Saturday, July 17, 2010

Shrimp and Cheesy Grits - Pink Saturday

From the kitchen of One Perfect Bite...One of the benefits of having family spread across the country is the opportunity to sample regional foods and meet with like-minded folks who also enjoy the kitchen. Today's recipe is the kidnapped offspring of one that was developed by chef Jon Bonnell for a side dish that was to be served in his Texas restaurant. Under normal circumstances, I would have nothing to do with a dish like this. Years ago, while traveling in the South, I developed an active dislike of grits which appeared, unrequested and unseasoned, on my breakfast plate - over and over again. I equated them with paste. Truth be told, I thought paste had more flavor. At any rate, this past year I was given a copy of Bonnell's book, on the condition I make a version of his shrimp and grits. I should be ashamed I know, but I wanted the book, so my version of shrimp and grits was born. For the uninitiated, grits are coarsely ground dried corn that's served boiled, or boiled and then fried. While they're related to corn meal, they are more coarsely ground. They can be found on the cereal aisles in all large food markets. I've used quick cooking grits in my recipe and my directions are based on those that come on the box of grits I buy. If you make this dish, check the instructions on your box to make sure there are not vastly different from the ones I give here. You may also want to increase the heat by adding more hot pepper sauce. Be careful if you do that. The dish can quickly turn to fire if too much is used. This is a wonderfully easy recipe. It is, unfortunately, high in calories because of the amount of cream used to assemble the dish. While you can cut back to half-and-half, the dish really is not the same. Despite my initial reservations, I've really come to love this dish and serve it as an entree for family and close friends. I think you might like it too. Here's the recipe.

Shrimp with Cheesy Grits...from the kitchen of One Perfect Bite inspired by Jon Bonnell

1/2 cup chopped yellow onion
1 teaspoon minced garlic
1 teaspoon butter
1 teaspoon hot pepper sauce (i.e. Tabasco)
1 cup heavy cream
1 cup chicken stock
1 tablespoon Creole seasoning
1/2 cup quick grits
1/2 cup grated Monterey or Pepper Jack cheese
12 ounces Andouille sausage, cut in 1/2-inch dice
1 teaspoon butter
1 pound large (16 - 20) count shrimp, peeled and deveined
1/2 cup heavy cream
1 teaspoon hot pepper sauce (i.e.Tabasco)
Salt and pepper to taste

1) To make the grits: Melt butter in a medium nonstick skillet set over medium heat. Add onions and saute until soft, about 3 to 5 minutes. Add garlic and saute until fragrant, about 30 seconds longer. Add hot sauce, heavy cream and chicken stock and bring just to a simmer. Whisk in Creole seasoning and grits. Cook, stirring constantly until mixture begins to thicken, about 5 minutes. Remove from heat. Fold in cheese and let sit, covered, for 5 minutes.
2) To make shrimp: Melt butter in a large nonstick skillet set over medium heat. Add sausage and saute in butter until lightly browned. Add shrimp and cook for two minutes. Pour in cream and add hot sauce. Reduce heat and cook until cream thickens slightly and shrimp is cooked through, about 3 minutes. Season to taste with salt and pepper.
3) To serve: Spread grits on a small platter. Pour shrimp and sauce over grits. Yield: 4 servings.

You might also enjoy these recipes:
Blue Corn Muffins - One Perfect Bite
Spoon Bread with Leeks and Gruyere Cheese - One Perfect Bite
Oven Baked Polenta - One Perfect Bite
Garlic Shrimp and Cheddar Grits - A Dose of Frosting
Shrimp and Andouille Sausage - Framed: My Life One Picture at a Time
Grits and Grillades - Deep South Dish

This post is being linked to:
Pink Saturday, sponsored by Beverly at How Sweet the Sound.


RV said...

It looks spiced up and am loving it.

PranisKitchen said...

Really deliicous shrimp. very new recipe to me.. sure will try this.addition of grits make this really delicious..

Diane said...

To the best of my knowledge, grits are an unknown item here in France and I have not seen them in the UK. But anything that has prawns in it must be good.Diane

Monet said...

