
Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Salmorejo - Chilled Spanish Tomato Soup - Away A While Recipe Favorites

From the kitchen of One Perfect Bite...This is a wonderful soup, and while I suspect it might become a favorite of those of you who are adventurous eaters, it will not have universal appeal. Salmorejo is a bit like gazpacho, but it is richer and much deeper in flavor than its more mild mannered cousin. It truly has attitude. I suggest that the first time you make this, you judiciously add vinegar to the soup. I personally found that the 2 tablespoons listed in the recipe below was overkill, and tended to make the soup more sour than I enjoy. I've found that a tablespoons works well for me and mine. While this cool and creamy tomato soup is nearly effortless to make, I do suggest you prepare it a full day before you plan to serve it. You will find that its flavor greatly improves with age. This is one of those soups that demands to be served with a thick crusty peasant bread. I'm told that in Spain they actually use the bread to mop up the last traces of soup remaining in the bowl. A glass of Rioja and a lovely crisp salad would also be wonderful accompaniments. I do hope, if only for the sake of novelty, you'lre tempted to give this soup a try. Chilled soups are a wonderful addition to summer meals and there are not a lot of recipes for them floating through cyberspace. This one is worth your time and effort. Here is how this version of Spanish Salmorejo is made. You'll find the recipe here.

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