Nigiri Roll

Dragon Rolls

Nori-Coated Decorative Roll
From the kitchen of One Perfect Bite...I should be ashamed to admit this, but despite my years in the kitchen I've never made sushi. Both of my daughters are masters of the art and I simply left it to them. I suspect there'll be two detailed critiques in my morning mail and a lot of laughter tonight at my expense. Kids turn on you at the drop of a dime! I should also be ashamed to admit that the only reason I made sushi today was because it was the November 2009 Daring Cooks challenge. This months hosts are Audax of Audax Artifex and Rose of The Bite Me Kitchen. They chose sushi as the challenge and I must admit I had a lot of fun with this one. Their challenge came in came in 4 Parts:
Part 1: Making proper sushi rice – you will wash, rinse, drain, soak, cook, dress, and cool short grain rice until each grain is sticky enough to hold toppings or bind ingredients. Then you will use the cooked rice to form three types of sushi:
Part 2: Dragon sushi roll – an avocado covered inside-out rice roll with a tasty surprise filling
Part 3: Decorative sushi – a nori-coated rice roll which reveals a decorative pattern when cut
Part 4: Nigiri sushi – hand-shaped rice rolls with toppings
...and, yes, I actually got through them all. Not perfectly, mind you. but I fulfilled the requirements of a great challenge and we did not starve. While it was a lot of fun, I probably won't repeat the experience because it's not cost effective to make sushi for two people. I do think everyone should try this once. I'm glad I did.
your sushi came out beautifully! I sadly did't have time to complete this month's challenge
Looks so delicious! I love sushi, I did make it a couple years back, but I only made two types and couldn't master the tempura rolls that I love so much! It was fun and a lot of work...so I must admit I just go a few blocks away from my house for the best volcano I've ever had! I probably should try again..great post! Miss Bloomers
Your sushi looks amazing! I love all of the flavours =D.
I am so impressed your rolls, especially the dragon roll, look unbelievable. Great job on this challenge, looking forward to the next one.
Your sushi looks beautiful. I love the simplicity here. Very "tastefully" done. Ha. I did have fun with this challenge. I am glad you did as well.
Well I hope that they don;t LOL too much I don't see why your sushi looks delicious and so elegant. And your rolls look so professional. And remember you did have a lot of fun. Bravo and kudos to you. Cheers from Audax in Australia.
Your sushi are so pretty!
Great job!
Oh I have never tried sushi before, I don't know if I am one to try foods that aren't cooked, I am really weird like that, if it's slimey or gooey I just can't eat it lol. It always intrigued me though and looks absolutely delicisous but I don't know.
God bless ya,
At least you were willing to give it a try which I will likely never do, and frankly I think you did a fine job!
My husband won't touch any of it, not even the innocent California Roll, and while I love it all, I prefer to get it at the hand of a well seasoned sushi chef, who not only knows what he's doing, but also makes it into a beautiful piece of art on my plate!
Great job!
love this pictures, the colors are amazing. the sushi looks delicious. great job.
Your sushi looks great. I have only made it once and found I prefer to buy as there are so many great places hereto enjoy it. ;-)
I love eating sushi... but honestly, I can not make sushi by my own, lol
Wonderful job. Your sushi looks good enough to grace the tables at the finest sushi restaurants EVERYWHERE. Awesome!
Hmmm...mmm... yum! I love sushi and your sushi looks so inviting! Good job.
First...your attempt to make sushi is outstanding!! I wouldn't do it. But then, I wouldn't eat raw fish in the first place. LOLOLOL
You made them look very attractive Mary.
You did an amazing job!!!! I have never attempted sushi.
My DIL loves sushi - if I could only find the necessary ingredients in the middle of nowhere!! Will have to take a trip to the "big city" !! lol
Good for you for trying it, even if you weren't sure you wanted to.
I can't believe it is your first time! They look just great.
I agree, it is pricey. I generally just do some vegetarian California rolls for home. They don't cost much.
I buy the calrose rice, which costs a fraction of what the markets sell sushi rice for.
It looks great! True, it seems very silly to make sushi for 2. I made it for 4 (using 1 kg of rice!) and it was fun, but it involved 2 hours of cleanup :-(
Mary, you are a very very brave woman. I'm sure I would need to take several classes on sushi before I could attempt this. As usual your photos look good enough to eat! Sushi is such an art and your daughters should be proud. - LeslieMichele
Looks great and beautiful photos!
I'm so delighted to read what you said. I've felt like such a loser because I just wanted to go let someone else make my sushi:) Yours is beautiful...mine not so. It was tasty, but the local sushi vendors do a much better job than I. Congrats on Saveur.
I am so jealous... These are terrific. I have done the odd roll on occasion, but nothing this spectacular... wonderful skill!
your dragon roll rocks :)
I was too lazy to find the time to make this challenge, but finished Daring Bakers today.
Wow, you did a great job with this challenge!
Your sushi looks incredible! Your daughters and you are so creative!
Hi! Your Sushi looks beautiful! I am Japanese but I still have difficulty making sushi rolls look pretty. Yours are great!
Beautiful sushi! If your daughters give you a hard time, you should send them over to the Daring Kitchen and we'll all straighten them out! Your nigiri have my stomach grumbling.
All beautiful works of food art. Almost too beautiful to eat after all the work that goes into them!
All of your sushi looks like it was prepared by a top notch sushi chef. Beautiful job! I'm so amazed at the Sushi so many Daring Cooks banged out..it looks so professional, as if you've all been doing it forever..:)
I think you're there. What you showed us is beautiful, as good as I would expect to see in a sushi bar.
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