
Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Reader's Top Ten Favorite Posts

From the kitchen of One Perfect Bite...A few weeks ago, I marked the 1000th post on One Perfect Bite. At that time, several of you asked which posts had been most popular with readers. I honestly didn't know and promised to do some research. I had time to do that today and came up with this list. I did have to laugh as I put it together, because not one of my personal favorites is on it. Here is the list of your top ten favorite posts. They appear in order of popularity. We'll do mine some other time.

I also received a nice surprise today. I was looking through my blog statistics and was puzzled to find a number of visits from the Smithsonian Food & Think blog. A little research led me to an article called The Hamburger: A Quintessential American Meal. While not mentioned by name, the article links to the post I had written on Salisbury Steak. Who'd have ever thunk it? I wonder if there's a Nobel Prize for meatloaf. I'd best get to work on my speech.

Pumpkin Butter

Oven-Baked Baby Back Ribs

Perfect Chocolate Cake

Watermelon Smoothie

"Real" Coffee Cake

Chocolate Peanut Butter Torte

Refrigerator Dill Pickles

Giant Lemon Sugar Cookies

Triple-Chocolate Cheesecake

Cranberry Layered Cheesecake


  1. The Giant Lemon Sugar Cookies and the Cranberry layered Cheesecake, are two I would love to try. Thanks.

  2. Wow, thank you, you're wonderful!!
    Hugs, Mandy

  3. I don't know but if their not your favourites I'd love to know which are. I'd love to make each one of these! I can understand why they are so popular and the pics are brilliant!

  4. Se ve fantastico!

  5. Everything on here looks wonderful. Your recipes are very inspiring!

  6. did I miss the pumpkin butter? I've never had pumpkin butter before. Which one's are your favorites?

  7. All your recipes looks wonderful!!!

  8. Very nice recipes, as always, Mary! I would like though to know your own favorites..Have a good night!

  9. Each recipe is unique and looks too good. Loved all your baked goodies and the pumpkin butter, yumm!

  10. Mary, I must say all recipes are just amazing with awesome presentation..

    Sunanda's Kitchen

  11. Your readers obviously have a sweet tooth! We seldom eat cake so my list would have been different I am sure but the pumpkin butter sounds wonderful, on my to-do list :-) Diane

  12. Mary, what a sweet top 10. If I had to chose just one from the list, it would have to be the ribs though. I am looking forward to seeing your favourites.
    :-) Mandy

  13. Wow 1000 posts! I still have a long way to achieve that. I think on those list 7 of them will be easily my favourite

  14. Beautiful posts..if u ask me to choose,i'll go for all ur posts, coz u always rock Mary..

  15. It is difficult to choose only ten, your recipes are all so delicious looking! How about your Mocha Crumb Cake, I've printed that out last month and have not made it YET!

  16. Honestly every single thing looks so gorgeous!

  17. What a great Top Ten!
    I'd love to try them all if only my waistline would allow it.
    Congratulations on your 1000th and also the recognition from the Smithsonian.

  18. The cheeky devils! Fancy not acknowledging your post!!

    Now I can't wait to a) hear your speech and b) see YOUR top 10 favourites!!

    PS So glad you enjoyed my post - always a pleasure to hear from you!!

  19. Congratulations on your 1000th post,dear Mary!Keep the good work!Your blog is really a treasure of recipes!A big kiss from Greece:)

  20. What a stunning repertoire! Congratulations! I hope the notice the Smithsonian is taking of you leads to something great. Thanks for all the inspiration and encouragement. XOXOXO

  21. These are all such fun items! Pumpkin Butter made me stop and read it right away! Have you personally ever canned it Mary? Also, I hope to try the fridge dills this year. My garden dried up way too early last year. I can't wait to see what your Top 10 are:@)

  22. Looks like the readers are slanted toward sweets - I look forward to seeing your list.

  23. What a great list of recipes! I look forward to seeing your top ten favorites!!! Have a wonderful day.

  24. A Nobel winner? Oh, I do hope you'll invite me to the party! I'm going to check out that meat loaf in case I am selected to be on the panel that will choose the winner.


  25. Wow, this would be a hard decision! I love all of your recipes,

  26. Congratulations on 1000 posts. I don't know how you managed to narrow all of your great recipes down to ten. The pumpking butter & pickles really caught my eye.