I have an aversion to grits (which is unfounded, I know). I'm not a big fan of warm breakfast cereals (oatmeal, grits, cream of wheat), but I think its due to my own lack of skill. If I had a plate of grits before me, smothered with cheese and flavored with Creole seasoning, I think I could become a convert!


grits + shrimp = brunch for me... gtreat combo and I would imagine interesting mix of different textures too...

Happy Pink Saturday Mary!


J e l e n a said...

I wish I was a test taster at your house...those are some lucky people who are gonna taste this the seafood...grits I've never tasted..hear Oprah talking about them all the time...

Bakericious said...

I love this dish, the prawns look fresh and crushy. I am sure I can eat with a big bowl of rice!

Chele said...

Cheesy Grits!!! I love it ;0)

Simply Life said...

oh my, that looks like my perfect meal! Do you have a restaurant I can order it from?? )

The Words Crafter said...

I smiled as I read this. It is so true that here in the south, you'll find grits everywhere. However, only a few places get them right and we pass that information along to each other. Funny, I love well prepared grits. I cannot, sadly, eat shrimp. I've tried several kinds...however, I'm either related to, or know, lots of people who could live off them, so this recipe will be passed to them. Accompanied with grits? They'll think they're in heaven! Have a wonderful Saturday and thanks for your sweet comments on my posts, they mean a lot!

penny aka jeroxie said...

The shrimps look so plump! I wish I could have it all.

From the Kitchen said...

I grew up in gritless VA but came to know them living in Charleston, SC. I love them in recipes like this one and as a side to "sopping" eggs! They're not as easy to find in the midwest.

Have a delicious weekend!!


Sam Hoffer / My Carolina Kitchen said...

Mary, I had no idea you didn't like grits. I didn't either growing up in the south. They were white runny things on the plate with a pat of (yuck) margarine on top at the local greasy spoon.

Then one day someone served a cheese grits casserole as a side dish and it spoke to me. And from that day forward I loved grits.

I do believe the secret is to salt the water well before cooking the grits. If you don't, there is no way in the world you can make the grits taste good, no matter what you do to them.

Shrimp and grits have become one of my favorite meals and I serve it for breakfast, lunch and dinner. I'm so glad you've come to appreciate it. Isn't is amazing what wanting a cookbook can do to a person?

Sweet Southern Prep said...

I LOVE shrimp and grits! I'll definitely be trying this yummy recipe soon. Thanks!

Baking is my Zen...sweet nibbles for the soul said...

If I give it a try, I'll let you know...


My Little Space said...

What a fabulous side dish! Sounds simple and wonderful. Thanks for sharing it. Enjoy your day!
Cheers, Kristy

Julie said...

Beautiful dish! I love grits and shrimp, so I am sure this one would be a hit!! Happy Pink Saturday!!

PeggyR said...

Those sound wonderful! Happy pink Saturday

What's next said...

I love shrimp and grits! I have a great recipe with gouda cheese that is wonderful! I'm going to try yours. I'm still trying to get my husband to be be a convert in the grits area... he is determined he doesn't like them...

Federica Simoni said...

come sempre un piatto eccezionale!!complimenti!!ciao!

lisaiscooking said...

Well-made grits are a wonderful thing! I love shrimp and grits, and this sounds fantastic.

Pam said...

Mary, your dish looks delicious! I love grits and this is a great combo you made.

However, you must try stone-ground grits. They have a great crunchy texture and it makes a huge difference in a dish. I can't buy them locally here but order them from Nora Mill. And then there's stone-ground cornmeal too!

Big Dude said...

I love shrimp and grits and this recipe sounds very good.

Yvonne @ StoneGable said...

This is a plate of southern heaven! Oh, I love cheesey grits. But I'm with you on the plain old kind that are a staple of southern chain restaurant breakfasts!
This is one to have for company!

Foley said...

The shrimp looks perfect, would tak that in a New York minute. The grits, however, is still up for debate. Tried them once and was not a fan. Maybe I should give them another chance.
Wonderful photo, but then all of yours are masterpieces!

scrambledhenfruit said... full of flavors! Even though I'm from the south, I've only just recently learned to appreciate grits. My sister just gave me a bag of stoneground grits she picked up at a historic water-powered mill. This sounds like a worthy recipe to try them out in! Thanks for sharing :)

Unknown said...

