.

I bet you will post it. smile!
Hugs, Jeanne

eileeninmd said...

Delicious looking pie, I love blueberries! Happy birthday to Bob!

Anonymous said...

Yummy looking pie! Love blueberries, too! ... Karen

CailinMarie said...

oh gorgeous! blueberries are the best!

Jamie said...

Mary, I don't often use the very teen word awesome but awesome! What an amazing pie! I could sink in that luscious, deep blue goodness. How I love fruit pies!

Alicia Foodycat said...

Happy (belated) birthday to Bob! Wonderful pie.

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