
Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Corn Soup a la Patricia Wells

From the kitchen of One Perfect Bite...Please, Please, Please.... If you haven't had this soup, try it now while fresh corn is still available. I can't say enough good things about this very simple starter. Freshly shucked corn is scraped from the cob and simmered, along with the cobs, in a low fat milk. The flavor of the corn infuses the milk which thickens slightly as it cooks. The mixture is then pureed to almost perfect smoothness before being seasoned with salt and pepper. The soup is finished with a garnish of fresh cilantro and a sprinkling of smoked Spanish paprika. It's the creation of Patricia Wells and it is another example her simply elegant handling of ingredients. I've made no changes to her recipe. I do, however, capture and use all the "milk" from the scraped cobs and let the soup steep for an hour more than the recipe suggests. I rarely get excited about recipes, but this one made my socks go up and down. I've frozen a more than adequate quantity for our Thanksgiving dinner. It is easy, inexpensive and would make a perfect first course for a holiday meal. The sprinkling of smoked paprika takes the soup to another level, so be sure to use it. It adds flair and a unique flavor component to the soup. I know you'll love this. Here's how it's made.

Addendum: This recipe works only with fresh sweet corn. The cob and "milk" both add additional flavor that gives the soup its intensive corn taste.

Corn Soup a la Patricia Wells...from the kitchen of One Perfect Bite, courtesy of Patricia Wells


3 ears fresh corn, shucked
6 cups 1% milk
2 teaspoons fine sea salt
1/4 fresh cilantro leaves (for garnish)
about 1 teaspoon hot smoked spanish pimentón de la Vera


1) With a sharp knife scrape kernels off corn cobs. Be sure to catch any milky liquid that is released while you do this.
2) Place kernels, cobs and milky liquid in a saucepan or skillet large enough to hold them in a single layer. Add milk and salt. Cover and bring to a simmer over low heat. Cook at a bare simmer for 45 minutes. I let mine simmer for an hour and then sit for an hour before proceeding.
3) Remove corn cobs, and put milk and corn mixture in a blender and puree until corn is broken up but still maintains a bit of texture. Adjust seasoning, adding salt and pepper to taste.
4) Just before serving, garnish with pimentón and cilantro. Serve warm or cold. Yield: 6 servings.

You might also enjoy these recipes:
Farmer's Market Corn Salsa - Christine's Cuisine
Buttermilk Corn Bread - Sea Salt with Food
Chicken and Sweet Corn Soup - Closet Cooking
Fresh Corn and Tomato Pie - Sass and Veracity
Fresh Corn and Tomato Saute - The Parsley Thief
Corn Fritters with Maple Syrup - Meats, Roots and Leaves
Corn and Edamame Succotash - One Perfect Bite
Sweet Corn Ice Cream - One Perfect Bite


  1. You had me when I saw the picture Mary! I love fresh corn cobs, and in a soup it wouold be great too.

  2. Sounds delish!!! And if you are excited about a recipe, that's good enough for me. I will definitely be trying it.


  3. Mary, how funny...I just posted a corn pudding, which is so similar to your corn soup, only a sweet version :-) Have a great week!

  4. Mary, if your socks danced, I'm on board. I just put corn on my market list for tomorrow
    xoxo Pattie

  5. this soup sound and looks delicious and since you are excited over it, I can confirmed this soup not only looks but it is really delicious :)

  6. If it tastes even half as good as it looks in the picture... sign me up!! I love finding ways to use up fresh corn...thanks for sharing!

  7. Mary, I made your Firehouse Chili on Sunday...we loved it!! Guess next of my list is this soup, I have a cookbook that I purchased at a booksigning from Patricia! She is a very sweet lady.

  8. I love corn and this sounds really very good. If I can't find any fresh corn, would frozen kernels work?

  9. I need to get some fresh corn! This is perfect. I will be making this recipe. Thanks for sharing.

  10. I will be making this one, my son loves corn soup! Looks delicious!

  11. Oh, this looks so good. I can smell the corn now! A real good fall harvest recipe for cool nights!

  12. ooooh I read the description and immediately could taste it. The sweet taste of corn, ahhhh . The only thing better than corn soup is corn risotto.

  13. This looks really yummy! I've never tried to make it before. Thanks!


  14. I LOVE fresh corn. I'll be trying it this weekend!

  15. great look and sounds delicious,i love the corn!

  16. I love corn too..soup looks so comforting n hearty..thanks a lot for sharing!

    US Masala

  17. I love corn soup (as well as corn chowder) and love the simplicity of these ingredients. Patricia Wells is always a winner -- I may see if Sarah will make this for us tomorrow.

  18. I just made corn chowder but this smooth, creamy version sounds really enticing.

  19. Fresh sweet corn is one of my favorite summer treats- this soup looks like a wonderful way to preserve a little bit of summer! Boiling the cobs with the corn sounds interesting- this I'll have to try!

  20. It looks delicious. And a good, inventive use of the last of the summer corn :)

  21. I love corn soup! You are so right--I need to make this while fresh corn is readily available!

  22. We have corns available the year round so I can put this in my to-cook list:D:D sounds like a yummy soup for dipping crusty bread in.

