From the kitchen of One Perfect Bite...I was not a particularly fearful child, but I clearly remember worrying that I would never grow tall enough or old enough to enjoy the wonders of the big kid world. I just couldn't fathom how it all happened, much less judge the length of time it took to get from there to here. The days of the very young are long and the passage of a year can seem a fearsomely long time. It helped to segment the time between birthdays and for that reason the "....and- a- half year" tally was born. The day following your 5th birthday, you became five-and-a-half years old, and only heaven could protect those questioning that math from swift and certain retribution. If you wanted to run with the big kids you needed the "and-a-half year" advantage. I can't remember when that was put aside, but I know it was decades before I again felt the need to play with my age. I guess the sheer number of years started to weigh on me and for a period of time I used hexadecimal equivalents to mark my birthdays. Using my handy dandy conversion tables I became 32 on my 50th birthday. I thought it was hilarious, others, like the folks at customs and immigration, as dour a bunch as ever could be found, failed to see the humor in it. Once I retired and left IT, another scheme seemed in order and I developed my "plus one" tally for birthdays. That means only birthdays ending in zero are identified. All others become "plus ones". I was 70 years old last year. This year I am a "plus one" and will remain so until, God willing I reach my 80th birthday.
I won't be cooking today and the Silver Fox is in charge of all provisions. He has promised there will be proper gin and tonics for toasts to mark the day. I know the drink has fallen from grace in recent years, but when made with good gin and one of the better tonic waters, it is a delightful summer sipper. The Dutch and the British share credit for the drink. The Dutch invented the gin that makes it possible, but the British and their formula for carbonating water perfected it. The drink has an interesting past. It was first used in the tropics to counteract the bitter taste of the quinine powder needed to treat malaria. A bit of sugar was mixed with the powder and dissolved in a glass of carbonated water to make it more palpable. The gin came later, but it is what's credited with making the drink enjoyable. That it probably destroyed the livers of the British Foreign Service is a story for another day. We have been promised lovely weather for the weekend. I plan to enjoy it and I hope you will too. Here's the formula for a perfect gin and tonic. Cheers!
A Proper Gin and Tonic...from the kitchen of One Perfect Bite
Ice cubes
2 ounces gin
5 ounces tonic water
Lime wedge or mint
Fill a tall narrow glass with ice cubes. Pour in gin, then tonic water. Stir. Garnish with lime or mint. Yield: 1 serving.

One Year Ago Today: White Wonder Cake

Two Years Ago Today: Fee Fi Pho Bo
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Blushing Pina Colada - Gourmet Traveller 88
Fun and Flirty Champagne Punch - My Man's Belly
Minty Mango Mimosa - eCurry
Watermelon Margarita - My Favorite Recipes
Strawberry Mango Bellini - A Toast to Taste
Ruby Relaxers - Our Life in the Kitchen
The Perfect Mint Julep - Care's Kitchen
Sunrise Margaritas - Sing for Your Supper
Fresh Strawberry Mojito - The Culinary Chronicles
Ginger Lime Martini - My Man's Belly
Happy, happy birthday, Mary! Celebrate your +1...I'm happy to know you and your lovely blog. xo
Happy Birthday to you, hope you have a delightful relaxing time. That mint looks so refreshing it was hot as hades today and we had a yard sale, mine is on the 5th and I am a plus one this year myself, last year I was 60.
Happy birthday, Mary! I guess I'm "plus 1", too, since had my 60th birthday in December 2009. I like that system! I'll think of you when I have my gin and tonic in a few minutes. I enjoyed your interesting history about the drink.
What a wonderful way to celebrate... my mom loved gin and tonic with lime.... I hope this year will be the best ever and every one after that better than the next.. blogging is therapy, its a gift you give us all, thank you for that.. may your night be filled with love and joy Happy Birthday!
Happy, happy birthday dear Mary, psst" you are always a girl! I knw and I love you and your blog, hope you have a lot of more happy years!! Blessings, gloria
All the best birthday wishes and enjoy that perfect gin and tonic!
