Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Crusty Farm-Style Fried Chicken

From the kitchen of One Perfect Bite...I was delighted when this recipe was reprinted by the editors of Farm Journal. I had originally seen it in one of their old cookbooks, and made it for the first time nearly fifty years ago. I was newly married and trying to capture the warmth and aura of country cooking in a very modest big city kitchen. Thoughts of that kitchen still make me smile. It had an ancient stove, a refrigerator and a sink with a drain board that was also used for assembly and chopping. I first made this chicken there. The recipe was great and I used it for years, but when our nest began to empty and calories had to be watched more carefully than the children ever were, the recipe was retired and fell out of sight and mind. I stumbled on it again last year and simply had to make it again. The biggest drawback was scaling ingredients to feed fewer people. I halved the ingredients and used two (2-1/2 pound) chickens to make this for our dinner. There were four of us at the table that evening and I still had leftovers for the following day. If you are unable to find packets of the powdered garlic dressing, an Italian mix can be substituted. I think those of you who try this chicken will love it. It is a perfect choice for holiday picnics or alfresco dining. Here's the recipe as it originally appeared in Farm Journal (AGWeb).

Crusty Farm-Style Fried Chicken
...from the kitchen of One Perfect Bite courtesy of Farm Journal

3 (3 pounds) broiler-fryers..cut in pieces
2 envelopes garlic salad dressing mix (i.e. Good Seasons)
3 tablespoons flour
2 teaspoons salt salt
1/4 cup lemon juice
2 tablespoons soft butter
1 cup milk
1-1/2 cups pancake mix
Vegetable oil for frying

1) Wipe chicken pieces with a damp paper towel. Combine salad dressing mix, flour and salt in a small bowl. Add lemon juice and butter, mix to a smooth paste. Brush chicken on all sides with spice paste. Store coated chicken in refrigerator over night.
2) About 1-1/2 hours before serving heat 1/2-inch of oil in large skillet. Dip chicken in milk, then coat with pancake mix. Lightly brown in hot oil. When browned place in a shallow baking pan, one layer deep. Spoon half of remaining dipping milk over chicken. Cover with foil. Bake at 375 degrees F for 30 minutes. Remove foil, baste with pan drippings and bake 20 to 30 minutes more. Remove from Oven and serve immediately. Yield: 6 to 8 servings.

One Year Ago Today: Lemon Coleslaw

Two Years Ago Today: Red Cooked Pork

You might also enjoy these recipes:
Perfect Fried Chicken - Chef at Large
Double Dipped Fried Chicken - The Red Spoon
Southern Fried Chicken - The Galley Gourmet
Crispy Oven Fried Chicken - Living the Gourmet
Batter Fried Chicken - What's Cookin' Chicago?


? said...

These look perfect!

kitchen flavours said...

These looks so delicious! Interesting that it uses pancake mix! Fried or roasted chicken is always a welcome meal in my house! Thanks for sharing, have a lovely day, Mary!

Charo said...


Anonymous said...

That is just genius Mary, I would have never thought to use pancake mix?

Unknown said...

what a clever idea. Yum.

That Girl said...

This is truly farm to table

Carolyn™ said...

This looks another good variation for chicken. Is the salad dressing mix a dry powdered one or liquid?

Ellen Whyte said...

Hi Mary, love this chicken! And as always when I visit you I'm starving.

I have a question: my brother is trying to make an edible honey decoration but he's lost the recipe. He thinks last time he buttered a cup and spread the honey over it in a lacy pattern - but obviously there is more to it. Can you tell us what or give us the name of this type of decoration? googling "honey lace decoration" doesn't work!

Anonymous said...

I have never seen pancake mix being used like this before! Have a blessed Wednesday Mary :)

Elin said...

Mary, this is a great recipe for crusty fried chicken. Good that you share it with us here. I am already drooling over them :)
Have a nice day,

Priya Suresh said...

Real feast for chicken lovers like me,soo tempting and addictive.

Maris(In Good Taste) said...

So very creative!

Diane said...

This sounds delicious, but I will have to see what I can find here to substitute for the garlic mix, not sure we even have an Italian mix in France! There must be something around though. Thanks for this take care Diane

Big Dude said...

I love fried chicken and we rarely cook it for the same reasons as you mentioned, but this just looks sooo good.

Faith said...

Fried chicken is one of my hubby's #1 favorites. Yours looks flavorful and crispy and really perfect...I'll have to try it soon!

Sprigs of Rosemary said...

I have yet to master fried chicken and have always thought that would be wonderful to have for an impromptu picnic (or after a day of hay-making like I just had!) I'm re-inspired to give it a go. Very tempting.

Whats Cookin Italian Style Cuisine said...

What perfect color in this chicken, love this style clever idea and your so creative!

Kim said...

Yhis chicken looks perfect, crisp and tasty. I shall give it a try soon!

nancy at good food matters said...

This post makes me smile--so wonderfully of-a-time. My first cookbook, when I married over 35 years ago, was the Farm Journal's "America's Best Vegetable Recipes" As a novice cook, I learned so much from this tome--which included a vast array of recipes--fresh, frozen, canned, w/meats and poultry...somewhat tattered, it still occupies a special place on the book shelf. thanks for the sweet reminder.

StephenC said...

This is so 1950's and I love it! I especially that it is shallow-fried, not wasting a lot of oil. Thanks, Mary.

Schnitzel and the Trout said...

