
Thursday, May 26, 2011

Linguine with Snow Peas, Cucumber and Peanuts

Asian-Style Noodles and Two of My Favorite Peanuts

Grandson Connor

Grandson Joshua

From the kitchen of One Perfect Bite...I've been on my own for dinner this week and, because of that, I've been trying to make dishes that will feed one person without having leftovers to deal with. I did well until tonight. I had a quantity of snow peas that simply had to be used before they became fodder for the compost heap. I didn't want to waste them and couldn't bear the thought of another stir-fry, so I did a quick search for recipes where they might be used. I finally settled on this one for peanut noodles. It appears everywhere, but I think it was originally developed for Food and Wine magazine and that they should be the ones credited for its creation. While I have several excellent recipes for noodles of this type, they don't use snow peas and would not easily adapt to their addition. Because this recipe was an ideal solution to my "pea" problem I've ended up adding yet another recipe for peanut noodles to my repertoire. I can honestly report that this dish is fast, easy and delicious. I will make it again, although it presents some problems. Unlike most dishes of this sort, these noodles are served hot. The vegetables are added just before serving to keep them crisp-tender. Herein lies the problem. When the dish is reheated it becomes goopy and the vegetables become limp. That means leftovers will leave much to be desired. As written, the recipe makes four very generous servings. Try to manipulate ingredients so you have no leftovers to deal with. Even having said that, those of you who make this dish will be pleased with the results. Here's the recipe.

Linguine with Snow Peas, Cucumbers and Peanuts...from the kitchen of One Perfect Bite courtesy of Food and Wine

2 teaspoons minced garlic
2 tablespoons soy sauce
1/3 cup smooth peanut butter
2/3 cup canned low-sodium chicken broth or homemade stock
1-1/2 tablespoons lime juice
1/4 to 1/2 teaspoons red pepper flakes
3/4 teaspoon salt
3/4 pound linguine
1/2 pound snow peas, cut diagonally into thin slices
2 cups fresh bean sprouts
2 scallions including green tops, chopped
1 English cucumber, peeled, halved lengthwise, and sliced thin
1/2 cup chopped salted peanuts, divided use


1) Combine garlic, soy sauce, peanut butter, chicken broth, lime juice, red-pepper flakes, and 1/2 teaspoon of the salt in jar of a blender or food processor. Puree until smooth.
2) Cook linguine in a large pot of salted boiling water until almost done, about 6 to 8 minutes. Add snow peas and bean sprouts and cook until just done, about 3 minutes. Drain and toss with the peanut sauce, the remaining 1/4 teaspoon salt, the scallions, cucumber, and 1/3 cup of the peanuts. Serve with the remaining peanuts sprinkled over the top. Yield: 4 to 6 servings.

One Year Ago Today: The Last Best Egg Cream in New Jersey

Two Years Ago Today: Iced Blueberry Tea

You might also enjoy these recipes:
Kitsune Udon - Just One Cookbook
Cold Peanut Soba Noodles with Chicken - Noble Pig
Seafood Udon - Ang Sarap
Asian Noodle and Cabbage Salad - Karista's Kitchen
Pad Thai - My Kitchen Snippets
Spicy Noodles with Asparagus and Brocccoli - Get Natured
Chiang Mai Noodles - Inquiring Chef
Ginger Scallion Noodles with Grilled Chicken - Bubbles n Squeaks
Soba Noodles with Sesame Seeds - Technicolor Kitchen
Spicy Sesame Noodles with Chopped Peanuts and Thai Basil - Shih's Cooking


  1. I know what you mean about something becoming glumpy and un-reheatable! Same thing for Fettucine Alfredo... starts to break down, etc. When it's first made: YUM. Reheated: Not so much! Thanks for this recipe though, and WHO is that adorable child????!!!

  2. A perfect recipe for springtime,it's easy to make , I like it!Have a good day....

  3. This sounds really good. A cross between a stir fry and an Italian dish ~ that should be bursting with flavour from those lovely ingredients. I will be trying this one out!

  4. These 'noodles' are new to me, interesting. Left overs are not appealing, so I always make sure it's just enough! Those 2 peanuts are so adorable!

  5. This recipe sounds so awesome... I love the addition of peanuts! Sounds tasty. I don't think I would have to worry about leftovers or reheating if I made this :) Thanks for sharing!

  6. I dislike it when my leftovers are not worth eating! Have a lovely day Mary :)

  7. This recipe sounds so awesome... I love the addition of peanuts! Sounds tasty. I don't think I would have to worry about leftovers or reheating if I made this :) Thanks for sharing!

  8. Is that your little bub Mary? I didn't know you were (Japanese)? (Asian)? I'm being nosy, I'm sorry!

    As for the dish... nom nom nom!!! I love having some crunch..

