
Monday, July 11, 2011

Fresh Salmon Quiche and Creme Fraiche

From the kitchen of One Perfect Bite...This is a lovely recipe to have on hand for a luncheon or light supper. Those of us who live in the Pacific Northwest have easy access to salmon and I try to make this quiche several times during the course of the summer salmon run. It's very easy to prepare, and, when it's made with quality ingredients, it really is delicious. That is not to say shortcuts can't be taken, or substitutions made. While the recipe is a classic, the salmon doesn't much care if it is resting on a bed of homemade or store bought pastry. Conversely, it is possible to use homemade creme fraiche as a substitute for its expensive commercial counterpart. I've included a recipe for the homemade variety in this post. I have a friend who swears that two parts heavy cream to one part sour cream make a perfectly acceptable mock creme fraiche. I can't say if that is so. I enjoy her company so much that I don't pay much attention to food when we are together. There is just too much else to talk about and it seems we are forever playing catch-up when we do sit down to eat. I do know from bitter experience that shallots can be hard to come by in some parts of the country, so, if you have trouble finding them, use scallions, white part only, to replace them. This next bit will cost me merit badges, but I have occasionally, just occasionally mind you, used left over salmon as the base for the quiche. We had this for supper last evening. I served it with a clear celery soup and a salad so crisp you could hear it crunch. It was a perfect meal for a warm summer evening. I know that those of you who try this quiche will enjoy it. Here's the recipe.

Fresh Salmon Quiche...from the kitchen of One Perfect Bite

Pastry for a 1 crust 9-inch pie
1/2 cup finely chopped shallots
2 tablespoons butter
12 ounces salmon filet, diced in 1/4 inch pieces
1 cup shredded Gruyere or Swiss cheese
4 large eggs
1-1/2 cups creme fraiche
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon pepper
dash of cayenne

1) Fit pastry into 9-inch tart pan. Pierce bottom with tines of a fork. Place pan in freezer and chill for at least 20 minutes.
2) After chilling, partially bake crust for 12 minutes at 400 degrees F. Remove from oven and allow to cool for at least ten minutes before filling.
3) Reduce oven to 375 degrees F.
4) Meanwhile, melt butter in a medium sized skillet on low-medium heat. Add shallots and cook for five minutes, stirring frequently to avoid browning. Add salmon and heat just until salmon is cooked through. Remove from heat.
5) Spread filling in cooled crust. Sprinkle evenly with shredded cheese.
6) Whisk eggs, creme fraiche, salt, pepper, and cayenne together until combined. Pour over other ingredients and place in oven. Bake for about 40 minutes or until custard is set. Yield: 6 servings.

Crème Fraiche..from the kitchen of One Perfect Bite courtesy of Beth Hensperger and Julie Kaufmann

1 cup heavy or heavy whipping cream
1/3 cup full-fat sour cream or buttermilk
2 tablespoons full-fat plain yogurt containing acidophilus cultures

1) Combine heavy cream, sour cream and yogurt in a small bowl. Whisk until smooth. Cover with plastic wrap and let stand at room temperature until thickened, 6 to 8 hours or overnight. Allow it to sit for a longer period of time will produce a thicker cream.
2) Transfer thickened cream to refrigerator and store, covered, until ready to use.

One Year Ago Today: Banana Mousse

Two Years Ago Today: Chocolate Soup

You might also enjoy these recipes:
Spinach Tart -Sydney's Kitchen
Mushroom and Caramelized OnionQuiche- Life's A Feast
Spinach and Mushroom Quiche - What's Cookin' Chicago?
Vegetable Quiche - Delightful Repast
Smoked Gouda Quiche - Culinary in the Country


  1. Mary...this is my favorite quiche. I heart salmon and what more it , a salmon quiche ! :) Your salmon quiche looks mouthwatering. Thanks for sharing how to make creme fraiche :)

    Have a nice day,

  2. I know all about making quiche. I'd love your recipe for clear celery soup.

  3. That must be a totally decadent tasting quiche and I do love quiche. We have had fresh salmon at the fish market here in Florida recently quite often and I usually saute it in a pan, there are never any left over's to use in quiche though. Ha. I may have to try this and thanks for the recipe for the substitute creme fraiche. My Gary can't eat onions so I always try to keep shallots on hand to use and do love them.

