
Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Flaked Parsley Salad with Black Olives and Cheese

From the kitchen of One Perfect Bite...Those of you who have traveled the backroads and byways of the Mediterranean are probably familiar with this salad. I learned of it ten years ago while paging through an article written by Paula Wolfert, a respected food writer and teacher with expertise in the food of the region. The recipe was unusual enough to catch my eye and simple enough to hold my attention. While I love to serve the salad with grilled meat or fish, I also like to incorporate it as an ingredient in other recipes that will be featured later in the week. Its main ingredient is fresh curly parsley. Lots of it. The parsley leaves are removed from the stems and torn into tiny bits. It's really important that no short cuts be taken with this step. Large clumps and stems will spoil this salad and make it quite ordinary. Once you have about four cups of shredded parsley flakes they are combined will olives and shallots and tossed with the simplest of oil and vinegar dressings. The resulting salad is delicious when it's made with really fresh parsley. It's not worth your while to make it with parsley of an uncertain age. Older parsley is tough and the salad will taste like rabbit fodder. It's also important not to dress the salad until just before serving. The salad becomes compacted if it sits too long after the oil and vinegar have been added. I first made this out of curiosity, but what began as an experiment has become a regular feature of my summer table despite its pains and pitfalls. I know that many of you share my passion for the unusual, so I decided to post this recipe despite its simplicity. I really think you'll like it. Here's the recipe.

Flaked Parsley Salad with Black Olives and Cheese...from the kitchen of One Perfect Bite, inspired by Paula Wolfert

1/4 pound very fresh curly parsley, washed and thoroughly dried
1/2 cup (about 24) Kalamata olives, rinsed, drained pitted and slivered
1/4 cup minced shallots or red onion
1/2 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
3 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
1 tablespoon cider vinegar
Salt and freshly ground pepper to taste
1/4 cup coarsely grated Pecorino-Romano cheese


1) Remove parsley from stems. Discard stems and tear each leaf into tiny bits. You should have four cups of loosely packed parsley flakes.
2) Combine parsley, olives, shallots, Worcestershire, oil, vinegar in a medium bowl. Add salt and pepper to taste. Toss gently to combine. Transfer to a serving bowl and sprinkle with cheese. Yield: 6 servings.

You might also enjoy these recipes:
Corn and Radish Salad - One Perfect Bite
Mediterranean Radish Salad - One Perfect Bite
Asparagus and White Bean Salad - One Perfect Bite
Moroccan Carrot Salad - The Perfect Pantry
Feta and Watermelon Salad - Girlichef
Heirloom Tomato Salad - Chef Tom's Blog
Spicy Lentil, Radish and Parsley Salad - Cook Sister
Greek-Style Zucchini Salad - Closet Cooking


  1. Very interesting. Can't say I've ever seen a parsley based salad - probably a bit too sophisticated for the likes of this country gal!

  2. Yes! I love parsley salads, and I completely have to use the freshest stuff you can find when you showcase it like this. Great recipe!

  3. I have never seen a parsley based salad....refreshing

  4. Thats an interesting, colourful and refreshing salad..

  5. Looks delicious--I love parsley salads lately--so refreshing. ;-)

  6. You really have a very good memory, salad looks lovely in the attractive bowl.

  7. I love anything with Kalamata olives! I bet it's really fresh with parsley and the delicious dressing. Thanks Mary!

  8. This salad is going to become one of my favourites... I can tell. Thanks!

  9. A very unique herbal salad.....the salad bowl looks pretty!

  10. I love parsley and olives, this looks a good one for me to try. Have a good day. Diane

  11. I love parsley and olives, this looks a good one for me to try. Have a good day. Diane

  12. Beautiful flavours! I hope it will work with flat leaf parsley, because that is what I grow. I will try and see!

  13. We always plant one pot of curly parsley in the spring just for this salad. It is a real treat!


  14. Now Mary, I love all your recipes and have made any number of them, but I am going to stop and think about this one. I am not a big parsley fan. I love black olives and Pecorino-Romano though.
    Perhaps I'll make a tiny one with the freshest parsley I can find and see what happens!

  15. What an interesting salad Mary. I am seeing plenty of parsley at the market.

  16. Ah, at last a use for the curly parsley that everyone seems to scorn!

  17. You've added some lovely flavors to this unusual salad, Mary. I imagine it has a very light and refreshing taste.

  18. Wow, I've never tried a salad that was primarily parsley. What a great idea!

  19. The salad is beautiful, Mary! I have never had a salad that had just parsley as the base, but if it looks like yours, I'd try it in a heart beat!

  20. Mary, I am so glad to be back and catching up! I remember a very similar salad that my aunt served at her summer home in the Italian Alps. I will be making this for my mom
    xoxo Pattie

  21. I've never had a parsley salad, and I'm not sure if I have the patience to make it. :) It sounds simple and good though.