  9. peanut sauce, cucumber and snow peas... i so loved your combination. absolutely sounds like a wonderful tasting linguine. best wishes.

  10. I love it!A healthy,spring and yummy dish!It's a shame to waste ingredients!Regards from Greece,dear Mary:)

  11. Hello Mary!
    Have just found your blog through the lovely comment you left when visiting - thank you so much for your kind words, it is always a pleasure to find I have a new follower, and to discover their blog.
    I am excited by what I have seen here on your blog so far!
    That recipe looks great to make, and I will be trying that out!
    I too love cooking, but having cooked for 30 odd years I usually feel the need to create my own everyday suppers to keep it interesting for me! So i cook what i fancy with what i have available to me and based on something that may have inspired me - it is incredible what discoveries you make that way!
    So apart from cakes and puds (even then i have to tinker!) i nearly always cook without recipes these days - get the odd miss but mostly tasty!
    Looking forward to browsing back through older posts here, your blog looks so inspiring Mary!
    Gill x

  12. I want to finish that stunning and filling linguine rite now,super inviting..

  13. What a pity about the leftovers - would probably make me eat more just to ensure no are no leftovers. Your dish looks lovely and I thoroughly enjoy crispy veggies.
    :-) Mandy

  14. A mi si les quitas el caldito ;) me parecen muy ricos.
    Un saludito

  15. Yum, I would have joined you for dinner! This pasta looks fantastic. And I love your little peanuts, how precious! chris

  16. Tell me again what this recipe is about. I couldn't concentrate on it--just the two adorable little boys looking as if they are anticipating some delicious treats at grandmother's table!!


  17. Congratulations on your 1000th post, Mary! I loved reading about your top 10 posts...I missed some of them and have copied them.

    Your linguine recipe sounds wonderful. Very unusual to see cucumbers in the mix.
    Have a lovely week!

  18. There are some recipes that aren't ok for leftovers, that's it. Generally, with this king of recipe, I cut the recipe in half... Anyway, these noodles looks good to me!

  19. You know I love your blog and adore your style...but I'm afraid I'd have to pick out the peanuts and cukes. :)

  20. funny ... we were just talking about linguine the other day, as someone had commented that if Americans had invented pasta, it would have only come in a couple of shapes, and instead of unique names, we'd call it something like "Small/medium/large string pasta" or "flat string pasta."


  21. OHMIGOSH! Those boys are soooo cuto! No offense but they totally stole my eyes away from the linguine. Can you send me the recipe for them? :)

  22. Hello Mary, your two favorite "peanuts" are growing so fast and they are adorable. Grandchildren are the best!

  23. Yes! Those are all some of my very favorite ingredients incorporated in one dish! Thanks for sharing :)

  24. Your two little peanuts are adorable! This looks like a quick and easy recipe. Have a great day, Mary!

  25. Those pictures are way, way cute! :)

    I love snow peas and infrequently cook with them. Thanks for the reminder and the great recipe!

  26. Your little peanuts are adorable!!!
    I love this dish, Mary, it sort of reminds me of Dan Dan noodles from PF Changs...and I love that dish1!

  27. Those are two cute peanuts :)

    This dish looks great, too! Gotta eat it all in one shot? Totally okay with me! Hehe :)

  28. I adore peanut noodles! This looks so yummy.

    - Maggie

  29. I love peanut sauces and am always happy to find another. I like the snow peas and cucumber in this one.

  30. That sounds very good. With Norm coming home, I'll be able to cook again.

  31. yummy peanut sauce and 2 cute little peanuts!

  32. I have had the same problem with the breakdown of the pasta. Your dish looks deilcious though. Pasta recipes are always so helpful! who is the lovely little boy??
    Mary x

  33. Your two peanuts are growing into really handsome chaps! Agreed that leftover pasta aren't so nice after reheating, best to serve immediately!

  34. A delicious and speedy noodle dish; I don't think I would have to worry about the leftovers if I presented this at my house!

  35. What a great, fast meal. I'd probably halve it since you said the leftovers don't reheat well, but that's just fine by me. Thanks!

  36. Mary, This is yet another non-meat great sounding item for dinner. I love meat...but I could go for this dish as my dinner entree. Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

  37. I love peanut noodles so these sound divine, in fact, it's been quite too long since I've made any. I must say though, because I've been single for so long I am so used to cooking for one and leftovers.

    And your grandsons, too cute!

  38. Ooh, I have snow peas in exactly the same state - finish 'em now or time to compost! I'll have to see if I can tweak this down to a dinner for have GREAT timing in posting this!

    And oh, your "peanuts" are the cutest!

  39. Ooh, I love using peanuts with pasta :))
    Your grandchildren are adorable :))

  40. I know most people spend their time trying to find the perfect chocolate chip cookie recipe...but I'm always on the lookout for the perfect peanut sauce! Really want to try this!

