Friday, August 3, 2012

Pease Porridge Pasta

From the kitchen of One Perfect Bite...A very busy and over-scheduled day meant that dinner tonight would have to be a quick and simple affair. I've wanted to try this recipe for a while now and this was the perfect evening to give it a trial run. The ingredients required to make it can be found in any well-stocked kitchen and the dish takes minutes to prepare. I'm happy to report that despite its simplicity, the pasta is also delicious and will become a regular feature in my kitchen. The pea puree that gives this dish its flavor is a bit like a pesto, but because it is served hot, it can become gummy if it is allowed to sit around too long. The pasta should be served as soon as all the ingredients are combined and I recommend you keep additional pasta water on hand to moisten the penne if required.  If you can't find small sugar snap peas, snow peas make a great substitute. The lemon zest used here is vital to the success of this recipe. It adds zing and brightens the flavor of a dish that could be one note given its emphasis on peas. The recipe was originally developed for Gourmet magazine, where it was called Sugar Snap and Green Pea Penne. While descriptive, I thought that name lacked imagination, so it became Pease, Porridge Pasta. I really liked this dish and I think you might too. Here's how it is made.

Pease Porridge Pasta...from the kitchen of One Perfect Bite inspired by Gourmet Magazine

1/4 pound sugar snap peas, trimmed
2 cups frozen peas (10-oz.)
1-1/2 cups water, divided use
1-1/2 teaspoons grated fresh lemon zest
2 medium garlic cloves, minced and mashed to a paste with 1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil
1 pound penne
1/4 cup grated Parmigiana Reggiano


1) Cut sugar snaps diagonally into thirds.
2) Bring frozen peas and 1/2 cup water to a boil in a small saucepan. Reduce heat and simmer, covered, until peas are tender, about 3 minutes. Transfer peas and cooking liquid to a blender. Add zest, garlic paste and oil. Puree.
3) Cook penne in a 6 to 8-quart pot of well-salted boiling water until al dente. Add sugar snap peas and boil for an additional 30 seconds, reserving 1 cup of pasta water, drain penne in a colander.
4) Add cheese and 1/3 cup reserved pasta water to pea sauce in blender jar. Puree until very smooth.
5) Toss penne and sugar snap peas in large bowl. Add pea puree and toss until penne is well-coated. Thin sauce, as necessary, with reserved pasta water. Season to taste with salt and pepper. Pass additional cheese at table if desired. Yield: 4 generous servings.

One Year Ago Today: Corn and Barley Salad

Two Years Ago Today: Grapefruit and Avocado Salad with Poppy Seed Dressing

Three Years Ago Today: Cajun Shrimp Etouffee


Ellen B Cookery said...

This is a dish I've never even heard of before. It sure looks good and I can see why you'd make it again!

Pondside said...

The only thing not in my pantry/freezer is a bag of frozen peas. This would make a great Friday night supper.

Ana Regalado said...

That pasta looks wonderful ! I love both flavor and color !

Valerie Harrison (bellini) said...

It is colourful and tasty, a dynamite combination on a busy day.

Unknown said...

Wow this looks yummy!!! Thanks for your sweet comment! Do you wanna follow each other?


ps: if you follow, let me know by commenting on my most recent post. then i'll skip over to your blog and follow you back! :]]

StephenC said...

Pease porridge hot;
Pease porridge cold.
Pease porridge gummy bears
When several days old.

Barbara said...

So fresh and simple, Mary. Definitely MY kind of dinner. I really should eat pasta more often AND I always have peas in the freezer!
Have a wonderful weekend! Are you watching the Olympics?

Unknown said...

I love the color of this pasta.. bright and vibrant! I'm sure it tasted wonderful!

Kim said...

This green pasta dish is so cute, Mary! I'm sur it's really good! Have a nice week-end!

Lilli said...

so good Mary! you too have a nice weekend! kisses!

Lilli said...

so good Mary! you too have a nice weekend! kisses!

Jean | Delightful Repast said...

Mary, this looks like a perfect dish for me - penne is my favorite pasta and peas are my favorite veg. Lovely!

Merisi in Vienna said...

I'd bet it was even more delicious than it looks!
Fantastic color, love the simplicity of it all.

Cold food in my home today, too hot to cook. I prepared your fabulous Scandinavian Shrimp Salad, again. The whole family loves it! I can never thank you enough for that recipe.

A wonderful weekend to you,

Chiara said...

this looks colourful and tasty ! Have a good weekend, blessings...

Tricia @ saving room for dessert said...

Your creative name is so much better! I bet it is tasty. Thanks for sharing this one. Hope you have a terrific weekend.

David said...

Mary, Now this dish is different for sure! It actually sounds very good but I never would have drempt up this particular combination of ingredients... Thanks for the recipe and Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

Unknown said...

What a pretty color and I love that you can prepare this so quickly!

Gloria Baker said...

Love this pasta Maary, look really nice!

dr.antony said...

How do you come up with such diverse recipes?
Do you experiment so much with food?

Joanne said...

I have a soft spot for any dish this green!

Javelin Warrior said...

On Fridays, I share my favorite food finds in a series called Food Fetish Friday - and I love this post so I'm featuring it as part of today's roundup (with a link-back and attribution). I hope you have no objections and thanks so much for inspiring me...

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