From the kitchen of One Perfect Bite...This petite loaf is so packed with flavor that it will make lemon lovers weep and may convert champions of chocolate to the citrus camp. This is without a doubt the finest lemon cake I have ever tasted. Its flavor comes from zest, fresh juice and pure lemon extract, the combination of which made my socks go up and down. The recipe is the creation of Rita Wilson, who among other things is the wife of Tom Hanks, and it was featured in Family Circle magazine. Its simplicity and ease of preparation convinced me to give it a try. I'm so glad I did. I know those of you who try this recipe will love the bread. The lemon "icing" adds a faint crunch to its crust and makes the texture of the loaf less one-note than would normally be the case. I have a couple of hints that I want to share with those of you who plan to give the recipe a try. Use an 8 rather than 9-inch loaf pan. This recipe does not make enough batter to fill the larger pan. I also recommend you line the bottom of your loaf pan with greased parchment paper to make extraction of the bread easier. For the very best flavor, make the bread the day before you plan to serve it. While this makes a perfect tea bread, you'll find it also makes a wonderful family dessert. You can find the recipe here.
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I love lemon pound cake/tea bread so if you claim this is the best you've had I definitely need to make this. Plus with the holidays coming it would make a nice gift to give and one to share with guests when they come over.
Ana Teles | blog: Telita na Cozinha
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