  4. I would so enjoy a piece of this quiche. It looks so tasty and yummy! Have a good day Mary.

  5. I love salmon!Your quiche is divine,Mary!Have a great week!

  6. Now this is a quiche I would eat! I just adore salmon!!

  7. this looks mouthwateringly delicious and thanks so much for the creme fraiche recipe, it's so hard to find in stores around here!

  8. Just up my street, I love salmon and have never though of putting it in a quiche.
    I am surprised that you put a creme fraiche recipe. Every shop in the UK and France has it on the shelf ready for use. Diane

  9. I have mostly all of these ingredients! I shall be making this dish this week.

  10. Yum, this looks amazing, I love salmon and always looks for new recipe ideas for using it. I actually posted a salmon salad today so we are thinking alike!

  11. Oh this does sound like a delicious summer meal Mary. I love the clear celery soup addition. I have a friend coming to stay soon and this will definitely be on the menu while she is here.

  12. Lovely quiche! Can't really do much with salmon in Cayman but I'm sure I mix it up with some salt water white fish :) Thanks for including the creme fraiche recipe!

  13. Quiche and salads are perfect summer meals and this recipe sounds quite simply delicious. I've shied away from making creme fraiche but am now sorely tempted to take the plunge.


  14. I've made many a quiche, but never using fish. This does sound lovely using salmon, "fresh from the run" - a perfect seasonal dish.

  15. Mary, I'm not usually a quiche fan but your salmon quiche sounds and looks terrific! Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

  16. Pure indulgence! Salmon is expensive here but no harm having a treat once a while :) Thanks for sharing and have a great week ahead!

  17. Thanks so much for the creme fraiche recipe; I can so rarely justify buying a whole container. I can even see making a vegetarian version of this quiche with some blanched broccoli instead of the salmon. Yum!

  18. This sounds like such a lovely brunch elegant.

  19. That looks sooo good. And good for you, too. My problem with something like that is that I can eat the whole pie.

  20. This is making my mouth water like crazy! I must be a cat. Great recipe Mary - I will be making this in the future. Gotta love your PNW bounty.

  21. I adore quiche Mary. There was a day when I used to make tuna quiche.

  22. I know I'd love this - I especially like the layered look

  23. I love quiche. I need to try it with salmon, it looks fantastic.

  24. I'm also a fan of quiche for breakfast

  25. Mary, this looks delicious. Creme Fraiche is such a treat!

  26. Mary this looks so good. There are so many wonderful ways to use salmon and I love this one!

  27. This definitely looks tasty! I am chuckling to myself about quiches this week, though - because I made a very weird "muffin" recipe with rhubarb in it and the little dears turned out to be much like little quiches. Whoops!!

  28. This looks soooo good right now! I LOVE salmon! This is going on my bookmarked list to make...I can't wait!

  29. I love salmon and quiche! Those of us in the midwest are envious of your access to fresh seafood! This looks delightful, perfect for a summer lunch.

  30. delish, I have never had a quiche with salmon but it screams goodness to me.

  31. That must be an amazing quiche!! The whole meal sounds perfect for a summer evening. It is wonderful to have friends like yours... that you forget the time and the food. Pretty special when that happens. blessings ~ tanna

  32. I do so love quiche! Although I usually make it with smoked salmon, but this must taste great too!

  33. aaah Mary!! delicious I love salmon and crema fraiche, blessings, gloria

  34. I love salmon however I can get it and I'd much rather have it in a quiche than bacon! This would make for the perfect light lunch!

