
Friday, April 8, 2011

Blueberry and Almond Coffee Cake

From the kitchen of One Perfect Bite...You know the old saw, "...I cannot tell a lie." I usually ascribe to that, but there are times when the truth is murky and has to be explored a layer at a time. Today's recipe is like that. The truth is this is a wonderful cake. The other truth is that making this cake as directed could cause you a world of hurt. There are a couple of problems. It starts with non-specific instructions for pan size and that, of course, leads to a problem with baking time. Problems with baking time lead to a cake that is either brown and dry or damp and ridiculously sticky. I suspect this recipe, from Epicurious by way of Gourmet magazine, was never tested in a home kitchen. The good news is that it's tasty enough that others who found it on the Epicurious website, have played with it and made it workable. So, when a 2-1/2 quart casserole becomes a 9 x 13-inch pan and the amount of topping is doubled, you end up with a cake that fulfills its original promise. I take the added precaution of lining the pan with parchment paper so the cake can easily be released. Problems with sinking berries have been reported and some have found that dusting the berries with flour helps. Others aren't convinced. Some simply don't care. Fruit at the bottom of a coffee cake doesn't bother me, so I'm not concerned if my berries sink. If you use frozen berries, don't thaw them before adding them to the cake batter. This is a thick batter and you don't want it to turn purple with juice from mashed berries. This cake is truly lovely when it is served barely warm. It can be made a day before you need it and reheated just before serving. Having told you so much about what was wrong with this cake, I hope you'll remember I also said this is delicious. The cake is very easy to make. The changes needed to make it workable and something you'll be proud to serve are in the recipe below. They are highlighted in red. Here's how the cake should be made.

Blueberry and Almond Coffee Cake...from the kitchen of One Perfect Bite adapted from Gourmet Magazine

2 cups all-purpose flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
3/4 teaspoon salt
1 stick (1/2 cup) unsalted butter, softened
1 1/4 cups plus 6 tablespoons sugar
2 whole large eggs
1/2 teaspoon almond extract
1/2 cup milk
2 to 2-1/2 cups blueberries (15 ounces)
1 large egg white
2 cups sliced almonds

1) Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Butter a 9 x 13 x 2-1/4-inch baking pan ceramic or glass baking dish. Line the bottom of pan with parchment paper and butter it as well. Set aside.
2) Sift together flour, baking powder, and salt. Beat together butter and 1-1/4 cups sugar with an electric mixer until light and fluffy. Beat in whole eggs, 1 at a time, then almond extract. Alternately add flour mixture and milk in batches, beginning and ending with flour mixture and beating on low speed after each addition until just incorporated. Fold in berries. Spoon batter into baking dish, spreading evenly.
3) Lightly beat egg white with a fork and add remaining 6 tablespoons sugar and almonds, stirring to coat.
4) Spoon topping over batter and bake in middle of oven until golden brown and a tester inserted in center comes out clean, 50 minutes to 1 hour. Cool in pan on a rack 10 minutes. Invert cake onto rack, then invert again. Serve warm or at room temperature. Yield: 8 servings.

One year ago today: Pungent Parsley Pesto

Two years ago today:
Hot Cross Buns

You might also enjoy these recipes:
Cinnamon-Streusel Coffee Cake - Culinary in the Country
Lemon Blueberry Coffeecake - Real Mom Kitchen
Blueberry and White Chocolate Coffee Cake - Baking Bites
Raspberry Cocoa Nib Coffee Cake - Dessert First
Wishes and Yogurt Coffee Cake - Whisk
Old School Blueberry Cardamom Coffee Cake - Beloved Green
Sour Cream Toffee Coffee Cake - Christine's Cuisine
Orange Raisin Coffee Cake - Diethood
Blueberry Lemon Coffee Cake - Kitchen Runway
Honey Cardamom Coffee Cake - Eating the Rainbow
Sour Cherry Coffee Cake - The Amateur Gourmet
New York-Style Crumb Cake - Gourmeted
Cocoa and Cinnamon Swirl Coffee Cake - The Sweetest Kitchen
Sour Cream and Cherry Coffee Cake - Baking and Boys
Blueberry Almond Coffee Cake - Burn Me Not
Cranberry Kuchen - Amanda's Cookin'
Sour Cream Coffee Cake - The Apron Archives