I hope you have a wonderful birthday! I mother was a fan of the gin and tonic, I have never had one as an adult but can still remember how they smelled...maybe I need to try one on my next plus 1
Happy Birthday!! Enjoy that gin and tonic and have a wonderful birthday celebration!
Happy birthday Mary and, in favor or not, I love gin (Beefeaters) and tonic.
Oh, it sounds lovely. Happy Birthday. You sound so young...I would have never guessed.
I very happy birthday to you! My magic birthday was at age nine. I figured by that time, my feet would touch the floor when I sat in a chair, a pew or on a bus. How ever often you celebrate, it should be a long and happy celebration. I shall be back, for sure, to wish you a happy 80th!
♪♫ Happy Happy Birthday! ♪♫ I adore a good gin and tonic thanks to my dad. And after many years finally found a gin (Hendrick's) that I really love too thanks to a friend's well stocked bar. :)
Happy Birthday Mary! I hope your day is as wonderful as that Gin and Tonic looks :)
Sending wishes for a very Happy Birthday! :)
Happy Birthday, Mary! May you have a healthy, nice and long history of "+1", enjoy your grandchildren and definitely continue to give the rest of us your wonderful recipes! I'd like to toast for you with a gin and tonic just like the one you photographed...
Can you hear me? I'm singing:) Happy Birthday to You, Happy Birthday dear Mary, Happy Birthday to YOU!!! (Keep in mind I have a Betty Boop type voice:)
I have an entirely different method, Mary. I just don't keep track of my age. Seriously, when people dare ask me how old I am, I stop and try to remember how old my son is. I was 20 when he was born and I go from there. (I'm also terrible with math:) There's a story behind my method but it just would fill up too much space. If you want to know the story, email me at acalenda [at] gmail.
Enjoy that Gin and Tonic. In the 70's Gin and Tonic was my choice drink on summer evenings. A custom I may just need to revive.
Happy Birthday!!!
Happy Birthday dear Mary! I wish you many many more! That gin an tonic looks cool and refreshing! Enjoy the weekend! Anne
Happy birthday, Mary!!! I hope you will be going out somewhere nice to eat, or maybe the Silver Fox will be cooking. I'd love to see your birthday meal. An very amusing and lovely birthday post!! You are charming as ever!
Happy birthday, Marry. Many more happy returns of the day. Gin and tonic looks awesome.
Hope you have a wonderful birthday Mary! You are a great cook and your blog has such wonderful interesting stories. Cheers to you!
Happy Birthday dear Mary! Keep young and healthy dear ;)
Cheers to your birthday! And that cake from a year ago looks perfect!
Enjoy a very happy "plus one" birthday,Mary!I wish you many many more,with lots of health and happiness and more great recipes!!XO
Happy birthday, Mary! I hope you have a wonderful day!
- Maggie
Happy plus one to you, Mary! That's such a great idea!! :)
You know what's odd...I've never had gin in my life, and I'm 47...and a half...LOL...or rather a plus 7. :)
Why have I never tried gin? Guess I need to branch out some. :)
Anyway, have a wonderful birthday! :)
Happy Birthday Mary! I hope you have a lovely day, with those perfect G&Ts and a grand meal!
I am so very happy to have 'met' you and to have the privilege of enjoying your blog.
Happy Birthday! I might try your new calculation next week!
I've always like gin and tonic so it never fell out of grace with me! Happy Birthday Mary. You will always be young at heart no matter what the calendar says.
happy birthday...
aah gin and tonic, never had this one, my favorites are mojito, sex on the beach, pina colada and screwdriver...but you make it sound gin & tonic to be very simple to make...maybe ill try it out next time when im pubbing..and then if i like the taste..ill try to make it at home!!!
Happy birthday Mary! Have fun and keep well...
A very very happy birthday dear Mary!I hope you have a lovely day full of love and joy!
Happy birthday dude!!! have a great day..
Happiest of Birthdays to you! Hope your day is filled with love, joy, and people doing things for you ;)
Mary...HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you ! Hahaha I like the + 1 every year :) I am happy to know you and I love every one of your recipes :) Yea, I pray for you too that you get to +1 till 90 so that I will have a continuous list of recipes to delight in :)
Have a wonderful birthday with your family..hugs and muax :)
Wonderful post. Many happy returns.