  27. Who could pick just ten, all your recipes are fantastic :)

  28. Oooohh.. I can see why those were all favorites! I think I actually already printed most of those recipes out :)

  29. All these recipes looks freakin delicious! Wow! And these cheesecakes...

  30. I love every single of them! My top favorite is chocolate peanut butter cake.

  31. There should be a Nobel prize for meatloaf! :) Congrats on 1000 posts. That is major! Your photography is always so beautiful and I'm really eyeing that perfect chocolate cake this morning.

  32. All of them are great!!!


  33. A beautiful compilation of recipes, Mary! The chocolate peant butter torte especially caught my eye. Hope you are having a wonderful Wednesday!

  34. As always Mary, everything looks fabulous! My husband wants to make pickles this year, so we will have to take a look at your recipe. We have got a huge patch of dill growing in the garden right now. I can't wait to hear your favorites.

  35. Congratulations Mary on your 1000th post. That's a tremendous accomplishment. You already know how much I love your Cranberry Cheesecake. I can't wait to hear about your favorites.

  36. Congrats Mary! I am so looking forward to making some of these favorites! :)

  37. I love that perfect coffee cake best and the smoothie! So refreshing!

  38. What an awesome milestone - 1000 posts! Congrats. I can certainly see why that chocolate peanut butter torte is a reader favorite. It looks awesome!

    - Maggie

  39. Pumpkin butter and that peanut butter torte are all I need in life.

  40. I have to say, I can understand why they're favorites! Beautiful posts and photos :)

  41. Oh those ribs, that cheesecake, the chocolate cake and so many others. But I wondered what are YOUR favorites?

  42. Congrats on the 1000th post! These are beautiful recipes!!

  43. I'm pretty sure I'm going to be making that Peanut Butter Torte for my Birthday this year (every time I see a picture of it I have to wipe my face). But I have to say, my personal favourite is still your Oatmeal Cake :).

  44. Congratulations on your anniversary! Looking forward to looking back through the archives :)

  45. It comes as no surprise to me that you have lots of amazing desserts on the list - they all really delicious!!

  46. I wish we could celebrate your 1000 post with you and taste each one of those beautiful creations! You have done so much great work and I really look forward to how you will continue to inspire me in the kitchen. Have a great day! :)

  47. Thank you Mary for pointing me to that fabulous pumpkin butter recipe! I have lots of pumpkins to use up and I can't wait to give this recipe a go!

  48. Dear Mary
    That sounds great.Congratulations.
    I am a regular reader of this blog.This is my regular non medical reading.
    You deserve the Booker for cookery writing.
    Keep on blogging.

  49. Well, Mary, everything looks fantastic. That "real" coffee cake looks superb especially.
    I hope you have a nice day.

  50. That perfect chocolate cake looks too good to pass up. Congrats on such a enormous milestone!

  51. Oh my goodness!!! All of those look INCREDIBLE. Can't wait to try pumpkin butter, especially!!!!

  52. There seem to be a lot of desserts, which isn't entirely surprising.

  53. For what it's worth, I've gotten more compliments recently (for which I quickly mentioned your name) for the Hawaiian banana bread than anything else I can recall. Good stuff, a real go-to recipe.

  54. I'm new to your blog so I appreciate seeing this recap of your most-popular recipes. I can see why they are so popular - they all look fabulous! It is interesting which recipes get the most traffic, isn't it?

  55. congratulations!! i can see why all of those are favorites, they all have my mouth watering!

  56. Thank you for this lovely collection! They all look delicious! Have a nice evening Mary

  57. Wow, 1000??? Congrats! What a wonderful list. Some of my favourites didn't make it to my list as well :P

  58. Amusing how your favorites differ from those of your readers. I hope you will soon post yours!

  59. So glad that YOU found me, Mary! Now I have access to these (and more) great recipes!!!! Pumpkin butter, here I come!
    Thanks for dropping by today.

  60. Hello Mary, thank you for stopping by at my blog - getting such a positive comment from someone like you, who is much more experienced and popular blog-wise, means a lot!
    Congratulations on your 1000th post. The peanut butter chocolate torte looks like something I'd be ready to... well, not exactly to die for, but I think you get the idea :-)

  61. What a collection! Do I have to pick one? just kidding. But I'd die for your Oven-Baked Baby Back Ribs! Just thinking about it make me drool non stop, Mary!