  41. Great looking dish, love everything that's in there, Mary! Wish i could have a dish of that now, for lunch.

    Your peanuts are adorable :)

  42. Your Grandsons are adorable!!
    (And the noodles look good too, LOL)

  43. Your food creations have really inspired me. Last night I made rice noodles and I used peanut butter, soy sauce, and vegetable stock but I did not think to add garlic. I think that is a wonderful idea and next time I make something similar I will try adding garlic thanks to your wonderful inspiration <3

  44. Adorable post Mary. You grandsons are the cutest little peanuts I've ever seen. Love the noodles too.

  45. You have two cutie grandsons, They are adorable. Linguine with snowpeas and cucumber sounds awesome meal.

  46. Such a lovely kids! And the dish - I can only imagine how crunchy can be this perfectly green snow peas and cucumber - delicious! I hope you'll have a great day!

  47. You are blessed with gorgeous grandsons!

  48. Delicious the addition of peanuts in it..mmm..yumm.I think I have all the ingredients in hand..will try this out for our dinner tonight..thanks for sharing!

  49. Oh, wow, this really looks delicious! I love these types of noodle dishes. Thanks for sharing.

  50. Hi Mary, this sounds really good, i love peanuts and i love this dish.
    Have a lovely day.

  51. What a delightful combination of texture and flavor! I'm going to be making this one soon for sure.

    Lots of yummy love,
    Alex aka Ma What's For Dinner

  52. Your grandsons are gorgeous!!! That look on Connor's face is priceless, a glint of mischievousness and lots of joy. Well, you won't believe the diet I've been put on since being discharged. It's called Low Residue. Basically no fiber or whole grain, plus other restrictions, too. It's a health lover's nightmare, but suits me just fine, because I'm a carb and junk food lover! I had to click on your chocolate soda, and the recipe is the same as mine!! Only I use measurements. 2 Tbl. syrup and a quarter cup milk, then fill the glass with soda water. Makes me want to make one now, if I had the gumption.

  53. Your grandsons are adorable. So is this recipe. Enjoy the holiday weekend Mary.

  54. what adorable little boys! this dish looks delicious!

  55. Waaaaaa~~~ your grandsons are CUTE! And both of them have such a nice smile!!! Ok now about your pasta. I love the combination of the ingredients in the pasta, at least to me it's very innovative and I love it! Also, thank you so much for adding my Kitsune Udon in your list. I almost missed it. :-) Thank you Mary!!

  56. Oh my, Mary, that second peanut is adorable.


  57. I've never had noodles and peanut sauce warm! I love the dish - the spices, the vegetables - I wonder if it can be served cold??? Your peanuts made me smile! I had no choice. Lucy you and lucky them.

  58. Your grandson is a living doll! And your pasta looks divine! Great save on those snow peas.

  59. Mary, your comment about not trying this cold made me laugh out loud! Thanks for the impassioned advice!

  60. That is a plate of delicious looking pasta. I love snow peas, crunchy and sweet, yummy! Thank you for sharing this lovely recipe!
    Connor and Joshua are both good looking boys! They are extremely cute! Have a good day, Mary!

  61. OMG, the little cutie pie has grown so much and his big brother has changed so much too. Both are adorable. Thanks for showing the pictures. And the pasta sounds as amazing too! Hope you're having a great time.
    Blessings, Kristy

  62. I just made a trip to the Asian grocery store yesterday, so I can't wait to try this yummy recipe! Your grandsons are adorable!

  63. This looks so good I don't think I'd have to worry about leftovers in my house! I love the peanut-y sauce, especially with the addition of garlic. Hope you're having a wonderful Friday, Mary!

  64. Lovely photos of your grandsons! This recipe sounds delicious!

  65. Mary, this sounds delicious. Thanks for the warning about the leftovers, though, as I normally try to make enough of anything for leftovers! I'm so glad I'm not one of the growing number of people who are allergic to peanuts; what a great flavor! (But, unfair, I don't have the other adorable kind of peanut!)

  66. I have learned that if you like it, I'll like it and it will be worth a try. That said, I know already that I like all the ingredients.
    I love your smiling little 'peanuts'!

  67. Lovely "peanuts", Connor and Joshua! May they be always healthy and strong and bring you all the joy in the world... Have a lovely weekend!

  68. Me gustó la crema de huevos se ve exquisita ricos ingredientes,adorable tú nieto,dale mis saludos,cariños y abrazos.

  69. All three peanuts look like a load of fun.

  70. Dear Mary, I love snow peas and I think that this would be delicious. I probably wouldn't reheat it. I would just eat it out of the frig! Your grandson's are beautiful. God bless them. Have a safe and blessed weekend. Catherine xo

  71. This certainly looks and sounds good. It it means eating it all up, I am taking bets, my husband will take the challenge.


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