Thursday, January 14, 2010

Warm Beef and Cheese Dip with Pecans

From the kitchen of One Perfect Bite...I love to see old things made new again. Over the holidays we were served a long retired beef and cheese dip that I'm very fond of. While I love its taste, I even more enamored of the ease with which it can be prepared. I especially like this recipe because the ingredients can be reduced by half to produce a quantity that's perfect for smaller gatherings. I shouldn't admit this, but I 'm a fan of dips. I 'm fond of those made with ingredients that make those more sophisticated than me shudder. I dip freely into mixtures made with dehydrated mixes, so it should come as no surprise that I occasionally serve one made with dried beef. There are many versions of this on the net. This version is my refinement of the recipe to suit the tastes of my family. I always serve this warm from the oven with thinly sliced French bread or an assortment of good crackers. It's perfect football fodder.

Warm Beef and Cheese Dip with Pecans
...from the kitchen of One Perfect Bite

2 (8-oz.) packages of cream cheese, room temperature
3/4 cup sour cream
1/4 cup mayonnaise
1/4 cup grated onion and juice
1 large clove garlic, minced
2 (2-1/2-oz.) jars dried beef, finely minced
1 cup chopped toasted pecans

1) Combine cream cheese, sour cream, mayonnaise, onion and juice and garlic in a small bowl. Mix until smooth and light. Fold in minced beef. Transfer to a bake and serve dish. Top with toasted pecans.
2) Preheat oven to 300 degree F. Bake, uncovered for 30 minutes. Serve with good bread and crackers. Yield: 2-1/2 cups.


Mary | Deep South Dish said...

I LOVE this dip Mary so I'm with you. And this is the 2nd time I'm seeing a post about it in a week, so I think I'll be going on my list now!

D said...

Mary, I am smiling as I read this post. Last week my sister (who lives on the east coast) called and was telling me about this dried beef dip she makes and that her neighbors simply luved!

surfingtheworldcuisine said...

I would have never thought of using meat in a dip! But yours looks very beautiful and I like the recipe!

Coleens Recipes said...

This sounds fantastic. I usually do something similar with smoked salmon, but this beef dip would be a big hit at my house too.

Deb in Hawaii said...

I am a huge fan of dips--and retro dips myself--they are so fun to make and eat. This one looks like a great one.

Martha said...

This is a favorite of ours "long retired" -- sometimes old things are new again and I must remember this next time I have a party or have to take an appetizer to one -- It is a winner!

KathyB. said...

I , like Jolita, would never have thought to use meat in a dip either. Sounds very good. What all do you serve at your Super Bowl parties? Or do you host them? My husband loves to invite a few people over to watch it with him, I enjoy the company, food and locker hook rugs while the game is on...and especially enjoy the commercials!

Joanne said...

I am a big fan of dips as well. They can be as pedestrian as buffalo chicken dip or as high end as something you would find in a nice restaurant. I love this though. Definite possibility for superbowl sunday!

Donna-FFW said...

Ive never had a dip with dried beef before. Sounds wonderful. Gorgeous presentation with the pecans.

NKP said...

Sounds great to me! I have never seen jars of dried beef before, what section of the grocer's do you find them in?
Love the idea of this with French bread..mmmmmm.

Hootin Anni said...

Super Bowl is coming soon...this 'football fodder' will be the best thing of the day if I make it....I'm gonna!!

George Gaston said...

Mary, today is post a classic day! I have seen several post taking an older recipe and passing it on or giving it a remake. A classic never goes out of style mainly because they are good.

I love this dip and the addition of pecans. Thanks for reminding me to look back and enjoy the great classics.

Chef E said...

Beautiful presentation, which you are always good at! I admit I always like cheese logs with the nuts, and this is so much more than that silly obsession I have!

puna said...

Now you're talking Mary! This will be Super Bowl weekend fare!

Bob said...

This, I must try. I've never even heard of such a thing! I don't know if I've ever seen dried beef before, but I need to find some.

noble pig said...

I have never dried meat, now I'm on the look becuase it's not a party unless there is dip!

Mary Bergfeld said...

KathyB, I'm not hosting the game this year, but last year we had a Mexican theme.

Penny said...

I remember this. It does sound good on french bread. I think I will make it for our next get together. Thanks Mary.

pigpigscorner said...

Such a great dip! Love the chopped pecans!

Cristie said...

My mother used to make a dip similar to this, oh such good memories. I love how you presented it. Darling blog.

Katy ~ said...

Definitely loving scoopfuls of this!

Joan said...

Oh, Mary....... Mmm, good!

Claudia said...

Vintage goodness, that's what this is. How nice to see its return. Loving the return and your take on it (and your photo!).

tasteofbeirut said...

Very intriguing dip! I love pecans (living in Texas at the moment!) but I have never tried dried beef!
By the way, I am doing a raffle if interested; I brought back some organic spices from Lebanon; all you need to do is leave a message on a post " Kamal Mouzawak" .

Dewi said...

Very pretty presentation. Sounds like delicious dips.

Lyndas recipe box said...

I haven't had this dip, but something similar as a cheeseball.It was delicious..I think I'd enjoy it more as your dip, Mary, warm and creamy on crackers.

Coralie Cederna Johnson said...

Oh...oh...oh! This looks so delicious! To me, nothing could taste better! Wonderful post, as always, Mary! Thank you so much!

Olga said...

The meat component in this really scares me :) But I like everything else about it.

el horno de Maria said...

Hola soy nueva en su blog,todas las recetas son muy ricas,gracias por compartir recetas de otras culturas un beso

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