
Saturday, August 13, 2011

Watermelon and Strawberry Sorbet Two Ways

From the kitchen of One Perfect Bite...Our green markets and farm stands are flooded with waves of local watermelon and strawberries that come from nearby states. I, of course, continue to over-buy, and, even with a house full of company, find myself left with small amounts of each that not much can be done with. Unless, of course, you think sorbet. Sorbet is a frozen dessert made from sweetened water that is flavored with fruit, wine or liqueur. Unlike sherbet, it contains no milk or cream. While I'd like to think the first sorbet was made by a housewife or cook who had a dilemma similar to mine, I can't claim that to be the truth. Oral history, in fable form, credits the Roman Emperor Nero for the creation of sorbet in the 1st century. It's said that runners along the Appian way passed containers of snow, bucket brigade-style, down the mountains to his kitchens where it was mixed with honey and wine to produce a sorbet-like dessert. Culinary historians credit Marco Polo for bringing a similar dessert to Italy from China in the 13th century. They believe sorbet was brought from Italy to France by Catherine de' Medici at the time of her marriage to the Duke of Orleans, who would later become Henry II of France. It was well received and by the end of the 17th century it was served in the streets of Paris and had spread to England. As a matter of fact, Hannah Glasse has a recipe for sorbet in her cookbook, The Art of Cookery Made Plain and Easy. As desserts go, this one is really easy to do. It generally is made with a simple syrup to which a fruit puree is added. It can be made with or without an ice cream maker, and for that reason you'll find two recipes for sorbet below. The combination of watermelon and strawberry makes an especially nice sorbet. Whichever recipe you use, I know you'll be pleased. There is nothing here not to like.

Watermelon and Strawberry Sorbet I

1 cup water
1/2 cup sugar
2 cups cubed seedless watermelon
2 cups fresh strawberries, hulled
1 tablespoon minced fresh mint

1) Bring water and sugar to a boil in a small heavy saucepan. Cook, stirring, until sugar dissolves. Remove from heat and allow to cool slightly.
2) Place watermelon, strawberries and sugar syrup in a blender. Cover and process for 2-3 minutes or until smooth. Strain and discard seeds and pulp. Transfer puree to a 13-in. x 9-in. dish. Freeze for 1 hour or until edges begin to firm.
3) Stir in mint. Freeze 2 hours longer or until firm. Just before serving, transfer to a blender; cover and process for 2-3 minutes or until smooth. Yield: 6 servings.

Watermelon and Strawberry Sorbet II...courtesy of John Besh

1 pint strawberries, hulled
1 cup diced, seeded watermelon
1 teaspoon lemon juice
1/2 cup sugar

1) In blender, puree strawberries, watermelon, lemon juice and sugar until smooth. Check that puree has correct amount of sugar. Add more sugar or juice if necessary. How do you know you've added enough? You should be able to float an egg, still in its shell, in the puree.
2) Transfer puree to canister of an ice cream maker and process according to manufacturer's instructions. Keep sorbet in freezer until ready to use. Serves 6.

One Year Ago Today: Breakfast Polenta with Chorizo and Queso Fresco

Two Years Ago Today: Lemon Custard

You might also enjoy these recipes:
Cherry Sherbet - The Pioneer Woman Cooks
Chocolate Sorbet - Wonderfoodland
Berry Basil Sorbet - Former Chef
Pina Colada Sorbet - Gina's Skinny Recipes
Limoncello Mint Sorbet - Culinary Cory

This post is being linked to:
Pink Saturday, sponsored by Beverly at How Sweet the Sound.


  1. I've had sorbet so many times, but never made it, this looks so refreshing I must give it a try.

  2. You can never overbuy fruit.I have in seizon quantitieeees and after I sell main crop,gift friends and family,eat fresh as much and as long as I can,i start making jams,marmelades relishes sauces,drinksyrups,freeze them freeflowing for alter and see they are al gone.
    Btw nice sorbet:)