Yes, you definitely want some left-overs!!!

Carol @ There's Always Thyme to Cook said...

Looks perfect, golden and crispy. I would love a cold leftover next day!

Tanna said...

Oh, I remember the Farm Journal. It was an ever present visitor at our home while I was growing up. Haven't thought about it in years. Thank you for this recipe and the good memories! blessings ~ tanna

Elisabeth said...

Now I know what to do next time with my extra homemade pancake mix...genius idea, and also with the Italian dressing mix, which I do use.
Chicken drums are my very favorite...looks so perfect, crispy, and oh, so delicious:DDD

Y said...

Oh, be still my growling stomach? I haven't had fried chicken in ages, yum!

T.W. Barritt at Culinary Types said...

It looks beautiful - the perfect version of fried chicken! I am amazed it wasn't eaten up before you got the photo!

Unknown said...

I want to reach right into my computer and grab that leg... I adore crusty fried chicken like this! It reminds me so much of my childhood. :)

Clint said...

I would kill for this dish.

Tasty Trix said...

Form the photo, this chicken looks exactly like what my great grandmother made when I was just a tiny thing. ... I have lusted fort hat flavor as an adult, but no one knows her recipe. ... I wonder?

Anonymous said...

Pancake mix? Wow what an interesting combo. Looks wonderful.

Lyndas recipe box said...

I've not seen another recipe like this. Sounds like there would be tons of flavor from the dressing mix.
We love fried chicken here too, Mary and I only make it about once a year now, for thew very reasons you gave.

Anonymous said...

Ooh, this coating on the chicken looks so delicious and brown!

Zach Burky said...

Ayayay, mucho delicioso! I am so going to get to mom to make this tonight! Looks completely awesome!

dr.antony said...

That is cooked to perfection! Tempting even at my age!

Alexis @ There She Goes said...

im swooning over this :)

Ben said...

Mary, this is beautiful. I love a lightly coated chicken - too many recipes give you a mouth full of fried breading coating - and this is just perfect. Thank you for sharing this!


Lynne (lynnesgiftsfromtheheart) said...

These look so delicious. I just copied off the recipe, plan to do it on Sunday.. As always thanks for sharing. hugs ~lynne~

Joanne said...

This is definitely the ultimate picnic fare! I am so intrigued by the use of pancake mix...quite unique!

Lauren Hairston said...

That chicken is gorgeous! And it would go perfectly with the lemon cole slaw from last year. I adore fried chicken!

David said...

Mary... Just beautiful fried chicken! My favorite food for sure. Drooling just a bit... Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

Anonymous said...

oooo,, now thats yummy!

Allison said...

I love that you remember making this so many years ago. That alone makes me want to make it as well.

Emily Malloy said...

This does look perfect!

Unknown said...

I could eat this all week long, great to find an old favorite recipe too.

Valérie said...

Ooh, this really looks good! I mean, seriously mouth-watering! I haven't had lunch yet, and this isn't helping!

Patricia @ ButterYum said...

This recipe looks wonderful, Mary. I can imagine the kitchen you first made it in. The spaces young brides have to work with - LOL.

Great timing for posting this recipe.


Ginny Hartzler said...

I'm actually salivating, and I just finished eating!!!

Cooking Creation said...

Fried chicken with pancake mix! I bet this is tasty!

Desserts In My Kitchen said...

Oh my! Your chicken look absolutely delightful. This recipe is a wonderful idea. I love chicken.

Heather S-G said...

Oh my goodness, these look amazing. I have a big pack of chicken legs in the fridge calling to be made like this!

kitty@ Kitty's Kozy Kitchen said...

I will have to try this, Mary! I have two Farm Journal cookbooks in my collection. My first one I acquired when I started teaching Home Economics. I loved it then & still look recipes up in it. The other one, my Mom gave me, & it, too, has some great recipes. Thanks for the reminder to check them out again!

Cyndi said...

That looks SO good!!! You made me hungry.

Marilyn Miller said...

Thanks for visiting me at Delights of the Heart. The chicken looks so good and would be perfect for the 4th of July.

Mary505 said...

que rico a mi me gusta mucho el pollo

Zoe said...

Love to have a bite of these yummy fried chicken!

Anonymous said...

Oh Mary - these truly look PERFECT!
Mary x

Pondside said...

This will be perfect for Canada Day and a picnic out on the patio. Thank you! I have been wishing for fried chicken but am not good at frying. I know I'll be able to do this!

Anonymous said...

look great :)

Rambling Tart said...

What lovely memories, Mary. :-) This chicken looks so good - perfectly golden and crispy. :-)

LV said...

I am intrigued by the pancake mix. What a great idea! this looks delicious and I bet its really flavorful...YUM!

Debbie said...

I love old recipes! I still use my DoubleDay cookbooks that I bought 30 years ago!!! The chicken looks wonderful Mary!

The Blonde Duck said...

Pancake mix! I must try this!

Raquel@Erecipe Free Nutritional Calculator said...

I was about to marinate chicken legs for my kids snack tomorrow at school when I read this post, and instead of doing my old way I am now trying this recipe. Thanks

Lucie said...

Interesting recipe, Mary! It looks succulent.

Ola said...

Looks absolutely delicoius and very crunchy! I love this recipe :) Blessings!

Susie said...

These look delicious! I love your photo!

The Harried Cook said...

Oh my! I love good homemade fried chicken! and pancake mix? how interesting! Thanks for sharing :)

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