
Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Curried Turkey Salad

From the kitchen of One Perfect Bite...I took advantage of a sale on bone-in turkey breasts at one of our local supermarkets today. I bought several to feed the freezer and another to make this lovely turkey salad. The recipe won an honorable mention in a recipe contest several years ago. While I poached the turkey for tonight's salad, it can be made with freshly roasted poultry or even leftovers, if they are not too dry. Chicken also works well. With warm weather rapidly approaching, I thought some of you might like to have the recipe for this easy main course salad. It works well for luncheons and it is perfect for a light summer meal. I think those of you who try this will really enjoy it. Here's the recipe.

Curried Turkey Salad...from the kitchen of One Perfect Bite

3 to 4 cups cooked turkey, cut into 1/2-inch pieces
1-1/2 cups chopped celery
1-1/2 cups seedless red grapes, halved
1/2 cup mayonnaise
1/2 cup plain yogurt
1 tablespoon lime juice
1/4 cup chutney
1 to 2 tablespoons mild curry powder or curry powder to taste
1 teaspoon kosher salt or salt to taste
1/2 cup salted roasted peanuts

1) Combine turkey, celery and grapes in a large bowl. Set aside.
2) Combine mayonnaise, yogurt, lime juice and chutney in a small bowl. Add curry powder and salt to taste.
3) Pour dressing over turkey mixture and toss gently to combine. Refrigerate for 1 hour. Just before serving fold peanuts into salad. Yield: 4 to 6 servings.

You might also enjoy these recipes:
Thai Tuna Salad - One Perfect Bite
Pistachio Chicken Salad with Goat Cheese Medallions - One Perfect Bite
Asian Chicken or Shrimp Salad - One Perfect Bite


  1. I always forget about using turkey when it's not the holidays. :-) This salad sounds amazing though, Mary. :-) Love that curried sauce!

  2. Hi Mary,
    questa insalata รจ una bella variante da fare in estate !!!
    Deliziosa !!!
    Buona giornata e grazie delle visite :-))

  3. looks so appetizing and healthy. I love curry sauce, so delicious! :)

  4. Delicious, Mary!...Christine

  5. I love the sweet and tangy flavour in this salad. So very refreshing! Have a nice day!
    Cheers, Kristy

  6. This looks so good! Love the curried sauce!

  7. Am a big fan of meat salad, this curried turkey salad looks super prefect for me.

  8. Hi Mary,
    I love curries and your salad seems perfect and delicious!!

  9. The curry sauce makes it looks so appetising!

  10. Looks truly yummy! I have never made any salad with curry. Must give them a try!

  11. Mary, chicken salad with red grapes is a favorite here- using turkey and curry can only make it better! Lovely!
    xoxo Pattie

  12. This really sounds great, Mary. Always this far from Thanksgiving, I start yearning for roasted turkey and this is a great summer dish.

  13. Looks delicious, this is my favorite way to eat turkey and frequently smoke a turkey breast just for turkey salad. I'll have to try the curried version.

  14. Turkey is one of my all time favorites. My family is iffy about it but I get it anytime we are out. This looks like a meal I could tuck into!

  15. These spices really dress up a plain old turkey salad into something memorable.

  16. My mom used to make one just like this(but without the yogurt) oh my this brings back memories...served on lettuce leaves in big open stemmed glasses... a ladies lunch dish to be sure and I loved stealing the grapes!

  17. We love curried anything! What a great luncheon dish!

  18. I think it will be a lovely summer salad! I love the curry sauce it's great!
    I am inviting you and all your friends to participate in the give away now running in my blog!
    Be Happy.

  19. I think it will be a lovely summer salad! I love the curry sauce it's great!
    I am inviting you and all your friends to participate in the give away now running in my blog!
    Be Happy.

  20. Can't say that I have ever had curried turkey before. Makes it healthier!

  21. Turkey is often a forgotten summertime food, bit so good for you. Thanks for sharing Mary:D

  22. This really makes my mouth water:)

  23. What a beautiful salad! I wish I have a big freezer so I can stock up meats when they are on sale. Have a nice day!

  24. Mary, we must be living in parallel universes.

    At our kitchen, we made curried chicken salad on mini cram puffs.