Happy Happy Birthday you deserve to have a break on your birthday =) cheers
Happy birthday to you! I had my very first gin & tonic this past January and I think it was wonderful! I had 2 more on the plane ride home , they helped me cope with my fear during extreme turbulence and if I ever fly again gin & tonics will be a must.
It is such a refreshing drink, now that we are finally getting some summer temps I think it is the perfect drink for summer evenings on the porch with my husband.
I like the way you count your years, I just might follow suit.~
Happy B-Day Mary! I'll raise my glass towards the west and enjoy a drink with you! Have fun:@)
Happy birthday Mary. I like how you count.
Nothing beats a good gin and tonic and the Silver Fox did it proud.
Happy Healthy Birthday and many many many more!!!!
Happy Birthday! Love this post!
Happy Happy Happy Birthday to you!
I love a good G&T, cheers to you!
Happy birthday, sweetheart.
Have a wonderful day my friend. Mwke it all about you and enjoy every minute!
Happy PLUS 1, Mary! Yes, I agree that a good gin and tonic is just about the best thing there is. Have a wonderful day---and blow all the candles out!
Happy Birthday to you! Very interesting blog!
Happy Birthday! I love your plus one philosophy and giggled reading about 'and a half' because you're absolutely right. I can remember proudly touting the 'half' part of my age as well and then as suddenly as I thought I came up with that phrase I dropped it in favor of just being a 'twenty-something' -- much easier than saying, ok nearly 30.
Happy birthday Mary! I hope you have a great birthday. I'm pleased to tell you that the G & T is alive and very well in the UK. I prefer to substitute the gin for vodka making my favorite summer drink.
Happy Birthday Mary. I'll quaff a G & T in your honor. Hope you have a fabulous sunny day.
I'm a wine kind of girl, but when I do drink a cocktail, gin and tonics are one of my favorites! It's been quite a while since I've had one though. Perhaps I'll have to fix that this weekend. Hope yours is wonderful. Happy Birthday.
Dear Mary, I wish you the happiest of birthday's! I like the way you calculate! I will be using it too. Age is attitude. Again a very blessed and happy day. Catherine xo
MAry...HAPPY HAPPY AND SUPER HAPPY BIRTHDAY..... so, my granny used to calculate years for each leg, you are 35 and a half "for leg" years old! ;) ... blessings and hugs, Flavia
Happy Birthday! I can't think of a better way to celebrate than with a gin and tonic!
Happy Plus One! With many new "plus one" celebrations to come! I personally love a good gin and tonic, so thanks for that recipe!
hapy plus 1, I hope this day is fab!
Happy Birthday, enjoy your cocktail! I am staying 45 until I turn 50 then I will age to 46!
I am 65 this July, (guess that makes me 60 Plus One, but some how I am stuck on feeling 30 Plus One..haha!).
Cooking since I was 7 (interested since 5) and like you, I am still looking for that "One Perfect Bite"..I Love your blog. Keep going...
I used to enjoy a cold gin and tonic, but for reasons I cannot recall, gravitated to vodka and tonic; perhaps it was the cheap gin I was served. :) Happy Birthday, Mary, and we'll toast to your next many plus ones. Hope you enjoy this wonderful weekend. I'm headed out to the garden.
happiest of birthdays to you! and a hearty YES to you celebrating with good gin... it can't be beat :D
I dear Mary, happy birthday to you!!!
Kisses and blessings!!
Happy birthday lovely! I hope you're celebrating with family and love and good food! And quite a few gin and tonics.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Cheers to many many more!
Happy Birthday! I hope you enjoyed the day!
Wishing you all the best for a Spectaculare year full of great recipes.
Hello Mary! Being British, I am all too familiar with the joys of a good G&T - of course it is the best drink to have to celebrate a good birthday! Cheers!
