From the kitchen of One Perfect Bite...I make stuffed peppers once or twice a year. When I was newly married, they were touted as an inexpensive dish that all budget conscious cooks should master. The trouble, then and now, is that they're not a bargain to make and it's really possible for non-vegan types to buy a steak or gorgeous piece of fish for what they cost to assemble. Now, for those who love stuffed peppers, the cost is inconsequential and they can be enjoyed at any time of year. Those who like, but do not love them, are usually more circumspect and will enjoy them towards the end of summer when peppers are plentiful and can be purchased for just pennies on the dollar. Following the holiday, I was left with 6 gorgeous red peppers of the non-bargain variety. They had originally been purchased for a stir-fry of red and green peppers that never happened. I wanted to use the peppers before they began to wither in the vegetable crisper and stuffed peppers came to mind. I ran with the idea. I have several recipes for them and, I promise, before we're finished with each other, you'll have them all. However, the one I want to share with you today, is one I used when my children were still fairly young and not yet ready for truly spicy food. These are vaguely Moroccan in taste but they are mild and very pleasant on the tongue. I use lamb to make these because I think it is a better fit for the spices used in the recipe. The recipe appeared in Sunset magazine nearly thirty years ago. I've played with it, but it closely follows the one they published all those years ago. If you are looking for a recipe for stuffed peppers, I think you'll like this one. Technically, you need not serve anything with them, but I think they look so naked when plated by themselves that I weaken and serve them with mashed sweet potatoes and steamed spinach. Here's how the peppers are made.
Moroccan Lamb Stuffed Peppers...from the kitchen of One Perfect Bite adapted from Sunset Magazine
4 large bell peppers
1 pound ground lamb
1 cup finely chopped onion
1-1/2 cups cooked white or brown rice
1/2 cup catsup
1/2 cup raisins
1 teaspoon ground allspice
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon ground cumin
1/2 teaspoon coarsely cracked black pepper
1/8 teaspoon cayenne pepper
1 large egg
Salt (About 1 teaspoon)
Optional garnish: toasted pine nuts
1) Preheat oven to 375 degrees F.
2) Stem peppers. Cut tops from bell peppers. Reserve. Remove ribs and seeds. Finely chop reserved tops. Set aside
3) Brown lamb in large frying pan set over medium heat. Add onion and reserved bell pepper. Cook until onion is limp and becomes translucent. Remove from heat. Discard all but 1 tablespoon drippings. Stir in rice, catsup, raisins, allspice, cumin, cinnamon, black pepper, cayenne pepper and egg. Add salt to taste.
4) Fill peppers with rice mixture. Bake until peppers are soft when pierced with tip of a knife, about 30 to 40 minutes. Garnish with pine nuts if desired. Yield: 4 servings.
You might also enjoy these recipes:
Lamb, Rice and Feta Stuffed Peppers - Farmgirl Gourmet
Quinoa Stuffed Peppers - A Bitchin' Kitchen
Vegetable and Barley Stuffed Peppers - Proud Italian Cook
Stuffed Poblano Peppers - Christine's Cuisine
Tex-Mex Stuffed Peppers - Modern Comfort Food
Red Peppers Stuffed with Orzo and Feta Cheese - One Perfect Bite
Creole Stuffed Peppers - Deep South Dish
Couscous and Feta Stuffed Peppers - Cookography
This looks really yummy!
Looks really delicious. Peppers happen to be one of my favourite veggies, stuffed is even better! Love this. Thanks for sharing. Have a nice day.
I haven't made this for years. It was a favorite when we were young-marrieds. I remember feeling so accomplished at serving something so seemingly exotic!
Look so them!
I must try this recipe it looks really spicy and tasty. Diane
I love stuffed peppers and tomatoes. Here we stuff them with rice or a combination of rice and ground beef. This is another beautiful way to present them.
This looks so tempting and tasty! Good job!
Those stuffed peppers makes me hungry..
I love Moroccan food so much! So full of flavour. You're right, lamb compliments the spices very well.
hi marry looks really delicious.
have a nice day
These sound like they would be the perfect accompaniment to the moroccan chickpea salad I just posted! You and I are thinking on the same page this week!
Great recipe.,.I like lamb meat, but hubby doesn't...reading your post you gave me a great idea ...with fish...thanks a s always are (as we in Italy say) an Ideas' Vulcano!!! Blessings, Flavia
I love stuffed peppers. I make them all the time in the summer when peppers don't cost as much as steak!
I always enjoyed stuffed peppers ans the end of the summer you know when these are very sweet! It's a great meal you present us today. It as lots of flavors that I enjoy. Thanks a lot. Have a good day!
