Sunday, September 19, 2010

Bouillabaisse de Poulet - French Chicken Stew with Fennel and Saffron - Blue Monday

From the kitchen of One Perfect Bite...Fall is wonderful in its abundance. In a scant few weeks prices will again begin to rise, but for now, the fruits and vegetables with which I love to cook are affordable and encourage generosity in the kitchen. Once our first rains fall, I put away the recipes of summer and replace them with those that speak to cooler weather. It's time for robust soups and stews and casseroles. It is especially time for bouillabaisse. Most of us think of bouillabaisse as a heady Mediterranean stew that's made with fish and served with grilled bread and thickened with rouille, a red pepper mayonnaise. Julia Child and Patricia Wells both take the elements of that classic bouillabaise, but replace the fish with chicken and make what they call a "bouillabaisse de poulet." The results are delicious, perfect for family and friends who enjoy checkered tablecloth fare. The dish should be assembled a full 24 hours before serving. It takes that long for the flavors of the Pernod and fennel to permeate the chicken. The good news is that all the work is done the day before the dish is cooked and you really are free to enjoy the company of your family and friends. Like many old French recipes, this one, designated peasant fare, requires the purse of a prince to assemble. Pernod, fennel bulbs and saffron come dear, but they are absolutely necessary for the success of this dish. For what it's worth, this is one of my ten favorite meals. If you decide to make this, your mindset must be "in for a penny, in for a pound." You will not regret it. Here's the recipe. Bon appetit!

Bouillabaisse de Poulet...from the kitchen of One Perfect Bite, inspired by Marie-Louise Auteli and Patricia Wells

4 tomatoes, peeled, cored, seeded, and chopped
2 large onions, quartered
4 garlic cloves, crushed
4 large fennel bulbs with feathery leaves attached, coarsely chopped
3 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
1/3 cup Pernod or other licorice-flavored aperitif
Generous pinch of saffron
Small handful of fresh thyme, or several teaspoons dried thyme
4 bay leaves
Salt and freshly ground black pepper
4 chicken legs with thighs attached, skin removed
1 pound waxy potatoes, peeled and quartered
2 cups chicken broth


1) One full day before serving, combine tomatoes, onions, garlic, fennel, olive oil, Pernod, saffron, herbs, and seasonings in a nonreactive large covered casserole or Dutch oven. Stir to blend. Add chicken and stir to coat. Cover and refrigerate for 24 hours to blend seasonings.
2) One hour before cooking, remove chicken from refrigerator. Stew chicken in its marinade, covered, over medium heat, stirring from time to time, for about 30 minutes. Add potatoes and chicken broth and simmer until potatoes are cooked, an additional 30 to 45 minutes. Taste for seasoning. Serve in warmed shallow soup bowls. Yield: 4 servings.

You might also enjoy these recipes:
Savoury Chicken Hot Pot - The English Kitchen
Chicken Stew with Dumplings - Whine and Dine
Daring Cooks: Brunswick Stew - Tasty Eats at Home
Kerala Chicken Stew - Mishmash!
Tomatillo Chicken Stew - Simply Recipes
Cazuela Gaucho: Argentine Chicken Stew - 5 Star Foodie
Braised Chicken with Riesling - One Perfect Bite
Coq au Vin: Recipes to Rival - One Perfect Bite

This post is being linked to:
Smiling Sally - Blue Monday


Prema said...

wow yummy,delicious...

pam said...

Wow! This sounds amazing!

cocoa and coconut said...

So glad to see a French recipe here! It looks fantastic Mary..perfect for fall. Plus, I've never seen bouillabaise with no interesting.

penny aka jeroxie said...

this sounds so beautiful :)

Martha said...

I've made this as well (Ina's recipe) and it is a great first meal of fall. I'll have to fix this when our temps cool off and I'm back in the kitchen -- but I'll try your recipe this time!

Allie and Pattie said...

Mary, European "peasant fare" is, as far as I am concerned, the most comforting and flavorful food for the body AND soul that can be found. I fully expect to love this as it reads beautifully. Thank you
xoxo Pattie

Tiffiny Felix said...

So wonderful! I love the fennel and I love that you make it a day ahead of time. Very nice :)

aipi said...

that looks hearty..wonderful combo of ingredients!

US Masala

Ginny Hartzler said...

Simple peasant food is one of my favorites!! And this looks just perfect, I wish I could take a bite from the computer screen!

Renée said...

This looks amazingly delicious! I think saffron makes everything so rich. Thanks Mary, happy Sunday.

Monet said...

I love dishes that are affordable and can (should) be made ahead. I imagine that allowing the ingredients to soak and mingle for 24 hours makes such a difference in the final product. Can I please have a bowl of this right now?

Sushma Mallya said...

Nice & flavourful dish...

scrambledhenfruit said...

This looks hearty and delicious- just right for fall!

Katerina said...

You can't go wrong with chicken, that's the truth. I love the herbs in this dish.

My Little Space said...

