
Thursday, June 3, 2010

Asparagus Soup

From the kitchen of One Perfect Bite...The asparagus crop here in Oregon appears not to have been hurt by our strange spring weather. I have so much of it that I've had to research ways in which to use it. I came across an asparagus soup recipe develop by Emeril Lagasse that sounded good enough to eat. It turned out to be that and more. The soup is decidedly understated and could be elegant if served in small cups or terrines. I opted to serve bowls of it as part of a salad supper. This is a creamy soup that achieves its smoothness without the addition of large quantities of milk or cream. No part of the asparagus is wasted in its preparation. Even the woody stalks are simmered to make the both in which the other vegetables are cooked. I will make this soup again during asparagus season. It would be prohibitively expensive at other times of year. The recipe can be halved or doubled depending on your needs. This soup would also be delicious with the addition of a good curry powder. Here's the recipe as it was originally developed.

Asparagus Soup
...from the kitchen of One Perfect Bite, courtesy of Emeril Lagasse

3 pounds fresh asparagus, rinsed
8 cups chicken or vegetable stock
4 tablespoons unsalted butter
1 cup minced shallots
1 cup minced leeks, whites only, well rinsed
1 tablespoon minced garlic
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon ground white pepper
1/2 cup heavy cream
1/4 cup finely grated Parmesan, garnish

1) Trim attractive top tips from asparagus, about 1 to 1-1/2-inches in length. Cut woody stem ends from each spear and reserve. Cut remaining tender stalks into 1/2-inch pieces.
2) In a medium pot, bring stock to a boil. Add tough woody stems, lower heat and simmer to infuse with asparagus flavor, about 20 to 30 minutes. Remove with a slotted spoon and discard, reserving stock.
3) Add decorative tips to stock and blanch until tender, about 1 to 1-1/2 minutes. Remove with a strainer and refresh in an ice water bath. Drain on paper towels and reserve for garnish. Reserve stock.
4) In a medium stockpot, melt butter over medium-high heat. When foamy, add shallots and leeks and cook until tender, about 3 minutes. Add garlic and cook until fragrant, about 1 minute. Add chopped asparagus stalks, salt, and pepper, and cook, stirring, for 2 minutes. Add reserved broth and simmer until the asparagus are very tender, 15 to 20 minutes. Remove from heat.
5) With a hand-immersion blender or in batches in a food processor, puree soup until smooth. Adjust the seasoning, to taste. If serving right away, return to medium heat and add cream and reserved asparagus tips. Cook, stirring, until soup is warmed through, about 3 minutes.
6) Alternatively, if serving soup later, do not add cream and let cool at room temperature (or in an ice water bath). Cover and refrigerate. Before serving, add cream and asparagus tips, and warm soup gently over medium heat, stirring occasionally. To serve, place soup in a soup tureen and sprinkle with cheese. Ladle into demi-tasse cups or small coffee or tea cups, and serve. Yield: 8 (1-cup) servings.

You might also enjoy these recipes:
Asparagus and White Bean Salad - One Perfect Bite
Penne with Asparagus and Lemon Sauce - One Perfect Bite
Savory Asparagus and Goat's Cheese Tart - One Perfect Bite


  1. Today at the store I picked up asparagus, and then put them down, not having inspiration for a recipe, then I came for a vist...great sopu, I love that no part was wasted..bookmarked..


  2. That's a wonderful soup. I think curry powder would be great in it. Should have picked up some asparagus while I was at the market.

  3. I just picked up some white asparagus, do you think it would work with this recipe?

    I LOVE asparagus soup...just love it! apar

  4. I adore asparagus so I'm sure I'd enjoy this lovely soup and it's in season down south!

  5. what a lovely colour soup, so unique and nice way to use asparagus as well...lovely one mary and hope you have a great day...

  6. Delicious soup in a beautiful bowl! Love it!

  7. my mouth is watering! may I post a link to your blog on my Facebook page?

  8. Thanks for the recipe, Mary. I love Asparagus Soup....Christine

  9. What a fresh and delicious sounding recipe.

  10. Oh, yum! Looks delish, sounds healthy and is on my to make list!

    Delightful Bitefuls

  11. Wat a healthy soup..feel like finishing rite now..

  12. There are lots of asparagus around! This sounds like a great use. yummy!

  13. Oh my, this looks so delicious! I must make this, yes, I must!

  14. This is such a wonderful & comforting recipe, Mary. Hope that I could get some nice & cheap fresh asparagus here so that I can try this out soon. I think more asparagus recipes will be coming soon since it's their season. Hope you're enjoying your day!
    Cheers, Kristy

  15. I love asparagus. It's in season now. I love all the fat ones...very delicious stir fried. Never thought of it as a soup. Looks delicious and comforting! Have a lovely day. Mary

  16. Hi Mary,
    come ho scritto precedentemente, mia madre amava tantissimo gli asparagi...
    E di conseguenza li cucinava in tutte le maniere possibili !
    La zuppa di asparagi e buonissima e molo delicata.
    Buona giornata :-)

  17. This is a very delicious soup! The combination of asparagus and leek sounds perfect.

  18. My favorite soup -- asparagus is in the market and I'm so very happy! We buy it in big bunches!

    I'll have to try this version for I like the addition of the leeks and shallots (mine calls for onion only).