  35. This is such a creative quiche! Love it.

  36. The quiche looks yummy and thank you for the crème fraîche recipe. I've never seen it available in a store where I live.

  37. Oh yum, Mary. :-) I love salmon so much - and quiche too! - so this would be a perfect meal for me. Love that you added creme fraiche. It's pure creamy goodness. :-)

  38. We enjoy salmon every week, now. Fortunately, our seafood dept. carries it. The quiche looks so appetizing!

  39. This looks fantastic - the perfect combination of the fish, the creamy filling and the crust - heaven!

  40. I am always looking for new ways to make salmon and this one looks like a real winner, Mary. Love the combo of salmon and creme fraiche.

  41. Mary, can you believe that I never made quiche? Yours salmon quiche looks delicious, so tasty with the creme fraiche...perfect combination.
    Have a wonderful week ahead :-)

  42. I love the idea of using leftover salmon for this! So smart!

  43. This could easily become one of my very favorite recipes

  44. When does the Crème Fraiche go in? Don't see it included in the recipe.

    Jane from the Rockies

  45. This is lovely looking and luscious sounding. I've got to try it.

  46. Jane, please see step 6. The creme fraiche and eggs are mixed together and pored over salmon already in the crust. have a good evening. Blessings...Mary

  47. Mary, this looks so lovely. I admire you tghat live in the Pacific NW and have this abundant seafood.

  48. I've never made salmon quiche before but my boyfriend LOVES quiche. This is definitely something I would love to make for a ladies brunch :)

    It looks so yummy and elegant.

  49. OMC this looks YUMMYLICIOUS! I love quiche and salmon. Drooling over here in Malaysia :-)

  50. OMG they looks fabulous. looks delicious quiche are my favorite.

  51. This looks wonderful and I love the idea of making Crème Fraiche...nice!

  52. Mary, this is a recipe I am sure to make. I love salmon in any form, but put pie crust around it and it takes it to a new level! Just a gorgeous recipe! Thanks!

  53. Very nice recipe,Mary,especially now that I can find fresh Pacific Salmon easily..Thank you for sharing the creme fraiche recipe also..Have a great week!

  54. Oh Mary - that looks AMAZING!

  55. Huh. I love quiche, but never had quiche with salmon. What a fantastic idea! And sounds ideal for the summer months.

  56. Absolutely wonderful!
    Yes, indeed, a perfect meal for a warm summer evening!
    Thanks, Mary. :)

  57. we don't get salmon here, but I am sure I can use our local fish to make this! Have a super day Mary :)

  58. Hi Mary,
    In the ingredient list below the eggs, it says 1 1/2 cups ---- Is the missing ingredient supposed to be the Creme Fraiche?

  59. I've only ever tried quiche lorraine, but I'd love to try making this! I also love your recipe for home made creme fraiche :) Have a great week!

  60. Oh I am so very happy you stopped by my blog and led me here to this delectable spot of culinary pleasure! And for my first visit one of my favourites Salmon to boot!! Thank you so much for your kind comments on my blog. I aam looking forward to exploring your blog in search of my perfect bite...but me thinks Salmon is close to perfection fro me, but i promise not to stop at the Salmon...


  61. I like the distinction of the salmon on the bottom, a pretty two tone quiche, very nice.

  62. Mary, I have never had salmon in a quiche before. I have had salmon baked in puff pastry and thought it was good but this sounds much better. Thank you for the recipe.

  63. To be honest, Mary, I'm quite happy creme fraiche can be found in any grocery store around here! A great pairing with salmon--the quiche sounds like a summer dinner delight!

  64. Homemade creme fraiche :) How cool! And that quiche sounds divine... Salmon and creme fraiche are SO good together! Thanks for sharing :)

  65. This, along with a salad would be a perfect summer meal for me!

  66. Oh, Mary, this looks and sound divine. I do believe it may make an appearance on our table this weekend.


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