
Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Clover Leaf Rolls - Away A While Recipe Favorites

From the Kitchen of One Perfect Bite...No holiday or get-together here on the hill would be complete without warm, home-made rolls on the dinner table. We have a lot going on this year, so to accomplish that I've fallen back on a very simple recipe I found in Gourmet magazine over a decade ago. I love the rich color of these buns and because they can be reheated without sacrificing quality, they are a great make-ahead candidate for the holiday table. The recipe is straight forward and can be made entirely by hand. If you feel more comfortable using your mixer, by all means do so. The rolls have a lovely crust that I know you will enjoy. If you are looking for an easy roll recipe, you might want to give this one a try. The recipe can be found here.

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