Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Help Me Celebrate - A Giveaway

My 200th post snuck up on me! Custom dictates a giveaway, so I'd like to do a small amount of good with mine. You all know how impressed I was with the work being done at the Sala Bai Hotel School in Cambodia. I have five copies of the cookbook that was written to raise funds for the school. I will give away 1 book for every 100 people who leave a comment here - up to 500 comments. It's for a good cause. I hope you'll participate. I will do a random drawing on Saturday, April 25th and post the winners immediately after the drawing around 9:00AM PST.


Maria said...

I am always up for a celebration. Looks like a good book!

Laura said...

OK in case I don't win :) I would love to know how I could get a copy. My husband and I are obsessed with Cambodian food from our time in Cleveland (little known fact: Cleveland has great international food, including one of the only totally authentic and amazing Cambodian restaurants probably in the entire midwest, except maybe Minneapolis) and we have been really saddened at the lack of Cambodian cookbooks out there. None of the ones we own has our favorite dish, a curry that I can barely remember the name of at this point but I know I would recognize it if I saw it! But at any rate, I am always looking to add to the Cambodian part of my SE Asian cookbook collection (Vietnamese and Thai especially being much easier to find).

Anyway congrats on the... I just realized I am not sure what you are celebrating? one year of your blog? Whatever it is, congrats! :)

Tom said...

Count me in. A cookbook is the gift that keeps giving. Great idea.

Schnitzel and the Trout said...

How wonderful--200 posts! Congratulations! Absolutely put me in the drawing for this cookbook. This looks like a wonderful treat for any cook or kitchen!

Mary Bergfeld said...

Hi Laura. Celebrating my 200th post. There is a link within this post where you'll be able to get the story of Sala Bai. Here is the link to order a book here in the US.....

Stephanie_Oh said...

I had no idea that Cleveland had a Cambodian restaurant! I live about 70 mi. south of Clev. Congrats on your 200th blog entry. Steph

Mary Bergfeld said...

Stephanie_Ohio - The school is in Siam Reap, Cambodia.

Julia said...

Congrats on your 200th post!! Very exciting!

I've taken a collection of cookbooks purchased in Asia -- I think (true or not) that I'm getting more "authentic" recipes. I'd be thrilled to see what's in the Cambodian cookbooks.


Heather S-G said...

Great giveaway Mary! I know nothing about Cambodian cooking (but would love to learn...wink,wink)!

Anonymous said...

I'm up for that, Mary!! Enter me in the contest!

How can we buy a cookbook if we don't win? Or did I miss that.

My doctor says I have ADD. Personally I think he's . . . hey, look! A chicken!!


Selba said...

Congratulations on your 200th post!

What a great way to celebrate it :)

I would love to enter this giveaway. I've never tried Cambodian food before but I believe it's similiar to Thai food.

Laura said...

Mary: thanks for the link. Stephanie in Ohio: it is on Lorain Ave on the west side of Cleveland... I want to say in 13000-14000 range. It is called Phnom Penh. It is possibly my favorite restaurant ever and I have been known to drive long distances out of my way to go back.

Mary Bergfeld said...

Stephanie and Laura the two of you have me laughing at myself. Sometimes I float on a plane of existence known to no others. However, now I get it and I'm glad you found each other.

Farmer Jo said...

That is my kind of cookbook! :) Count me in on the contest!

Julie said...

So glad I found your blog, win or no win! Such lovely recipes, and I'm thrilled to see you branching out all over the globe.

I don't know nearly as much about Cambodian food as I'd like to- would love to learn!

Mary Bergfeld said...

Julie, I'm so glad you found us. I hope you'll come often.

Marie said...

Congratulations on your 200th post! And thank you for including us in the celebrating with this giveaway! My cookbook collection needs to grow, here's hoping (fingers crossed)! :)

Mary Bergfeld said...

Marie, welcome to One Perfect Bite. I hope you come and visit with us often.

Sam Hoffer / My Carolina Kitchen said...

A cookbook giveaway - now that's something I can't resist. I don't know anything about Cambodian cooking and would love to be the lucky winner and add this great book to my ever growing cookbook collection. What a nice and generous thing to do Mary.
Congratulations on your 200th post. Wow - I'm impressed. A lot of wonderful recipes are in 200 posts.

Ginger said...

Wow Mary that is commitment and accomplishment!! 200 posts!! The cookbook looks awesome and a great cause to boot!! Congratulations!!

Ning said...

Happy 200th! Mary! Congratulations! and May you have more yummy posts to come! :)

Laura said...

this is great!

Allie said...

I'm always inspired by all of your recipes so I would love to try out some Cambodian ones! Congrats on 200 post!!

Katherine Roberts Aucoin said...

Congratulations on your 200th post Mary. I am so looking forward to 200 more!

piper said...

Congratulations on 200 posts. I enjoy your blog and I would absolutely love to win the Cambodian cookbook.

Misty said...

Congrats on your 200th! I'd love to try something new and interesting, and this sounds perfect!

mistyring626 (at) yahoo (dot) com

Roo said...

Congrats on 200. I've never tried Cambodian food, but I think it would be fun to try and make some.

Wandering Chopsticks said...

I'd love to have a cookbook. I've been meaning to explore Cambodian cuisine more since I can't really describe it yet. And I hate when something is elusive. ;)

Donna-FFW said...

Thanks for the chance Mary. Id love to have a copy of this:)

moni said...

please enter me in your contest! the cover made me drool...

and congrats on your 200th!

Paula Pereira said...

hello, congrats on your 200 post!

I hope I win this yummy book:)

Thank you and best of luck!

Mary Bergfeld said...

Paula, I'm so glad you found us. I hope we'll see you often.

Karen said...

200 great posts! Nice of you to do a giveaway :)

Melynda@Scratch Made Food! said...

First you decide to start a blog, then before you know it - a celebration! Congratulations on 200.


Netts Nook said...

Sounds like my kind of cookbook. Whoot Whoot Mary

JSE said...

Love your blog, Mary - your delightful insights as much as your wonderful recipes. Count me in - it might be the only way I ever get near true Cambodian cuisine!

Mary Bergfeld said...

JSE, I'm glad you found us. I hope you'll visit often.

Anonymous said...

THANK YOU for doing this, Mary. Giveaways are such fun. You are very generous!

Lori said...

In case I dont win, I would like to get a copy as well. I hope that is possible.

Ok, humility aside, pick me, pick me, pick me...

Mary Bergfeld said...

Carolyn, it's been such a long time! I was so glad to see that you are participating.

Dianna said...

thanks for holding this wonderful giveaway! i would love to participate

Mary Bergfeld said...

Dianna, welcome to One Perfect Bite. I hope you'll stop in often.

Allie said...

Wow, I know nothing about Cambodian cookery. I am curious!

Allie said...

(And congratulations on the 200th post!!)*

*But don't count this as another comment; I just spaced on saying both things in one comment.

Bookeditor said...

Nice work on posting 200! I must admit, in my large cookbook collection--I don't have a Cambodian Cookbook. Shocking really. Thanks for the contest...

Mary Bergfeld said...

Bookeditor, welcome to One Perfect Bite. I hope we'll see you more often.

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