    This looks wonderful. I'm going to try it with the turkey.

  25. Mary, this sounds so easy and delicious. I'm always on the lookout for salad recipes. My husband would adore the curry and grapes in this.

  26. Curry is definitely one of my go-to spices, however I have never tried it paired with something sweet like the grapes. I bet it goes great!

  27. I love this. I do something similar with chicken. Perfect for these oppressing days of 94 degree heat.

  28. This is one of my favorite salads. The flavors and textures here are a perfect combination.

  29. Mary, love the recipe! We have a similar use with leftover chicken: a little curry, mayonnaise, slivered almonds, dried cranberries... Next time I'll use your recipe: the grapes and yogurt have a wonderful added value.

    Stay out of the heat Saturday... forecast 80!

  30. This is great for summer. It's looks light and spicy! Thanks for the great recipe and beautiful photo.

  31. Great recipe for these hot summer nights!! Think I will make this for a picnic in the park with the North Carolina Symphony!

  32. Mary,
    What a light and refreshing salad. I have fallen in love with curry powder over these last few months. This looks great!

  33. I have not had even curried chicken salad in a while, this is making me drool! Is it lunch time yet!

  34. I don't know why I don't ever think of cooking turkey in the summer. I actually prefer the flavor over chicken too. Your salad looks lovely and the curry is just the right touch.

  35. Hi Mary, another wonderful recipe. I love red grapes in curried salads. Great touch with the peanuts.

  36. I love the way you mix the ingredients. You're a Master! Lovely salad and thanks for the recipe.
    Have a great day darling

  37. I love curried chicken salad, so this might be a nice twist. mmm I'm hungry for lunch now.

  38. Just looking at the picture makes me want that in a sandwich. Right now. What kind of chutney did you use?

  39. I will have to save this recipe for when I have leftover turkey. It looks delicious and after Thanksgiving I'm always looking for good recipes to use the bird up :)

  40. Oh, I love the looks of this salad. It is very similar to one that I made recently. It is so nice to have salads for a summer evening isn't it? Have a wonderful day!

  41. I just had to print out this recipe! lookinf for summer meals and this one is perfect; thank you.

  42. I love the flavor of turkey (way more than chicken) but dont' really cook it outside of Thanksgiving. No idea why. This salad looks delicious. I love the chutney addition!

  43. Beautiful flavours and colour ♥

  44. This is such a must have for the summer recipe. Thanks for sharing recipe. I LOVE grapes in a white meat salad :)

    Ciao, Devaki @ weavethousandflavors

  45. I love the addition of grapes and yogurt. sounds so refreshing! Perfect for summer!

  46. Turkey is a meat I don't use often in my cooking but curried turkey makes perfect sense. A lovely salad paired with grapes.

  47. Great looking salad, Mary! I used to make something similar for my daughter, when she was in high school, but with chicken, and no chutney (she is not a fan, I am.)

    Btw, I don't have to lurk anymore, I can read your blog in the open now! Thanks for the kind words.

  48. Love the curry in this salad.

  49. I love salad!!!! It looks and sounds brilliant!

    Have a great week!

  50. Seems every grocery store has rotisserie chicken and/or turkey these days. But even if they don't, buying chicken/turkey breasts and baking them yourself is still a ton cheaper and better tasting than lunch meat. More versatile, too. Recipes like this have saved us a bunch as we've been trying to brown bag it more often. Thanks!

  51. Mary, this looks delicious...I will definitely make it. I love curry and luckily it is healthy too!

  52. i've made something similar and it was delicious...especially stuffed in a pita :)

    btw - your header photo is just stunning.

  53. I love curried chicken or turkey salad--this looks great!

  54. I like the combination of sweet, salty and savory here. Sounds like a lovely summer entree.

  55. That sounds just perfect for summer...yum!

  56. I love curry chicken salad, but never thought of subbing it with turkey. Cool idea!

  57. I think I improved my record time in copy and pssting a recipe! This looks delicious and will definitely be on my summer table!
    Thanks so much for the recipe!!


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