  62. The Refrigerator Dill Pickles and the Pumpkin Butter certainly got my attention! I'll have to try both.

  63. this is a good day to find your blog...all the best posts right there for me! Love this blog and I am now a follower...if you took all these food photos then I would say you are a great photographer!

  64. Sweets are the clear favourite, by far. All look fantastic, and you've had the difficult task of tasting each one:)

  65. Oooh, thanks for the roundup! These all look incredible--especially the cheesecakes :D

  66. The chocolate peanut butter torte is making my mouth water! Congrats on reaching 1000 posts - what an accomplishment!

  67. I'm not sure how you judged the most popular recipes, whether by number of hits, or comments. But possibly you didn't get as many comments for your favorite recipes because the readers didn't stop to comment. They went right to the kitchen to make them! Thanks for the continued supply of lovely recipes.
    Martha in KS

  68. I love when surprises like that happen! Cool and congrats to you!

    I am totally interested in those refrigerator pickles! thanks for posting your top ten!

  69. These all look so good! It's good to be back and seeing what you are up to every day!!

  70. Congratulations! Everything looks fantastic here.

  71. Watermelon smoothie, I love that luscious color Oh boy, they all look good but since it's been so hot that one appeals to me tonight.

  72. thanks for visiting us. Glad you like the blog. Yours is super! But it's also making me staaaaaarving for cake. Rich cheesecake. yum.

  73. I am a chocolate fan all the way and your perfect chocolate cake looks remarkable! A very tasty list indeed.

  74. I am so very hungry now. You are a gourmet goddess.

  75. I am fascinated by blog statistics, and what people search and find on the net! Sometimes I think that if I had a blog about 'making your own cheese' I would get 10,000 visits per day! My post about making halloumi and ricotta has been the top viewed since ever!

    Please publish you speech for the great meatloaf award for us!!! :-) If I weren't a vegetarian I would make you one!!

    Ciao and have a great day!

  76. Congratulations on your 1000th post! All Top 10 recipes look wonderful with excellent presentation...

  77. Mary...congratulations on your 1000 posts! Everything looks amazing...though I am partial to the cheesecake and the real coffee cake. You are such an inspiration! I look forward to your next 1000 posts! : )

  78. Wow! I can easily see why those are some favorites :), Miriam@Meatless Meals For Meat Eaters

  79. Oh how I wish there was an order form at the bottom of this post! I want some ribs, some of those giant cookies, some pickles and definitely a slice of that peanut butter torte. I will pay handsomely! Gorgeous lineup, Mary! Truly amazing...

  80. Congratulations on your 1000th post, Mary! I admire your beautiful blog.

  81. Pumpkin butter! I've never had it but what a fantastic idea! It would be wonderful to know what your personal top 10 favorites are. Thanks for sharing :)

  82. These all look wonderful, Mary, but I would like to see your top favorite recipes!

  83. hi mary, im must really go thru your archive when i have the time. I have missed out a lot on your goodies!!

  84. Wow!! Your Perfect Chocolate Cake really is Perfect!! I can see why some of those are in the top 10 for sure!

  85. I have that perfect chocolate cake bookmarked to make, and now I will add the giant lemon cookies. So much to bake, so little time!!!! Thanks for your great recipes!

  86. oh I can definitely see why these are favorites! they all look heavenly!

  87. Oh hungry now!!!! Now I know where to look when I want to try something new.

  88. Cheesecake and I go way back. We have been in love since my birth. And in a total switch - the refrigerator dill pickles also sing to me (no points for my weight watchers life).

    Congrats on the 1,000 posts Mary - it's a huge accomplishment and your attention to detail and care lets me know that this is something you don't just dash off - but work at - and we all respond!

  89. I love everything you posted up there. Just imagine how time flies.

  90. 1000 posts...Wow! 1000 days of deliciousness. (Is that a word?) These may not be your favorites, but they all look good to me. :)

  91. He publicado tu foto y un link hacia tu blog en Mis Favoritos de esta semana, puedes verlo en
    Espero que te guste!


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