I like your recipe, we don't eat a lot of grits here but I really like them and with cheese, even better!

Create. Snap. Eat. said...

My goodness -- this looks amazing. I will be sending this to my sister!

Sushma Mallya said...

Very nice recipe,looks so yum

Charo said...

What a great recepie!

Happy Pink Saturday!


Adventures in Domestic Cooking said...

Oh my goodness, this looks so terribly good!!

Unknown said...

I had the same experience the first time I had grits. My mom loved them so much that I thought I'd give them a try... ugh.... since then I have actually had grits that were ok, but still never been my favorite thing. Your dish makes me want to give it another though, it looks and sounds delicious!

Joe Ambrosino said...

Your recipe sounds great, Mary although I confess that I do not like grits. Of course, I do eat polenta which is a totally different "animal" in my estimation. My tendency would be to "Italianize" this dish by cutting out the cheese and doing the shrimp in some kind of tomato basil sauce perhaps.

Rita said...

I really don't know too much about grits; like you the only time i tasted it was when travelling in the south of your contry and I was not impressed. You are bringing this to a breand new level.I wonder it I can find frits at my supermarket; will surely look for it. Thank you for the great new introduction to this staple.

Mickey said...

My husband loves grits. Being a Texan with close ties to New Orleans, I just don't know what happened to me. I cannot bring myself to eat them, but the husband will LOVE these. Thanks

Char said...

My wonderful husband loves grits and I think this just may be the recipe to try. Happy Pink Saturday to you and yours, Char

Jen_from_NJ said...

I have never liked grits but now I think that it may be time to give them another chance. Sounds delicious!

Susi's Kochen und Backen said...

This sounds divine! Even though it might be reserved for a special occasion due to all the heavy cream I will have to make your version for my husband who I'm sure will thoroughly enjoy this meal! I hope you have a wonderful weekend!

Southerncook said...

Mary, This shrimp and grits recipe looks delish. Now I LOVE grits but I was raised on them. I even have a cookbook by Natalie DuPree devoted totally to grits but it is without a doubt a "Southern" thing. I have made a copy of this recipe and I think I will try it this weekend. I am in an area along the Gulf Coast that has not been affected by the oil spill as of yet. We can still get beautiful shrimp in our area. My feeling is to eat them up as long as we can get them. Thanks for posting this recipe. It looks like a keeper.

Carolyn/A Southerners Notebook

Unknown said...

that looks wonderful!!! I absolutely love anything with shrimp.

Have a great day!!

Vegetarian Yogini said...

One of the reasons I come to Mary's blog daily is, apart from her perfect recipes, the food photos that are just so well taken and presented! I enjoy the passion you put into your work, dear Mary!

Julie m. said...

Mary, you're so right about grits. They can either be like eating a bowl of paste or, if done right, absolutely delicious. I love cheesy grits done right and this looks great! I may be trying this one.

Oh, and if you decide to try the salmon and can't find the flowers, I will happily mail a packet to you. Just let me know. Have a great Saturday!

Cherine said...

Wow this looks so good!!

Keeley said...

I'm so glad you found grits that you like! My grandparents are from NC and I've been eating good grits since I was a baby. It's not common to find grits in restaurants in the mid-Atlantic. They are one of my favorite foods for any time of day, especially with cheese. I'm looking forward to trying this recipe.

Carole Poirot said...

The combination with shrimps and sausauge make it sound delicious, I've never had grits, so may have to try it. Have a lovely weekend, Love from London x

StephenC said...

I am a huge fan of shrimp and grits and have made it many times. It's always fun to see a few tweaks and variations.

Angie's Recipes said...

I have never had shrimp cooked with's a new and yet very tempting dish for me.

Jacqueline said...

My husband taught me to love grits and we love, love love shrimp so this is really looking good. I am always looking for new ways to serve shrimp. Thanks for stopping by. I will be back.

Regina said...

Happy Pink Saturday Mary.

Enjoy a great day.
" Regina "

Kath said...

