Friday, June 26, 2015

Spinach Egg Drop Soup

From the kitchen of One Perfect Bite...Most summers we have a week when the temperature soars, belying the more moderate weather Oregonians usually associate with this time of year. Well, that week has arrived, and while eggs won't yet fry on the pavement, they will congeal. Air conditioning has made cooking feasible when the temperature hits triple digits, but it does little to help appetites that become peckish in that kind of heat. Would that our problem was peckish appetites. This morning we packed the car with beach gear and a hamper and headed to the coast to escape the heat of the day. We had a lovely time, but I'm ashamed to admit the water so stimulated appetites that we ended up eating for most of the day. If it wasn't nailed down and didn't bite back, we ate it. The only upside to the day's gluttony was a lack of appetite when dinner rolled around. I decided to make this light, but delicious soup for our supper and because we were so full, large bowls of it made a perfect dinner on this hot and steamy night. Normally, I would serve this as one course of a three course meal. We didn't need the other two courses after our dietary antics and this was perfect for dinner. If you are looking for a light soup, do give this one a try. The recipe was developed by Nancie McDermott and I've found you can't go wrong with the dishes she creates. Here is how the soup is made.

Spinach Egg Drop Soup...from the kitchen of One Perfect Bite inspired by Nanci McDermott

6 cups chicken stock
3 cups baby spinach leaves
1 teaspoon Asian sesame oil
1 teaspoon Vietnamese fish sauce
3 well-beaten eggs
1/4 cup thinly sliced green onion

1) In a medium saucepan bring chicken stock to a rolling boil over medium-high heat. Stir in spinach leaves, sesame oil, and fish sauce, allowing spinach to wilt into soup.
2) Stir well until chicken broth is swirling in circles. Carefully and slowly pour beaten eggs onto surface of soup continuing to stir gently and encouraging them to flow out into leafy petals and ribbons.
3) Ladle into bowls and sprinkle with green onion slices. Serve immediately. Yield: 4 servings.

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Amanda Rose said...

This looks lovely...we are in the middle of the wettest June we have had in decades, and this recipe fits the bill for tonight. I always love soup on rainy days! I will probably do some subbing so I don't have to go to the grocery store though. The spinach in my garden gave up the ghost and bolted, but I do have some tender chard leaves, and I have always substituted soy sauce for fish...

Thank you again for the recipe, and I hope your hot spell passes soon.

David said...

Mary, We've never made egg drop soup at home but we both like it! Thanks for the inspiration and the recipe. Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

FrenchGardenHouse said...

Mary, thank you for this wonderful recipe. This looks perfect for a "too hot to cook" day. My husband and I are great fans of all sorts of soup, I've added this one to my " must make" list this summer. Wishing you a lovely weekend, Lidy

Mary Bergfeld said...

Lidy, welcome to One Perfect Bite. I hope you will visit us often. Hugs and blessings...Mary

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