  1. This recipe reminds me of similar recipe by Martha Stewart. However this cake looks better!

  2. This looks delicious! I actually love the layer of blueberries at the bottom. Get a little bit in each bite!

  3. Looks very tasty Mary,the color is very appetizing too!!Thank you for all the tips!Have a restful night!

  4. Ooh, another delicious coffee cake! Looks great!

  5. Thanks for adding the instructions for pan size, it helps a lot. This sounds and looks great! Have a wonderful weekend Mary!

  6. What a great combination of flavors! The topping looks excellent. I love how dense and moist it looks. Thanks for doing your homework so that we end up with a great recipe:)

  7. A very pretty cake!! I have heard that dusting berries with flour really does work to keep them from sinking.

  8. What a fantastic combination and thanks for all the good changes. Diane

  9. Cake looks yummy..fel like eating it right away..

  10. Thank you for taking the time to detail the changes, Mary. I'll definitely give this a try when blueberries stop by Paris :)

  11. Your cakes looks really moist and good. This is the kind of cake I like! I find that sometimes dusting the berries with flour doesn't help at all! But you are right, who cares about that when the cake is really good!

  12. Looks and sounds delicious! Reminds me of a red raspberry coffee cake recipe that is hiding in my cupboard. Now it makes me want to bake that one again. That one also uses almonds. Yum!

  13. your cake looks simply delicious! i wish i could have a piece of it right now!!
    have a sweet day and a lovely weekend,

  14. Hi Mary,

    above all "problems" in the baking the result is absolutly wonderfull, so it pays off!


  15. This looks like a 'must-bake' to me! Thanks for sharing!

  16. Baking pan size can be a problem, I agree, but I often find that some people don't bother much and use the same size for every recipe, and then say things like 'oh, my cake is so flat'! I find it hard to believe it, but it is true. I know very well the difference since I found myself often traveling and having to do with limited kitchen things (and improvising baking pans!).

    But you are an expert baker and obviously can work things out even if the recipe may be misleading, with sizes or ingredients! And don't panic but sort it out!

    Ciao and have a good week end

  17. Wow, just amazing! I'd love this:@)

  18. The combination sound good and refreshing.

  19. delicious cake dear,love it...

  20. I will, for sure, prepare this cake because it looks delicious and I still have blueberries in the freezer!

  21. Looks scrumptious! Reminds me of a cake I make called blueberry buckle.
    Could go for a piece right now with my coffee.

  22. What a great combination, I love this

  23. Blueberries and almonds... and your instructions... can't go wrong from there! blessings ~ tanna

  24. Nothing beats a blueberry cake and love the addition of almonds. Surprise Epicurious would publish a recipe that wasn;t tested, but it looks like someone fixed it;looks so tasty.

  25. Another delicious cake recipe Mary, tempting color and I wish I could go for it right now! great!

  26. This looks really good and I may make it the next time I need a BIG coffee cake!

  27. I've never minded my fruit sinking to the bottom because when you cut into it you can see the layers and it certainly doesn't harm the flavor of a great cake. This looks like a great cake to make any time of the year.

  28. I have never been bothered by sinking berries. This looks sensational!

  29. Almond and blueberries are perfect companions, this cake sounds scrumptious!

  30. Cake looks tempting and so delicious...Thanks for sharing the recipe..Have a nice weekend! Tk care!

  31. I'm with you on letting the berries land where they may. As long as they're there, I'm happy. And, I truly believe this coffee cake would start my morning off deliciously.


