
Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Braised Pork with Cream and Cabbage - Away A While Recipe Favorites

From the kitchen of One Perfect Bite...I am what I eat, but is that all that I am? I'm passionate about many things, consumed by some and totally repulsed by others. I'm intense and commit totally or not at all. My Dad - first coach and cheerleader - would watch my antics, shake his heads and murmur to me and an invisible assembly, "Thank God, you're not a missionary!" I garden with the same intensity as I cook and that's how it happened that I was up to my knees in mulch on a wet, chilly Oregon day last week. It wasn't the bitter cold of winter, but rather a creeping, damp that chills the bone and afflicts serious gardeners wherever they may be. Soup and stew help ward it off, but there was no time to make either. I culled from memory a recipe - a golden oldie - that would provide warmth and comfort in a bit less than an hour. I'd forgotten how satisfying pork cooked in this manner can be. You'll need some bacon, pork chops, cabbage, wine and cream to pull it off. Then let imagination carry you to a French farmhouse kitchen with a roaring fire and bottle of vin rouge on the table. Grab a glass and pour. The recipe comes from the mountainous Auvergne region of France which is famous for rustic pork dishes such as this one. You can find the recipe, here.

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  1. Mary, This is my kind of meal! Looks and sounds great... Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

  2. Whenever I see a pork dish like this, I always think about the fact that I don't make pork nearly enough! This looks so perfect for fall!



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