  22. Mary, this is unique and sounds delicious! Very colorful also and I will have to try it soon! Thanks!

  23. should I say "virile"? :) A very healthy, fresh salad like this would certainly take one beyond the Mediterranean dream! This one convinced me to grow my own herb garden...nothing like the freshly cut herbs in your salad...And my "h" in herbs is not silent :)

  24. It sounds lovely! I just bought some parsley to make tabouleh, hmmm...maybe I change that!

  25. I love parsley- especially as a main ingredient in a salad. I think it's generally underused as a main ingredient however, which is a shame. Anyway, the flavour would be the same with flat leaf (Italian) parsley wouldn't it, and more in keeping with the Mediterranean provenance? I prefer to eat flat leaf!

  26. Nice and refreshing salad, Mary.
    I will have to try it! Thanks!

  27. Wow, I love learning about new things and this is one of them. Thanks for sharing!

  28. Mary,

    First, have you ever had Lebanese tabbouleh salad which uses parsley as its base? I love parsley, but as an Italian would insist on flat leaf parsley which imo is much more flavorful than its curly cousin. I use curly parsley as a decorative garnish only. Do you have an opinion?

  29. I love how pretty this looks in that gorgeous bowl. Parsley, olives, and cheese sounds like a perfect flavor combination to me!

  30. We have lots of parsley right now. Perfect timing:)

  31. Mary.....My husband will love this. I have lots of parsley growing in my herb garden and my husband being from a Turkish background. Well....we always have Kalamata olives in the fridge. He eats them daily.
    Great recipe and gorgeous picture. Thanks you for sharing :-)

  32. I have never had this salad before. I am going to have to give it a try!

  33. Perfect! What a fantastic salad!

    THank you for sharing.


  34. Dear Mary - I have only ever made a parsley salad with red onions and tomatoes so this is a lovely change. Very unique flavors :)

    Ciao, Devaki @ weavethousandflavors

  35. What a unique and beautiful salad you've put together! I love the simplicity of the ingredients.

  36. Such a vibrant and beautifully green salad. I'm growing curly parsley in my garden, but hadn't thought of using it as a base for salad. The flavors must be lovely and a great idea. Looking forward to trying it!

  37. Wow, very interesting use of ingredients!Sounds like a really good side.

  38. That is a very unique dish. I wonder if you can use the flat-leaf variety of parsley? I usually buy the flat-leaf kind at one of the farmer's markets I frequent...

  39. I have never heard of Parsley Salad, but it sounds wonderful! thank you so much for sharing this delightful salad with us....I always learn something from my friends!

  40. such a healthy and refreshing looking salad..thanks for sharing this!

  41. I bet this is a beautifully fragrant and bright salad, with lots of briny flavor from the olives! I like it!

  42. Oh Mary,
    sei la mia cuoca preferita !!
    Amo molto le tue ricette.... hai tante novità per l'estate !
    Grazie della visita amica mia :-))

  43. Very interesting and original, loved your salad recipe ♥

  44. I would have never thought to make a salad with parsley, but now that you have introduced me to it, it makes a lot of sense and sounds wonderful. Thanks for sharing the recipe..great idea:)

  45. All these mediterranean ingredients in a salad make it just perfect for a light and tasty lunch/dinner. Thanks Mary!

  46. This looks lovely with all that bright green parsley and simple is very often great tasting food. I often make tabbouleh, which is at it's best with lots of finely chopped parsley.

  47. This sounds so bright and refreshing. A great summer salad!

  48. Mary...the blend of worcestershire sauce and cider vinegar...simply got my attention ;o)
    I'll be honest...I've only used curly parsley for garnish...and may now give it the chance it obviously deserves.

    Have a great day and flavourful wishes, Claudia

  49. I have had Mideastern parsley salad but never Mediterranean. Much check this out - when I have new, baby tender parsley! Love the additions!

  50. Delicious salad and very healthy, I like it very much-

  51. Oh, I LOVE parsley!!! I never thought of making a salad with it, though. Thank you so much. And for your witty comments on my blog, you make me smile-much appreciated :)

  52. This is wonderfully unusual, Mary! :-) I really love parsley so I know this would be brilliant! :-)

  53. I love that you used parsley as the hero... nice touch.

  54. What a great use of parsley. This salad looks amazing.

  55. I've got to try this. I love everything in the list of ingredients! Thank you!

  56. Can women "of an uncertain age" eat this? :-)
    I love parsley ~ I always put at least a cup in my cabbage salads.


  57. I always get the tabbouleh when we go for Greek food. I think that this sounds wonderful!

    I had to laugh at "rabbit fodder", but I agree. Fresh is always best!

  58. I never saw a salad made with parsley before but it sounds really good and I do love parsley and it's real good for you as I think I might try it. Definitely a nice dish for the summer.

    Have a great evening Mary!!


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