Those stuffed peppers look absolutely yummy!
I love to eat stuffed vegetables! see you soon...
I do love stuffed peppers of all kinds Mary. My repertoire is ready to be perked up.
I love stuffed peppers and have never tried them with lamb but you're right...the spices involved beg for it!
Thanks for the sharing this recipe - cool that it's been adapted from 30 years ago - those are usually the best!
When I was a kid my mom would make stuffed peppers and I so did not like them. I'd rather be sent to my room with no dinner than eat them. As I have gotten older, though, I have grown to love them!! I bet these are fantastic. I love the flavor combination!
I grew up with stuffed peppers and liked them very much. My husband, however, does not like green peppers and assumes that all peppers are the same. I do sneak peppers into sauces that he seems to like. So, I never make them. However, I think he could "depepper" his portion and enjoy it. I just may give these a try since lamb is always a hit with him.
Mary, thanks so much for posting on my blog b/c that led me to your gorgeous blog...beautiful photos and lovely recipes. Looking forward to browsing more of your posts!
Been on a bit of a northern african thing meself lately. This looks scrumptious. Cheers!
Stuffed peppers are another of those things we ate a lot of when I was a kid. Of course they were always green peppers (we couldn't get other colors in the 50's). I love them and will be on the lookout for a deal on some ground lamb.
Those sound yummy and look colorful!
I don't know... tough call, these could almost be Greek! lol Thanks for the information about the lamb, Mary.
I'm one of those who love stuffed peppers and I know we will enjoy this flavorful lamb filling. Terrific photo, Mary.
oh my gosh! I am drooling!! This looks so super yummy! I need to make husband and I love lamb! :)
So colorful for the eyes. Nice plate.
This looks delicious. I have a stuffed pepper recipe that I love but it uses ground beef. I'll have to try this variation some time!
I love lamb and I love moroccan flavors so these sound like a sure winner to me. I've never actually had stuffed peppers but now you are making me think I should.
those look really great! lamb makes a much more interesting stuffing than a recipe i once tried.
mmm, i just adore stuffed peppers, especially when they have such great filling like this!
GORGEOUS, MARY! I'm sad these are not in season... I can't wait until it's time for me to start my pepper garden!!!
Jenn @ Peas & Crayons
ps: the book was FABULOUS!
Stuffed peppers are a favorite in our home. I received a moroccan cookbook from a british friend this xmas and there was something similar in it to your dish. I will be trying this very soon. Perfect to start the new year on a healthier vibe.
We love stuffed peppers and I think these look fantastic, Mary! The Moroccan flavors really add so much flavor and such a fun twist to the dish!
Mary, I absolutely love moroccan food and these stuffed peppers must have really been a wonderful biteful ;o)
Flavourful wishes,
And i make these maybe once a year because it always seems like such a pain for a small dish. But then - people do love them. I like the hint of Moroccan spice in the lamb. It holds more interest to me and I imagine the kitchen would smell heavenly during the cooking.
Mr. Ken loves stuffed peppers-me not so much. But I bet he'd love these too.
Have a great evening.
Happy New Year
Outstanding dish ♥
Red peppers are expensive now, but if you're just having one or two, it is not big deal. What do you do with all these delicious food you temp us with, cause I haven't been invited to dinner? I am drooling every time I land here.
That looks really warming and filling on a cold day. Those spices ought to warm anyone up.
I've always loved Stuffed Peppers. These look really wonderful.
I really like stuffed peppers but seldom prepare them. Hubby is just okay with them. Maybe I could just join you instead?
Just last week I was craving the stuffed peppers my mom made when I was a kid. Or the amazing ones I ate in Moldova that were roasted in an outside oven. YUM. I have never made them, and you are inspiring me to try.
Mary - I love the idea of using lamb in stuffed peppers. My entire family is very fond of lamb and I love finding new ways to use it. I will remember this when I see red peppers go on sale. Speaking of which, I wonder why in the world red peppers are so high anyway?
This looks great! I was JUST at the store gawking at ground lamb yesterday as I was trying to figure out what I could possibly make with it.
There are so many ways to make stuffed peppers and Ive always made these the good ol' fashion Cuban way (because I am Cuban.) where I use beef and other ingredients instead of lamb and green peppers instead of red so its always nice to try something different. This was absolute fantastic thank you very much!
I'm a big fan of experimenting with classics like stuffed peppers. This gives them a whole new life.
These are absolutely delicious. I tried them last week, perfect comfort food.
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