  23. I just don't make enough soup and yours are always a nudge and a reminder how wonderfully cozy and delicious soups can be! xo

  24. I can only imagine what a wonderful taste the fresh corn "milk" must impart to the soup--sounds great, Mary!

  25. I have never had corn soup, one on my 'to try' list. Diane

  26. I love corn soup and this simply looks yummy...

  27. Yum , this reminds me of the Whole Food market corn chowder :)

  28. My goodness, you made this sounds so delicious! So, it's a must to try this out. Bookmarked this! Thank you very much & enjoy your day.
    Cheers, Kristy

  29. I must get some corn while I am at the market this weekend!!!

  30. it looks like velvety elegance in a dish!

  31. I'm making this soup tomorrow because it sounds delicious and I want to see if I can make my socks dance.


  32. This corn soup is so simple and refreshing that I could have it any time and every time! Looks great!

  33. You have me dying to make this Mary! I was sold from the second I clicked on your blog and saw that delicious photo - but then after reading, forget it, it's a done deal! I'll let you know how it goes!

  34. I do love soup, and this one sounds wonderful. I think it's time I purchased some smoked paprika- I come across too many recipes that call for it not to have it in my spice collection.

  35. This looks easy and delicious! My family loves fresh corn. The challenge will be finding some corn in mid-September in DE, PA, or NJ!

  36. I love fresh corn ... In a soup as in any other recipes. Your soup is definitely a treat! Have nice day.

  37. I am sure that when you Mary say it is good then it is definitely good. I trust your taste and sincerity about what what you make.

  38. You make my socks go up and down.. I laughed so much at this charming cartoon image... the soup looks like it would do that... just in time for the end of corn season here.. Thanks Mary!

  39. Perfect soup,Lovely presentation...

  40. What a fantastic photo! It makes me want some of that soup right now. It sounds so wonderful Mary and looks delicious!

  41. What a simple soup that makes corn the shining star! It sounds delightful :o)

  42. My little one is a corn addict and would love this, thanks for sharing.

  43. Wow - I can't wait to give this a try. Thanks Mary for the inspiration.

  44. I just made some corn soup, but it was a la me, and not Patricia Wells whose recipes I love! Looking at your delicious bowl makes me want a bite all over again :)

  45. How interesting to cook the cobs also. I can see where that would increase the flavor ten-fold.

  46. OH my gosh that looks amazing, my husband and father in law adore corn in any format. This is on my list of things to make!

  47. Dear Mary,

    I am pleased we found eachother's blogs. This recipe makes me want to go out and buy some fresh corn now (which I've never done). Yes, this looks gorgeous. I do wonder though if I could use sage instead of cilantro as I am the only one who does not like the flavour here. Thank you for sharing this.

    If you ever come up with a seafood chowder, let me know.

  48. I love fresh corn on cobs and this soup looks delicious. Thanks for sharing!

  49. Fresh corn soup sounds absolutely amazing, Mary!!! I bet it made your socks go up and down!! :-) Delicious. :-)

  50. I've really been into fresh sweet corn lately.

  51. I'm a big fan of Patricia did her proud. Thanks for the lovely comments you made at my blog - I appreciate it!!

  52. Thanks for passing from my blog Mary and it's a pleasure meeting you. The soup sounds amazing and I will surely try it although it is still hot here in Greece and don't know how long there will be fresh corn.

  53. Our local grocery got some excellent deal on corn the other day : 15 c a piece, you cannot go wrong! still have a few corn ears left - will give it a try- it is inspiring that the recipe is very simple, no riot of ingredients in it. One question...can I keep it in the pressure cooker at low for about the third of the time required by conventional cooking? I love cutting the cooking time, but I do not want to compromise on the quality...sometimes it is the simmering that does the trick:)

  54. I just realized that I've never had corn soup. This is a simple recipe and I am sure it's delicious! Bookmarked.

  55. I love corn soup and your recipe sounds really good. Yumm!

  56. Mary, who had me when you said your socks went up and down. I know that means you have a real winner there. Can't wait to try it. Fortunately for us, we can get fresh sweet corn throughout the winter in Florida.

  57. Hiii, thank you so much. One of my friends suggested you to me. I really like it it is very usefull thanks guys.
    Best regards
    N. Tuhchain

  58. I am having a love affair with corn. We still have plenty in our neighborhood corn field, but I like the idea of making this for Thanksgiving. Great idea!
    PS: Envisioning your socks going up and down gave me a chuckle.


  59. You just can't beat fresh local corn on the cob! This soup looks fantastic. I love the cilantro and smoked paprika in here too!

  60. This sounds just delicious. Anything that makes YOUR socks go up and down will make mine fly right off my feet.

  61. I have made this soup before--it is truly delicious--and so simple too.

  62. No corns yet over here! this looks good and I don;t mind a couple of bowls.

  63. Yes, ma'am, I WILL try it! Your excitement gets me excited! :)

  64. Wow, your corn soup looks and sounds so delicious. I love anything that involves corn, it really has such great flavor!

  65. Love love this recipe! Stress free and looks amazing. :)

    Brian Kesler

  66. This is simpkicity at it's best. Looks so delicious.

  67. This looks great! I now know what to do with the corn that's sitting in my fridge! What a great recipe - so simple too. Thanks for sharing!

  68. This just looks and sounds amazing.

  69. It's amazing how soemthing so simple can leave a lasting impression like this. love the photo!

  70. You convinced me. Will pick up the corn this weekend while we still are blessed with it.

  71. Ooh, corn soup is one of my favorite things in the world! This looks great. =)

  72. I love this time of year- it's the perfect soup weather! I recently made tortellini sausage soup, but your soup looks WAY better!

  73. Soy devota de las sopas y más aún de las que son simples y deliciosas como ésta.


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