  19. Sounds absolutely wonderful. I love using the immersion blender - so much easier than dealing with liquid and the cuisinart!


  20. Now I wish it were asparagus season all over again! Sigh. I'll have to bookmark this for next year. It looks lovely.

  21. I will try this one Mary. Asparagus is one of my favorite vegetables and the curry sounds like a wonderful idea
    xoxo Pattie

  22. I was just getting ready to e-mail our favorite farmer who will be at the opening market on Saturday and ask about asparagus with a plea to "save me some". I'm going to ask for five pounds (fingers crossed). Three for soup, one for asparagus pesto and one to steam and munch. Now, if someone could tell me how to preserve asparagus in as near a natural state as possible, I'd really be happy.


  23. My mouth is watering just looking at the recipe. Definitely one for the asparagus season!

  24. Asparagus is one of my favorite vegetables. I love this time of year. I made this soup a few months ago. We loved the flavors.

  25. I love making asparagus soup where no part of the fresh local asparagus goes to waste.This version is extra appealing Mary.

  26. Super timing! The asparagus is perfect right now.
    I LOVE this recipe and you're's a perfect meal with a small salad.

  27. Hi Mary,
    The colour is so intense and the favour must be delicious. I love asparagus soup and yours seems perfect to me.

  28. You are right, with asparagus nothing goes to waste. A very beautiful vegetable.

  29. Loving this - a delicious soup that's truly only grand this time of year. I love all the leeks to enhance the soup.

  30. We just can't get too much of this right now! Thanks Mary, it's on "to make list" for sure.

  31. This is a beautiful and elegant (and delicious) soup. I am glad you used all the parts of the asparagus.

  32. Too much asparagus? If only I had such problems!

    As always, your photo is a masterpiece! Have a lovely day my friend.


  33. Looking forward to trying this out. Thanks for this one. Diane

  34. I love asparagus soup -- had it for the first time while I visited the Galapagos Islands... I think this will bring back good memories :)

  35. Oh, that looks delicious! My grandpa and mom cook one very similar to this but only with white asparagus. Green asparagus is hard to come by in Germany.

  36. Gello Mary,

    What a splendid soup! looks really delicious :-)

    Have a nice day!

  37. Looks smooth and delicious. There is always room for one more asparagus recipe and this is a winner. Thanks Mary.

  38. This is one of my favorite soup!! Yours looks so creamy and tasty!

  39. Mmm, fantastic, Mary! We've had so much rain lately that soup is just perfect. :-)

  40. This looks delicious. Thanks for sharing. You have beautiful photography.

  41. Lovely and smooth! Asparagus is one of the Earth's great gifts!

  42. I like the soup but have never prepared asparagus soup myself. Good run down of the recipe!

  43. You know Mary, I was thinking to make some soup for tonight, and this look absolutely nice, Lo ve asparagus soup, huggs gloria

  44. Olá;
    Eu adoro sopa de aspargos.
    Parabéns pelo seu blog, vou te seguir.

    Maria Paula -BRASIL-

  45. Asparagus is one of my all time favorite vegetables. I love that the Spring makes them so abundant, even here in Florida.

    Love the soup. If it is a Emeril recipe, it's got to be good.

  46. That soup sounds sublime, what with the addition of the cream and the shallots! Lovely!

  47. Oooh, this looks wonderful! I don;t think I've eveer had asperagus soup. It sounds so good though - and I like the curry idea too!

  48. the soup looks lovely in that bowl.

  49. This is a wonderful soup... asparagus is a favourite vegetable!!!

  50. I love this time of year for the asparagus. Some day I'll blog about my (short) career as an asparagus picker. I'd go home with bags of imperfect asparagus and then I'd make soup - yummy!

  51. Mary, here the spring was awkward, too. Mostly raining and cold - all over the Europe...I have tried so many recipes with green asparagus this year, but I forgot about the soup! Thanks for reminding me and have a nice, sunny weekend.

  52. Looks like a very thick, creamy and satisfying soup and a great way to use asparagus too. ;-)

  53. Everything you make looks absolutely stunning. wow.

  54. I never tried this dish before. Not a huge turkey fan (not even on Thanksgiving!), I'll probably try it with chicken :)


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