From the kitchen of One Perfect Bite...A bocadillo is a sandwich that's made with what the Spaniards call a barra de pan, or split baguette. A piperada is the Basque version of a butter-rich omelet that's made with a mixture of peppers, onions, garlic and tomatoes. The mixture is called piperade. One taste of piperade will transport you to Basque country, leaving no doubt in your mind as to why this is the signature dish of the region. Once the egg and piperade are combined and warmed through, the resulting piperada is stuffed into a bocadillo to make one of the best sandwiches you've ever had. It's a favorite of mine and I have it more often than I should. I am a huge fan of Spanish cooking, especially that which is done in the regions that border France. Three words come to mind when I think about the food of the area; hearty, healthy and delicious. I really hope you'll try this.
Piperada Bocadillo - Basque Egg and Pepper Sandwich...from the kitchen of One Perfect Bite
3 tablespoons olive oil + oil to brush baguettes
2 small onions, coarsely chopped
2 red bell peppers, seeded and coarsely chopped
2 yellow or orange bell peppers, seeded and coarsely chopped
2 large garlic cloves, minced
1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon red pepper flakes
1 (14.5-oz.) can diced red peppers, drained
1 tablespoon chopped fresh oregano or 1 teaspoon dried oregano
1 long French baguette or 6 rolls, split
2 tablespoons butter
7 large eggs, beaten
Salt and pepper
Optional garnish: fresh basil leaves
1) Heat olive oil in a large heavy skillet over medium heat. Add onions and cook, stirring occasionally, until onions are soft but not brown, about 5 minutes.
2) Add bell peppers, garlic and chili flakes to pan. Cook for 5 minutes. Stir in tomatoes and oregano. Add salt and pepper to taste. Cook, covered, until peppers are soft and liquid has evaporated, about 15 to 20 minutes.
3) Meanwhile, preheat oven to 400 degrees F. Scoop some bread from lower portion of bread or rolls to form a shallow well. If using a long loaf, cut it into 6 equal pieces. Brush cut surfaces of bread with olive oil and place on a baking pan. Bake until crisp and light gold in color, about 8 minutes.
4) Meanwhile, melt butter in another skillet. Add eggs and cook, stirring, until softly scrambled. Turn off heat. Stir in pepper mixture. Adjust seasoning to taste. Divide among pieces of bread. Sprinkle with basil leaves. Serve hot or warm. Yield 6 servings.
Cook's Note: Baked Scrambled eggs can be used in this recipe.
Hi Mary,
I sure do appreciate your little visits.
Bless you
barbara jean
It looks delicious--I love the eggs with the pepper mixture. A perfect sandwich!
This looks absolutely divine!!
Well now, doesn't this look fabulous.
This just brings me back to my visits to Spain, buying bocadillo's from the carts and storefronts as we walk down the street, or poke around the food markets. The egg preparation looks like a wonderful recipe in its own right.
This is one of my favorite sandwiches; I eat it any time of the day!
That sounds wonderful! I'm pretty sure my whole family would love this any time of the day.
Your photograph is really a work of art, Mary! Anybody looking at that would want to race into the kitchen and make it immediately!
I know I do.
After days and days of turkey and trying to empty the fridge of leftovers... this sound really nice...
AND BTW, I posted my version of your ANADAMA ROLLS today...
Hope I did you proud, I loved them
It looks and sounds scrumptious, thanks for another great recipe.
YUUUMMMM! We had "toast and egg" sandwiches this morning! this recipe is definitely one we will try!!
Happy Sunday!
This looks like a perfect breakfast!
nice photos and innovative technique - I love originality and you have it!
Thanks Mary ~ your post not only gives us a great breakfast sandwich to try; you also take us on a wonderful journey to land filled with so many great places, taste and cultures.
You make my hungry!
Did you see that you got un award from me?
Delicious! Your photos are wonderful as well!
Mmmm. I love good old Italian pepper and egg sandwiches, but this takes it to another level. I'll have to give this a try some weekend.
Mary-- this as all of your recipes look wonderful.
We just got home from our 40th cruise. I'm catching up (for I didn't want to pay the $$$$ for shipboard internet).
This looks as good as any food we had on the ship!
Peppers and egg sandwiches are one of my favorite, this surely takes it up a couple of nothces.
Make something very similar - but never put it in a sandwich. You are about to make my family very happy... delicious!
Looks just perfect for my lunch! Healthy delicious.
This looks so good. I have never tried the combo- that is going to change.
YUMMMMM...i love egg and peppers and onions . wonderful combo.!!
I do have to try this delicious recipe! It has all the ingredients my hubby loves. Looks YUMMY! Best, Vanessa
This is definitely one of the healthier version of an egg sandwich compared to those that we often get, chock full of mayonnaise. Love the peppers and herbs that you add into the recipe.
What a fun sandwich! It brings back memories for me of making piperade with my father - he was an avid collector of recipes, and this was one of his "finds". Beautiful job.
Nancy, welcome to One Perfect Bite. I hope you'll visit often.
I was behind with my blog reading so I'm trying to catch up at the moment. Catching up on your blog is making me very hungry! That sandwich looks perfect. :)
Oh dear Mary...I don't know why, but as son as I open your posts I immediately get hungry and now I'm wishing I had that sadwich with some coffee for dinner! Thanks sweetie and for your lovely visit too. Have a wonderful weekend.
Hi Mary!!!! I'm pleased you dedÃcated this post to the basque country who y is my región. I must tell you that this dish is more usual in French-basque parte Because piperrada is made with peppers from Espelett. I live in San Sebastián I dont know if you know. Thanks for the beautifull post and thanks for dedicating some lÃneas to this part o four country. Love from Spain
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