  32. Berries at the bottom of cakes has never bothered me either - I just look at it as another unique layer to something delicious! And I'm sure that's exactly what this coffee cake is - definitely delicious! =)

  33. I think the cake looks wonderful! I'd dive in to a big old piece right now if I could :)

  34. I do chuckle when recipes omit saize of pans - or my favorite "bake till done." Huh? Bake at what temp? What is done? 25 minutes? 45? I have no problem with fruit at the bottom of the coffee cake. In fact, love the prized sweetness when you dig your fork in for a bite. Love your topping. That's new to me.

  35. Your photos are always so appetizing. This makes me want to prepare this cake right now (which would be funny since I'm in my office). But I will do this soon. Love the sound of blueberries and almonds together.

  36. my husband would love this! i can't wait to have fresh blueberries this summer.

  37. Omg, cake looks absolutely irresistible..

  38. Another wonderful recipe for me to bookmark! I like your additions to this recipe and can't wait to try it Mary-thanks.
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  39. i wouldnt mind too much if the berries are at the bottom layer of the cake. Looks really good and the toppings looks delicious!

  40. A slice of heaven! It looks wonderful :) Thanks for sharing!

  41. Looks so good, love a blueberry coffee cake, but topped with almonds makes it even better!

  42. You are the queen of coffee cakes... this one looks wonderful.

  43. now im convinced that i should start baking soon(and before it gets hotter too) i know i know i keep saying that but you said that this is quite simple to do, then i trust you... looks absolutely delicious!

  44. I almost always have frozen blueberries in my freezer so good to know they don't have to thaw out first too! Bring on the sinking fruit - delicious!

  45. Love that crumble topping. What a SUPER idea Mary and bless you for reworking this recipe. I hate when magazines set people up for failure by not testing the recipes enough. This looks and sounds fabulous.

  46. We are so lucky to have you to work out the kinks!

  47. Looks absolutely lovely, Mary!! I love coffee cake and with blueberries and almonds?!- I'm hooked!

    Have a beautiful weekend!


  48. This looks so moist and delicious. What an interesting set of flavours. I can't say I've ever had blueberry with coffee before! Looks so tasty!!

  49. It is very moist and perfect. U r really awesome it would be nice if i would be near to u somewhere so i can have all these. I really love desserts.

  50. I'm so glad you figured out a way to make this work! Blueberries and almonds are such a match made in heaven. Gorgeous cake!

  51. Looks beautiful! I love blueberries, and especially crave them in the spring. Thanks for sharing your changes.

  52. Hi Mary, I just came to say thanks for your comment on my blog and I loved yours! I'm not a good cooker so I get a lot of help with cooking blogs. Everything looks so delicious!! I'm sure I will be trying some of your recipes. =)

  53. thanks for adapting this and your great tips..the topping is goregous


  54. wow...what a delicious cake recipe...looks just perfect and delicious !

  55. OOoh! I'm glad you went to the trouble of sorting out this recipe for the better. Looks absolutely scrumpious!

  56. Oh my, this coffee cake sounds so good... blueberries and almonds... what a delicious combo!

  57. What a wonderful coffee Cake--I am drooling over that topping and so many blueberries--beautiful!

  58. I wish I could have this cake for tea, it looks gorgeous and sounds delicious!

  59. This looks divine! I love that the recipe is for a 9x13 size cake too. I find a lot of coffee cakes are for a 8" square pan which is just too small. :) This sounds wonderful with a cup of coffee!

  60. Your cake looks delicious Mary. A perfect coffee cake.

  61. I am so into these coffee cakes things! I'll be watching out for more soon.

  62. Hi Mary! I got desperate for freezer space and decided to use up some of the fruit that's been in there forever. I made a note of your recipe over two years ago and finally tried it today, and it turned out wonderfully. I'd never done a topping like this one, with the egg white, and it adds an extra dimension and texture - so glad I didn't skip it! Thank you as always for bringing so much deliciousness into my life.


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