Happy birthday! It's always fun to share a birthday blog. :)
Happy (belated) birthday to you! I'm 29, so does that mean I'm "minus one"? lol I hope you are having a wonderful birthday weekend :)
Somebody must have forgotten to tell me that this wonderful drink has fallen from grace in recent years, because it is a year round favourite! Oops that I am so out of fashion, but everybody else's loss for not savoring this most delicious of cocktails.
I agree though, it has to be the best gin one can afford (preferably 10 or Bombay Sapphire), and also the best tonic water - for me this is Schweppes.
The epitome of style!
And I love your idea for birthday counting. It is all such an arbitrary thing anyway. We should count experiences, and what one actually packs into a year, rather than the number of days.
Happy Birthday to you! And I hope you enjoyed your lovely G & Ts.
Virginia x
Happy Happy Birthday Mary! I hope you are having a great birthday weekend with beautiful Gin and Tonic!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MARY!!!!!!!!!!! May you enjoy many more.
Happy Birthday Mary! Hope you had a great day!!
Happy Birthday! And many gins more :-)
Cheers to you, dear Mary!! Happy, Happy + One Birthday! You are an amazing person who I have so enjoyed *meeting* in this blog world. I am sure the Silver Fox will do us proud in helping you to celebrate! blessings and best wishes for a perfect +1 year! tanna
Oh, what a beautiful post! Happy birthday Mary!!! May you have many more happy "plus ones," to go!! Miriam@Meatless Meals For Meat Eaters
That's so cute! 1+.... All the best woth lots of love :)
Happy Birthday, Mary! I hope you are drinking mhy favorite Aviation Gin from Portland, and I am also glad to know that 16 and a half years younger than I originally thought! All the best!
Wishing you a very special and Happy Birthday Mary. Have a wonderful love filled year ahead.
My daily drink is a Gin and Tonic with lots of lemon. I will enjoy one for your this evening.
:-) Mandy
Happy Birthday! I am still 18, out of deference to an aunt. Until she turns 29 I can't turn 19! (with thanks to Saki for that one!
I have been attending Juniper Society, a monthly gin tasting group - so much more variety and finesse than I would have imagined! You should try a G&T with a slice of crisp green apple in it, instead of lime, for a change. Magic!
Belated birthday wishes to you..I hope you enjoyed ur day..
Happy Birthday !!!!! Hope you had a great day.
I love a good gin and tonic. Tried it the other day with a splash of elderflower cordial in it for a twist - lovely!
Love this post. You had me at "plus one". I am 40 plus one. LOVE IT. Thanks for sharing a child's view of getting older and having birthdays. It brings me back. Your gin and tonic looks perfect. Cheers!
Happy (belated) birthday. You stopped by my blog, and wrote some kind words - I couldn't wait to visit you. Now I see that you have wonderful taste in refreshing beverages too!
Hope "Hal" gets better soon!
Blessings on your birthday, Mary.
Happy Birthday Mary!! I hope your day was beautiful.
Gin and Tonic is my husband's favorite drink.
Oh, Happy Belated Birthday to you...Mary! ((hugs)) Wishing you all the best and may many more happy returns. I'm looking forward to your 80th birthday. I'm a gemini too and so is my daughter! Mine has another 2 weeks to go & my girl is 1 week after mine. :o)
Hope you're having a fabulous time with your family.
Kristy ((hugs)) & kisses
p/s I'm on vacation!
A very happy plus one birthday to you!! Many blessings, much love, and many more birthdays <3
Beautifully written ~ Happy Birthday Mary! May you have many happy returns of the day. Cheers!
Happy belated birthday Mary!! Hope your day was amazing!
Hope you had a wonderful birthday, Mary! Gin & tonic is my favorite Summer cocktail--I hope (and I'm sure) you had a great celebration to accompany it!
I'm late to the birthday party . . . I'm sure you made it a good one with a proper gin and tonic. (A perfect Manhattan will be mine.) Thank you for stopping by my blog and for your thoughtful comments. Much appreciated!
Happy birthday Mary :)
I love your birthday-tally method!
Happy birthday, and I shall raise my own glass (filled with a "three halves" G&T - half gin, half tonic, half a lime) in your honour! Here's to many, many more happy years!
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