
Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Orange and Rhubarb Oatmeal Porridge

From the kitchen of One Perfect Bite...We've had rain for two days now. I'm talking periodic deluge, not the rare and gentle sprinkle that's usually associated with summers here in Oregon. Mornings are cold and it just seems weird to be running around in a lumberjack's hoodie trying to keep warm. It's July for Pete's sake. Now, I don't want to start a rumor, but I have a really uneasy feeling that summer has been stolen. Just the thought sends shivers up and down my spine. Our grandchildren will soon be here, and the thought of all of us housebound on this hillside is enough to make grown men weep. The Silver Fox has refused permission to publish the grown man weeping photo I planned to insert here, but to stay in my good graces he agreed to sample an oatmeal dish that I've been wanting to try. I've just been given the thumbs-up, so I can share it with you. The recipe was developed for Eating Well magazine. I've made some changes to their version because I thought the orange juice used in the recipe overpowered the other ingredients. In order to retain an orange flavor, I replaced the juice with a bit of zest and I think it worked well. This is a very nice way to start a damp and chilly day. The original recipe, Oatmeal-Rhubarb Porridge, can be found here. My version follows. I hope you will try it. The recipe can, of course, be doubled.

Orange and Rhubarb Oatmeal...from the kitchen of One Perfect Bite inspired by Eating Well Magazine

2 cups nonfat milk
1/2 teaspoon orange zest
1 cup old-fashioned rolled oats
1 cup rhubarb, cut in 1/2-inch pieces
1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
Pinch of salt
2-3 tablespoons brown sugar, pure maple syrup or agave syrup
2 tablespoons chopped pecans or other nuts, toasted

Combine milk, zest, oats, rhubarb, cinnamon and salt in a medium saucepan. Bring to a boil over medium-high heat. Reduce heat, cover and cook at a very gentle bubble, stirring frequently, until oats and rhubarb are tender, about 5 minutes. Remove from heat and let stand, covered, for 5 minutes. Stir in sweetener to taste. Top with nuts. Yield: 2 servings.

One Year Ago Today: Bow Ties with Sausage and Leek Sauce

Two Years Ago Today: Blue Moon Ice Cream

You might also enjoy these recipes:
Overnight Cold Oatmeal - The Joyful Kitchen
Vanilla Oatmeal - Ruminations on Food
Jamaican Oats Porridge - The Food Blog
Oatmeal Porridge - The Joy of Baking
Raw Mixed Berry Oatmeal Porridge - Not Quite Nigella


  1. I love the word porridge. Just hearing it takes me back to childhood storybooks. Your version looks delectable!

  2. Perfect recipe for the terrible weather we've got here in Paris...!!!

  3. Mary, let me assure you that summer has not been stolen. It is right here in the midwest. I am one limp noodle! In fact, I'm just going to be visiting my food blogging friends instead of cooking. Please set a place for me on your blog. I'll be happy to start with the porridge!


  4. Rhubarb in morning Oatmeal is a wonderful idea! I was sad when I heard the Silver Fox has refused permission to publish the grown man weeping photo. I would like to see that! Have a beautiful day :)

  5. Oh, Mary, I think Texas stole your summer and added it to ours!! We are having a crazy hot one (or two, if we have yours)! I would sure send part of it to you if I could. I had to laugh at the homebound thought being enough to cause a grown man to weep! LOL! I can certainly understand that. The porridge sounds fabulous... just in a few more months. Hope it warms up for you as it cools down for us. blessings ~ tanna

  6. We are just heatin up in San Diego! Love this dish

  7. Oh MY! Goldie locks would be in heaven!!!

  8. Oh Mary, I love oatmeal and I am always looking for different way to prepare it. Like the flavors that you have in this creamy oatmeal porridge.
    Hope you are having a fantastic week :-)

  9. oh, I am jealous!! We are weeping here from the drought and temps in the 100's everyday!!! I need to move, I'm meant to live in a cool, rainy area I believe...

  10. That is a great way to start a chilly morning! Looks delicious!

  11. I love homemade flavored oatmeal, and this is splendid, tart, and so cheering.

  12. And we are living in a heat wave, but last week we were in Vancouver BC and it was freezing. Will keep you version of oatmeal Mary; my breakfast in cold weather.

  13. Hola Mary:
    Que buena pinta tiene el porridge!! Me trae recuerdos de infancia.
    Un abrazo y buena semana

  14. I really wish rhubarb were still in season! This looks like a lovely breakfast!

  15. This porridge looks delicious nice to start a day with it.

  16. Sorry to hear the weather is "under the weather" in Oregon, Mary..haha..In Montreal it's been scorching HOT!I love your porridge recipe,I will keep it for a bit later though due to the temperature...Maria and I have an award for you to claim at our blog, have a great evening!

  17. Is there a difference between porridge and oatmeal? Porridge always makes me think of Dickens novels and poverty. They thought back then that they were eating badly, when in fact it is so healthy for you, only I guess they didn't know it then.

  18. Sounds delicious for any weather. I hope the weather is glorious when the grandkids come!

  19. Sounds like you're having your own little hurricane season with all that rain! Too bad its still cold, that's just no fair! Lovely porridge recipce :) Perfect for those 'chilly' July mornings

  20. Ciao Mary, I hope that the weather improves for you. Everybody deserves a good Summer!

    I am not a fan of porridge, but the way you made it here could easily tempt me :-). Almost a dessert!


  21. This is such a unique use for Rhubarb! I am so used to seeing it in dessert, I would never think to put it in my oatmeal - or porridge I should say. Yum! Thanks Mary, this looks delicious.

  22. This porridge sounds good with orange and rhubarb! I will try to send you sunshine from Singapore :)

  23. Nice pic but porridge gives me the shivers. Something about the texture...

  24. I'm going to save this for a rainy afternoon (we get those like four times a week) and give it a try.

  25. i just love oatmeal. love how it can go with sooo many different flavors!! have a great week mary :)

  26. Never thought to put rhubarb in oatmeal, but it sounds delicious. I've got four giant rhubarb plants-and now another way to use up the extras. Thanks for the idea!

  27. I think we stole your summer! It is meant to be raining here for winter and yet we have been walking around in t shirts!

  28. We are struck by a heatwave,dear!It is so hot in Greece right now!Your recipe is just great!Have a lovely day!

  29. you should totally enter the Bob's Red Mill porridge contest with this one!!

  30. Mary..this is so healthy and sounds and rhubarb oatmeal porridge...I want some ! Have a nice day :)

  31. I love a bowl of hot oatmeal in the morning. This version, with orange zest and rhubarb, I really want to try it! I'll wait for a cool day!

  32. What makes porridge "porridge" and not oatmeal?

  33. I know strawberry and rhubarb are the perfect pair, but I have to admit that I love the combination of rhubarb and orange! This porridge sounds amazing! Thanks for sharing.

  34. This is definitely my sort of breakfast! Yum!


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