Monday, November 1, 2010

Double Chocolate Zucchini Bread

When things are quiet here, I browse through food blogs the way others do magazines. I admire some and learn from others, always gleaning tips and tidbits that have the potential to make our next meal something really special. As a result, my bookmark folder is an embarrassment of riches that I'd be ashamed to let others see. While not talking numbers, I can happily report that I'm now current through the summer of 2009. While it took a while, I was finally able to make this wonderful Double Chocolate Zucchini Bread, originally featured at Baking Bites that summer. If you're not familiar with the site, stop by and see what's happening. You'll be happy that you did. This lovely cake-like bread was worth waiting for. It is moist. It is flavorful. It is chocolate. I know you'll love it, so rather than gab I'll get right to it. Here's the recipe for one of the best zucchini breads I've ever had. I did say chocolate, didn't I?

Double Chocolate Zucchini Bread
...from the kitchen of One Perfect Bite, courtesy of Baking Bites

2 cups all purpose flour
1/2 cup unsweetened cocoa powder, sifted
1 cup sugar
2 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 large eggs
1/3 cup vegetable oil
3/4 cup buttermilk
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
2 medium zucchini, shredded to equal 1-1/4 cups
1 cup chocolate chips

1) Preheat oven to 350F. Lightly grease a 9×5-inch loaf pan. Set aside.
2) Sift flour, cocoa powder, sugar, baking powder and salt into a large bowl.
3) Whisk eggs, vegetable oil, buttermilk and vanilla together in a medium bowl.
4) Add wet to dry ingredients and stir until almost fully combined. Add zucchini and chocolate chips and stir until evenly distributed in batter (batter should be fairly thick).
5) Bake for 50-55 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted into center comes out clean or with only moist crumbs attached. Turn loaf out of pan and cool on a wire rack before slicing. Yield: 1 loaf.

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You might also enjoy these recipes:
Chocolate Zucchini Cake - One Perfect Bite
Double Chocolate Zucchini Bread (Low Card Gluten Free) - All Day I Dream About Food
Chocolate Zucchini and Sweet Potato Bread - Anna's Table
Chocolate Zucchini Muffins - Cookie Madness
Vegan Chocolate Banana and Zucchini Bread - Anja's Food 4 Thought
Chocolate Zucchini Bread - Closet Cooking
Chocolate Zucchini Spelt Cake - Anja's Food 4 Thought


Deb in Hawaii said...

Your bread looks delicious--so dense and chocolaty. Yum! ;-)

Ginny Hartzler said...

Chocolate and zucchini, who knew? But it does look like cake!

Bakericious said...

Mary, this looks like cake to me!

Lisa said...

This looks superb. You'd never even know there was zucchini hidden in there. By the way, don't forget to come by my blog today to enter my CSN giveaway

penny aka jeroxie said...

Chocolate and zuchinni... nice touch.

Diane said...

Mary , my mouth just waters reading this recipe :-) Diane

Flavia Galasso said...

FAbulous....I never tried chocolate and zucchini but it looks delicious!!Thak you!!!

Donna-FFW said...

Chocolate and vegetables always works for me. The bread looks moist and wish I had a slice with my hot coffee right now!

Sam Hoffer / My Carolina Kitchen said...

I'm with you. I have saved more recipes from blogs that I'll ever have time to try and post.

Double chocolate with zucchini sounds like a match made by the gods.

From the Kitchen said...

Delicious in looks--I'll bookmark it = ).

I'm just back from vacation and catching up with you on yours. I think it's going to be a second cup of coffee adventure in doing so.

Continued safe travels!


Kim said...

I'm printing this recipe, right now!

black eyed susans kitchen said...

Mary, This recipe looks right up my alley. Moist and chocolate...perfect.

CaSaundraLeigh said...

I am finally all the way through my zuchhini stash from summer, so I will bookmark this for next year's crop! :-)

-- said...

I wish I had a big stash of zucchini. That looks great!

High Plains Drifters said...

You had me at "double." :^)

Unknown said...

That bread looks wonderfully delicious Mary! Good find for sure!

aipi said...

that looks chocolaty and it!

US Masala

Eliana said...

Anything double chocolate is a winner in my book.

Faith said...

Love the double chocolate factor of this bread! Looks wonderful, Mary!

Sushma Mallya said...

Yummy and perfectly done...

Joanne said...

The amount of recipes I have bookmarked is obscene. This is for sure just going to add to the list. It looks so decadent.

Barbara said...

I really like the combo of chocolate and zucchini, Mary.
Do you ever copy a recipe and then forget where you got it? Happened to me last week. I thought it was in a cookbook, but now can't find it! Usually I write the source, but seem to have messed up this time. :( I'm hoping it will come to me in my sleep!

Lucie said...

The chocolate chips are a great addition--I can imagine eating this straight out of the fridge. Moist cake with cold chocolate chips does it for me!

Angie's Recipes said...

An awesome chocolate zucchini bread! Moist, dense and rich!

Priya Suresh said...

Wat a scrumptious looking bread..

scrambledhenfruit said...

This looks wonderful- I love Baking Bites. :)

T.W. Barritt at Culinary Types said...

I've never tried to make chocolate zucchini bread, but yours is a significant endorsement. Next time, it's double chocolate for me.

Dianne said...

I'm inspired (and hungry) as always, Mary! Please be sure to check out my blog today. I have featured you as one of the artists who inspire me!


♥ Kathy said...

Zucchini bread...yum. CHOCOLATE Zucchini bread..that's the stuff of dreams Mary!

Seedplanter Designs said...

Hi Mary!
I found your link at Dianne's blog today ( Double chocolate zucchini bread! YUM!

Ana Powell said...

One of my favourite breads.
Great colour too ♥

Rachana said...

The bread looks so chocolatey and yumm :-)

James said...

I'm drooling over this recipe. I don't make bread too often, but I don't think I can pass on this one.

Jeannie said...

I am very curious with zucchini in cakes or bread...have not tried before, guess it'll be like carrots in cake huh? This bread certainly looks very delicious.

Claudia said...

I'll never lose weight if I continue to come here. I love zucchini chocolate cake. I love chocolate bread (sense a theme here?) and I crave your dark chocolate bread.

My Little Space said...

Just the words " double chocolate" already killing me! ha... Gosh, how am I going to lose weight!

Sanjeeta kk said...

wow! what lovely color for this gorgeous bread.

Valérie said...

Beautiful! I love zucchini and chocolate together in baking!

Anonymous said...

hi marry your bread looks delicious
thank your for the recipe

Molly Jean said...

My mind = BLOWN!

This looks fantastic!!!

Cooking Creation said...

You sold me on this picture.

Jennifer said...

One more week of school lunches and I am sick to death of making banana bread, as much as my kids are of eating it every day. This will be a welcome find in the lunch box tomorrow!

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