
Thursday, June 16, 2011

Sweet Berry Wine Sauce

From the kitchen of One Perfect Bite...I keep this lovely sauce in my refrigerator during the summer months. I think of it as a secret weapon and use it to turn the simplest of desserts into something really special. I keep a supply of vanilla ice cream in the freezer, and when it's topped with this gorgeous sauce I know I have a treat that can be served to unexpected guests without fuss or bother. It's very easy to make and, despite its simplicity, it has been well-received ever since its publication in Light and Tasty Magazine. I hope you'll give this sauce a try. I'm really proud of it. Here's the recipe.

Sweet Berry Wine Sauce...from the kitchen of One Perfect Bite

1 cup water
1/2 to 1 cup sugar
2 cups frozen unsweetened mixed berries
1/2 cup port wine or grape juice
Optional garnish:
1/2 cup fresh raspberries
1/2 cup fresh blackberries
1/2 cup fresh blueberries

Bring water and sugar to a boil. Add frozen berries and wine or juice; return to a boil. Reduce heat, simmer, uncovered for 5 minutes. Mash and strain berries, reserving juice. Return juice to pan. Bring to a boil; reduce heat and simmer until mixture is reduced to 3/4 cup. Cool to room temperature. If using, stir fresh berries into sauce just before serving. Chill.

One Year Ago Today: Scallion and Asparagus Salad

Two Years Ago Today: Blackberry Sherbet

You might also enjoy these recipes:
Strawberry Rhubarb Sauce - Half Baked
Creme Anglaise - Cook Italian.Com
Salted Caramel Sauce - The Amateur Gourmet
Strawberry Dessert Sauce - Drick's Rambling Cafe
Easy Microwave Mixed Berry Sauce - Baking Bites
How to Make Your Own Blueberry Syrup - Simple Bites
Rhubarb Syrup - Closet Cooking
Peach Sauce with Nutmeg - Smitten Kitchen
Strawberry Sauce - Our Best Bites
Mango Syrup - Annon's Thai Food


  1. How lovely. This would turn ice-cream into an elegant adult dessert.

  2. What a lovely sauce to accompany ice-cream! So easy to make too!Thank you Mary!

  3. Can imagine the color contrast on vanilla ice-cream...surely that would be so gorgeous and irresistable!

  4. This sauce sounds fun. I like how you include an alcoholic and non-alcoholic version. I'll take the wine version, please!

  5. Now this is very interesting. I don't think I have tried this kind of sauce before. When you mentioned about pouring to ice cream...I'm sold! Very nice idea. Going to prepare to make it!!!! Thanks Mary!

  6. It really does sound amazing - on anything white and creamy! Thanks for sharing and I am sure to make this soon with all the fresh berries we'll soon be getting up in the PNW.

  7. What a winner of a great summer sauce Mary. It must be bursting with all the wonderful berry flavours.
    :-) Mandy

  8. This looks wonderful! Even the name sounds delicious! I could just find any excuse to have this with anything! Especially with ice cream! Thank you for sharing, Mary! Have a lovely day!

  9. Wow. I can imagine how delicious it would be over an icecream. Wonderful recipe Mary. Big hug.

  10. You had me at wine but when I read the rest all I can say is wow!

  11. Wow, I've got this tons of recipes to try out with this sauce of yours. Thanks for sharing this helps a lot my culinary adventure. :) buy aion accounts

  12. Oh beautiful! I can think of many uses for this sauce! scones, cakes, ice-cream, parfait. makes any dessert classy!

  13. Heard about the name and I'm salivating.

  14. That sounds fantastic. A definite on my list. Diane

  15. splendida preparazione, molto fresca ed estiva! da provare! complimenti per la bellezza delle foto!

  16. What a great idea - this would be wonderful with ice cream

  17. I actually have everything to make this! Looks and sounds fabulous, I love recipes like this, unique and fun! Thanks, Chris

  18. I love this, it's so elegant and different. I will try it as soon as our weather cooperates...this sounds like it would also be great to drizzle on pound cake. Thanks!

  19. Between this and the olive burger, I'd be a happy duckie!

  20. What a great idea -- I may have to do that too!!! Sounds yummy! Would be good over pound cake as well!

  21. I can think of 100 uses for this great post Mary thank you!

  22. Yum. My family would love this! :D

  23. Wow the colour itself looks vibrant and catchy, marvellous sauce..

  24. I bet that would be so wonderful over ice cream. Simple and yet so elegant and delicious!

  25. Perfection! I have to make some of this for sure; I can think of so many things to add it to.

  26. I does sound very elegant and grown-up!

  27. It's beautiful. And I know it HAS to be sensational. It does seem like a lot of sugar, though. Not that that would stop me from enjoying it.

  28. Oh no, I'm not doing this. I'd eat a tonne of ice-cream! :-)

  29. Homemade syrups are really special... this is a great one.. thanks for the recipe!

  30. Ice cream, pancakes, the possibilities are endless. Delicious!

  31. Sounds delicious Mary! you reminded me of a drink we make back home from sour cherries :) Have a great day!

  32. I love port! And berries! What a lovely idea.

  33. This looks wonderful! I love how versatile it is.

  34. Mary this look absolutely nice and delicious!!! lovely! gloria

  35. Mary-
    The use for this sauce is endless! Thank you for sharing.

  36. Oh my, this looks wonderful. I think I'd be happy with it on a spoon, never mind the ice cream. Ha.

  37. I can just taste this drizzled over my favorite lemon cream cheese pound cake. Yum!

  38. Bet the ice-cream will taste yummy and what a nice colour combination!

  39. Looks delicious! Just curious - when do you add in the fresh berries (versus the frozen ones)? Email me and let me know. :) paula (at)

  40. This sounds gorgeous! How long will it last refrigerated?

  41. Mmm this sounds so decadent Mary! Definitely the perfect thing to serve to guests...or just to curl up on the couch with!

  42. Oh, I bet this just tastes like heaven! Bookmarking this one along with many of your others! :)

  43. Oh my! I think this wonderful sauce could have so many great uses.

  44. I'd love to have this berry sauce over my pancakes and crepes for a delicious breakfast! That jar looks so cute :)

  45. This does seem like a pretty amazing sauce!

  46. This is something that I can do: I always have frozen berries in the fridge :-)

    Have a lovely day :-)


  47. This looks really tasty, can't wait to give it a try!

  48. What a great idea to always have this in your fridge! It's so pretty and I'm sure it's delicious :)


  49. Elegance in a cruet... Thank you, Mary. blessings ~ tanna

  50. Mary..that is really a good berry wine sauce and what more on ice cream...gosh that is really heaven on earth ! :) Thanks Mary for this lovely recipe. Once I get hold of some fresh berries , I would like to try this out.

    Have a nice blessed day,

  51. Hi Mary,
    This would make a lovely sauce for so many things. I bet you could even just pour it over a salad. You have so many wonderful recipes over here.

  52. Thanks for sharing this recipe. I would love to have a bottle of this in my fridge, too:)

  53. What a delicious "secret weapon" and I bet it tastes absolutely wonderful with vanilla ice cream. Beautiful as always, Mary :)

    Have a lovely day,


  54. I have printed this recipe out so that I can try it! Thanks :)

  55. This beautiful sauce looks like the perfect thing to have in your fridge for summertime! I will be making this soon. Thanks for sharing Mary, and I hope you have a wonderful day!

  56. This is a great idea, Mary, and it sounds perfect to along with ice cream.


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