I didn't think I liked grits until I had some deliciously cheesy and creamy grits in Lafayette, LA. Your recipe looks like it might be very similar, so I may have to try it! Thanks for posting it.

Deb in Hawaii said...

I have never been a lover of grits but I have learned to appreciate them when they are cooked well. This recipe looks really delicious with the shrimp and the spice.

Katie@Cozydelicious said...

This sounds SO tasty! I love the spice - I'm a huge fan of andouille. Yum!

Katerina said...

These shrimps look so colorful and tasty. Unfortunately I cannot find some of the ingredients you are using in this recipe, here in Greece. Perhaps I can substitute.

dana said...

What a great idea!! Thanks for sharing. I like grits....with loads of cheese! Otherwise, I agree with you, paste usually tastes better!! :)

I was madly searching for a Texas Cavier recipe to take to our 4th of July Picnic. I googled and flipped through cookbooks and couldn't find what I had in mind. Then I looked on the back of a Bush's black bean can (I had in the pantry) and found a very tasty recipe called "black bean salsa". It was a huge hit at the picnic..and I've since worked on the recipe to delete tons of the sodium in it. HOWEVER, your recipe on your previous posts sounds AWESOME. I will be saving that, Mary, for future use!!

Thanks for your delightful blog! dana

Bir Dut Masalı - nUnU said...

I like shrimpand
looks very tasty.

I wish you a nice weekend

Jaime and Jen DISH said...

I love shrimp and grits, bravo! Husband is from North Carolina where this dish is a hit!

Martha said...

We do like cheesy grits and I know shrimp and grits are another southern favorite -- but I've not ever had them although I have had grits! - but when I'm back in the kitchen I'll have to try this.

eileeninmd said...

To be truthful, I have never tasted grits. They just didn't look very tasty to me. But your recipe with the shrimp sounds great. Happy Pink Saturday!

Vijay said...

Hi charming have a wonderful blog...apart from visiting your blog.. i feel to drop a comment for you here at your blog...since you have a wonderful contents,,,really ..for a non native english speaking person like me...this blog helps to improve communication by reading the contents....

I would like to keep in touch with u as a blogger and also as a friend...

thank u...nice blog

Cristina said...

I would like to try grits, but need to make sure my first experience is a good one. This just may do that for me! Beautiful dish and one that will entice me to eagerly try infamous grits. ;)

Thank you for visiting my blog and your kind words. It's truly an honor being that you have such a lovely blog. ~Cristina

Gloria Baker said...

This look fantastic! I love shrimps Mary! Have a nice day, gloria

Ingrid said...

I just bought some fresh shrimp. I'm going to make this tonight! Wish me luck! :)

pigpigscorner said...

Oh my, I can have this every day!

Patti said...

Our family LOVES grits. We are from the South but are currently living in the Northwest, and we always think it's funny when we mention grits and people don't know what they are. We are crazy about them, and we love shrimp too, so this recipe sounds like something we would love and want to have often.

Thanks for sharing,

LittleRed said...

I am so going to have to try this! Thanks for sharing. We cannot get grits here, but I just came home from a holiday in the US and I brought back a large tub of grits....I can hardly wait:)

Ciao Chow Linda said...

I've always heard about shrimp and grits but never tried it. I know I'd love your version.

FOODESSA said...

Mary...this shrimp dish would incredibly please Hubby and I. I have to admit...I may have to avoid packing all that heat. We seem to be on the slightly tummy sensitive side ;o)

Great dish!

Flavourful wishes,

Beverly said...

Happy Pink Saturday, dear Mary.

I am a shrimp and grits connoisseur. And, I am very picky about my grits. I really only like them as a base for a dish like this, but he eats them as a hot breakfast dish. My husband likes them cooked where the taste remains very "gritty", and I like mine cooked more slowly and creamy. I use shrimp stock when preparing my grits for this dish, and I add a bit of white wine to my shrimp sauce. We also love cheesy grits with catfish.

You know everything you prepare sounds wonderful.

Chef Fresco said...

Shrimp and grits are our favorite! This looks like a great recipe and the shrimp are jumping off the page!

Melissa and Zack said...

okay, here's another one I want you to make us!!!

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