Mary, this recipe looks very simple and delish! I'm saving it for later use. Thanks alot. Btw, thank you for your nice comment you made earlier. You're being so supportive & encouraging. I'm really appreciate it. Gosh, I wish I know what am I doing. Well, what the heck! I've nothing to lose, right? I'll try my best. Thanks again. Hope you're enjoying your day.
Cheers, Kristy

Jeannie said...

I love stews, so much more healthier the meat so tender...this looks like a great dish!

Cherine said...

A comforting delicious stew!!

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

this look so comfort and yummy!

Rita said...

Boullabaise de poulet is a new concept for me. Looks wonderful and comfort food up a notch.

Joanne said...

I love a good make ahead meal, especially one that gets better with time. This sounds like it's full of delicious ingredients and flavors!

The Words Crafter said...

This peasant fare looks pretty good from here! I love soups, stews and casseroles in cool and cold weather. You brought back lots of good memories....

From the Kitchen said...

Ah bouillabaise! It is expensive to make but one doesn't need to leave a big tip--thus being able to afford the saffron! Thanks for a perfect fall dish.


Larissa said...

Beautiful! This looks like a great, more affordable way to eat one of my favorite dishes.

CaSaundraLeigh said...

This would smell just heavenly simmering on the stove! I hate how fennel is SO expensive around here though, but it's definitely worth the splurge!

Diane said...

I have everything in the house other than the fennel, so this looks like I will be shopping for that one item on Monday. Diane

Katie@Cozydelicious said...

What a perfect fall dish! It has suddenly gotten cold here and all I want is yummy, warming stew. I love the fennel here.

PeggyR said...

That sounds devine! Now that I'm back to cooking and the weather has cooled down I will definitely try this!

Bakericious said...

looks delicious.

Claudia said...

What a gorgeous, gorgeous dish. I love cooking with fennel more every day. I love the combination of summer and autumn. Just like the days.

Create. Snap. Eat. said...

Goodness, I love your diversity in the kitchen.

lynn said...

that looks so comforting and delicious - served in the most perfect bowl too!

Unknown said...

Oh that looks so wonderfully hearty and warming! A beautiful stew! Too bad it's still in the low 100's here. Hard to get excited about warm comforting foods when it's that warm....I guess we could turn up the AC and pretend though!! :)

Lucie said...

Mmm! A great heart and soul-warming stew for cool fall days. I always find the association of fennel and anise liqueur spot on.

StephenC said...

I'm with you when it comes to shifting over to cooler weather foods. We're just getting there here in Denver. Bouillabaise is, for me I guess, a fish dish. I look forward to making my first cassoulet, perhaps with chicken and sausages. You are one amazing chef (don't be modest, you deserve that moniker).

June said...

Incredible Mary. I can't wait to make this and I agree that it's lovely to put away summer foods and warm up the kitchen!

We Are Not Martha said...

This is the perfect flavorful fall dish!! I love fennel :)


Umm Mymoonah said...

French chicken without any doubt it will be definitely full of flavours.

Carol said...

Looks so delicious! I love a good chicken stew, so hearty and such delicious flavors!

Anonymous said...

Looks great!

Unknown said...

Oh bouillabaise de poulet sounds good, I'm ready for some fall comfort food:)

Faith said...

What a hearty, warming meal! This is truly perfect for a fall evening, Mary!

Joyti said...

Wow, that looks so delicious and comforting...

Unknown said...

Yesterday in the way to our oneday tour I saw the first tinge of the fall colour the trees started to get....They are looking so lovely...

Loved the stew....the fennel and saffron must be made it more flavoured and delectable....

D said...

Mary, the recipe sounds delicious. This is the time, rainy days and cooler evenings, when our thoughts turn to soups and stews.

We still have greens; the fennel is gone; and I'm praying for a miracle on these green tomatoes. ;) Fried green tomatoes aren't so bad.

The Glamorous Gourmet said...

That looks divine! Thanks for sharing the recipe - I love this type of dish - Cheers:)

Deb in Hawaii said...

I so love fennel and saffron both and this stew looks just amazing! ;-)

LifeRamblings said...

that looks tantalizing. Happy Blue Monday!

bj said...

What a beautiful dish served in a beautiful bowl...very pretty, Mary.

SmilingSally said...

I love that bowl, Mary.

Happy Blue Monday! Check out my book giveaway.

SmilingSally said...

It's always better made a day ahead. I love that bowl, Mary.

Happy Blue Monday! Check out my book giveaway.

Kim, USA said...

I agree with you Mary, Fall is abundant in every way. Love this recipe and will try to cook it. Thanks for sharing good recipe. Happy Monday!
Blue jars

FOODESSA said...

Never had the chance of trying fennel and saffron together...with chicken, it must be very revealing ;o)

Ciao for now,

Donnie said...

That looks so delicious and your bowl is perfect for Blue Monday.

mia xara said...

Hi Mary, this is a very tasty stew!! Till now, I thought bouillabaisse was a typical fish dish!! Have a good week,XO

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