  3. That is so refreshing! Will cool down anyone in this hot weather for sure...a bonus if it tasted so delicious!

  4. Hello Mary, I love your ice cream looks very refreshing!

  5. Great idea Mary. Frozen treats with seasonal fruits and that too my favorite strawberries and watermelon too. Aha!

  6. Mmmmm bet both of those are good. Have a good weekend. Diane

  7. Looks quite refreshing, especially in this August heat.

  8. Beautiful ~ so refreshing and pretty to look at too!
    Karen @ Lavender and Lovage

  9. Mary, these look so light and refreshing. We had a lemoncello (sp?) sorbet in Italy that was amazing. Has made me crave light and fruitish delights. Thank you. blessings ~ tanna

  10. I love watermelon. This sounds very refreshing.

  11. What a great idea to combine strawberries to watermelon. It's surely fully tasty and perfect!

  12. How refreshing.Gorgeous color too.

  13. This looks such delicious chilling dessert. The colour looks excellence! Hmmm....Yummmm....
    Thanks for sharing & hope you're enjoying your day.
    Blessings, Kristy

  14. The sorbet sounds terrific! I love the tip about the egg...I had never heard of doing that before. Thank you Mary.

  15. Yummy! I'm super excited about the watermelon/strawberry/mint combination.....

  16. What a refreshing way to use some of summer's most bountiful fruits! Thank you for sharing this delicious treat. I'm enjoying your pictures and your words with a cup of coffee in my hands and rolls rising on the counter. Hugs and love from Austin!

  17. The sorbet sounds heavenly. When I was younger I used to love mixing watermelon and strawberry flavors at the local icee joint. No doubt this is much better. :)

  18. Love the history. Isn't it funny that Nero is a know for creating eating ice is also know for burning down Rome. Fire and Ice combo.

  19. i bet these would taste great even without the sugar!! esp if the watermelon is super ripe :D

  20. Ooo I like the way you think! I should do this with more of my leftover fruit!

  21. I want to make this ASAP!!! Yum!!

  22. Even i dislike watermelon i'm suure your sorbet tastes great! I love sorbet, and especially the strawberry one!

    Yummy yummy!

  23. Oh my, I really want to try the fresh mint version!! Delicious. :-)

  24. Fun and informative post! Check out Nero doing something to benefit his fellow man! Awesome sorbet :)

  25. Love the combination of watermelon and strawberry!

  26. Yum! I keep meaning to try a watermelon sorbet. I'll be trying it soon before they go out of season!

  27. They both sound so refreshing! I love making homemade sorbet!

  28. I never really gave much consideration to sorbet until we needed a substitute for my grandson who can't eat ice cream. Sorbet to the rescue!

    I love the notion of watermelon and strawberries blended together in such goodness. The intensity of redness is calling my name:) As a matter of fact, I'm preparing a post for tomorrow (Sunday) which calls for this very link.

    Thanks for sharing, Mary...

  29. I am sorry I have been missing out on all your great cooking. There is nothing you prepare that I would not enjoy and would take the leftovers.

  30. Have never tried sorbet, pic of your Sorbet is too attractive

  31. I could not resist sampling away. Beautiful color and flavor.

  32. Sounds very refreshing Mary. I would love a bowl of it right now.

  33. Those flavors sound so delicious together! I love making sorbet and can't wait to try this one - thanks for sharing:)

  34. This sounds delightful ~ and easy.

  35. Watermelon and strawberry, what a delightful combination for sorbet!

  36. I would never think of combining strawberries and watermelon but it sounds like it works really well. Lovely dish.

  37. Hi Mary!
    Well I got my post up today but it seems I got a bit over zealous and included a picture of your Sorbet. If it's okay, I'd love to keep it up but I certainly understand if you rather I didn't.

    Thanks so much, Louise.

  38. I love that this post provides not just one but two ways to make sorbet. I love options.

  39. Hi,
    I would like to make a link of this recipe on my blog. I am doing ice cream for the month of August and this week highlighting other blogs. May I share yours? Let me know at

  40. Mary, my mouth is watering for a taste. This looks and sounds so delicious and refreshing.

    Thank you for participating in this very special Pink Saturday. I hope your visitors will come over to comment and help us to raise more money for the next Miracle Makeover. The good news is that you can leave a comment each day through the 18th, and each comment earns $1.00. So, please come comment again and again.

  41. I am just going to have to make some sorbet! More enticing and refreshing recipes, Mary!


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