Thursday, July 2, 2009

Watermelon, Black Bean and Corn Salsa - Tasty Tuesday

From the kitchen of One Perfect Bite...I love the colors and flavors of Southwestern cooking and this salsa is one of my favorite dishes. If you think of a meal as a play, this salsa would be act one; it sets the scene for a gorgeous entree and together the two will garner curtain calls. The salsa is unusual because it blends watermelon with standard ingredients and takes what is ordinary to another level. This takes minutes to prepare. It's especially good with barbecue and alfresco meals. The salsa can be made well before it's needed, but I recommend adding the watermelon just before serving. I like to serve it over crisp shredded lettuce and I'm not adverse to passing a bowl of chips around the table. I hope you'll try this one. I think you'll really like it.

Watermelon, Black Bean and Corn Salsa...from the kitchen of One Perfect Bite

1-1/4 cups frozen corn, thawed
1 (14.5-oz.) can black beans, rinsed and drained
1 small red onion, chopped
1 jalapeno peppers, seeded and chopped
1 clove garlic, minced
2 tablespoons chopped fresh cilantro
1-1/2 teaspoons ground cumin
1 teaspoons mild chili powder
Juice from 1 fresh lime
2 tablespoons olive oil
Salt to taste
2 cups chopped seedless watermelon

1) Place all ingredients except watermelon in a medium bowl. Gently mix to combine. Chill.
2) Just before serving fold in watermelon. Transfer to a bowl or serving dish. Yield: 6 to 8 servings.

Recipe courtesy of the National Watermelon Board

I'm sending this on to Jen at Balancing Beauty and Bedlam for Tasty Tuesday.


Country Wings in Phoenix said...

Good Morning Mary! We are having our kids and grandkids over for a big BBQ and swim celebration. We will watch the fireworks display when the sun goes down. When we moved out here from Oklahoma, I always wanted to make the holidays a special time for my kids because we have no family out here, just us and the kids. They got used to me decorating and making holidays special for them, and now they are grown and the grandkids expect it too. I love decorating so it is fun just to see their faces each time they come and I have done something really special. Tomorrow I will start on the backyard. Thanks for stopping by to see my progress. It makes me so happy to have friends that I can write back and forth to. "Country Hugs to you Mary",Sherry

theUngourmet said...

Your salsa looks fabulous! Isn't that a great site!!

Katy ~ said...

Yummm...I am really intrigued by the idea of all those spices with the watermelon (sample tasting in my imagination). I'll bet this IS really good! I'll have to look for watermelon slices the next time I go to the market so I can try this.

My Little Space said...

Such a lovely combination!

Selba said...

I love the color too, a beautiful salsa :)

Christina Kim said...

So, do you use both frozen and canned corn?

I love adding sweet fruit to savory dishes like this! I've seen pineapple or mango salsa before, but watermelon, now that is creative.

~~louise~~ said...

What a wonderful recipe for National Watermelon Month, Mary. It sure is a keeper...

Thanks for sharing...

Mary Bergfeld said...

Christina, I corrected the recipe. Thanks for calling that to my attention. As you'll see I use frozen corn.

Chef Fresco said...

I just made a very similar recipe yesterday! Check it out! I like the addition of watermelon to yours!

annies home said...

looks delicious just the right thing for great summer family reunions or picnics

Cass @ That Old House said...

Watermelon! What a fabulous addition -- and they are just becoming plentiful!

I do love to mix savory or spicy with the sweetness of fruit -- and this is a must-try, probably for the 4th.

And my local supermarket is selling out big pots of bushy, healthy cilantro plants for $2. I'm heading there today, and they are headed for the garden.


Ingrid said...

It looks delicious and so colorful !!

Olga said...

What a great use for watermelon!
The only change I'd make is to use fresh corn.

Lyndas recipe box said...

This does sound delicious- I haven't tried watermelon salsa yet, but I think it's time after seeing yours!Beautiful!

noble pig said...

That looks seriously awesome! Lovely salad. I love watermelon mixed with savory.

Joy Tilton said...

Thanks Mary for a great refreshing salsa recipe. Just perfect for the 4th since it's supposed to be mid 90's. Glad you came by GrannyMountain for a visit this morning. Have a fun and safe 4th!
joy c.

Maria said...

I always make black bean salsa but I have never added watermelon. Great idea!

Toni said...

Mary, that sounds so good!!!!

I'm just finishing up a black bean, corn salsa that I made over the weekend.

I like the idea of adding watermelon... sweet... refreshing... yummmm

Heather S-G said...

Looks great, Mary! I'm not much for watermelon...but I may even give it a try in this salsa :)

Ann said...

Thats a wonderful n healthy snack.

Lynne (lynnesgiftsfromtheheart) said...

Oh my goodness.. hubby will love this dish. Thanks so much for the recipe. I used to make it all the time so will add it to the list of dishes for the w/k. Hope all is well your way... hugs ~lynne~

The Blonde Duck said...

YUM! I love watermelon and SW cooking! Perfect!

Robin said...

That looks delicious. I make a corn and (hot) red pepper salsa, but I've never thought to make one with watermelon.

I've got corn, watermelon and black beans in my kitchen as we speak - I'll have to try this!

Sam Hoffer / My Carolina Kitchen said...

I love black bean and corn salsa but would have never thought of putting watermelon in it but it looks fabulous with the red.

Allie said...

I love the beautiful ways you take advantage of the wonder that is watermelon. Beautiful!

Lori said...

Watermelon is so versatile. I have yet to try it as a salsa- this is a good place to start!

Lisa said...

I love creative salsas! This one looks like a natural and still I never thought of it before. It sounds just right for the 4th.

Anonymous said...

I'll DEFINITELY love this with the fresh juicy burst of the watermelon, and juicy CHEW of the corn, the smokiness of the black bean...what a raving combo!

Susan said...

Mary this salsa looks terrific. Perfect for a 4th gathering. I think my family will love it.
Have a great 4th weekend!

The Fajdich Times said...

Your salsa looks great. What a wonderful combination. Yum.

chow and chatter said...

this is great i am making it with the huge watermelon i have great idea

petite nyonya said...

hi, i really like this salsa, looks great for a party!

Wellness information said...

Very healthy recipe and also looks tasty. Watermelon is my favourite and also good for health. Also it might help for weight loss.

The Cooking Photographer said...

Oh wow. This is a neat one Mary.

Cathy said...

Yum, this looks so flavorful and refreshing. Watermelon is one of my favorite foods. This is a must try.

Regina said...

I want to try this.Thanks for sharing. Excellent.

Usha said...

I love the sound of this salsa, am looking forward to trying it !

Deb in Hawaii said...

Such a pretty fresh salsa. I love the idea of adding the watermelon--very refreshing.

Thumperlane Homestead said...

Just made it and loved it!!! Took some to my mother and she loved it also! Thank you for sharing!!

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