A warm loaf of a maple flavored oatmeal bread for National Oatmeal Month and a box of oats in Quaker blue for Blue Monday.

From the kitchen of One Perfect Bite...January is National Oatmeal Month and I wanted to post this before it was lost in a rash of recipes for the Super Bowl. It's adapted from one created by Bernard Clayton. I made it years ago and used it to make toast for my picky breakfast eaters. This is a moist bread, not sweet enough to be a cake, but sweet enough to ward off proposals from pastrami or other luncheon meat. It's unusual in that it's made with cooked oatmeal and a starter that is like a biga, save for the fact it contains salt and takes less time to ferment. The bread is easy to make but the dough is very sticky and, in its initial stages, is hard to handle. If you choose to make this, you might want to use a stand mixer to keep handling to a minimum. I've found that stale versions of this bread make wonderful French toast and bread pudding. It also freezes well. It helps to slice the bread and freeze it in individual portions rather than try to slice through a frozen block. What makes this bread truly appealing is the maple flavor imparted by the syrup used to make it. Use real maple syrup, the imitation just won't do. Here's the recipe.
Maple Oatmeal Bread...from the kitchen of One Perfect Bite courtesy of Bernard Clayton
2 1/2 cups boiling water
1 cup rolled oats
2-1/2 teaspoons dry yeast
3/4 cup maple syrup
2 teaspoons salt
1 tablespoon oil
5 to 6 cups all-purpose flour + flour for kneading
1) Place oats in a large bowl. Pour in boiling water. Stir and set aside for 1 hour.
2) Add yeast, syrup, salt and oil to the oats. Add 3 cups of flour and mix well. Cover with plastic wrap and let sit in a warm place until small bubbles form on surface of dough, about 1 hour.
3) Add more flour, 1/2 cup at a time, until dough comes together. Turn it onto a floured surface and knead, using flour as required, for ten minutes. Dough will still be sticky, but it will form a cohesive mass. Cut dough into two pieces, shape into loaves and place in 2 greased loaf pans. Cover and let rise another 45 minutes. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.
4) Bake for 45 to 50 minutes, or until bread is brown and sounds hollow when thumped with a finger. Transfer pans to a cooling rack. Brush tops lightly with butter. Remove from pans and cool to room temperature before slicing. Yield: 2 loaves.
This post is being linked to:
Smiling Sally - Blue Monday
This recipe is linked to:
Wild Yeast - Yeast Spotting
Hi Mary, I've made good breads since I first learned to make them in jr high home economics... and last month my husband decided to surprise me with a bread maker to make life easier. ;) My ego was shot: 2 1/2 lb loaf was the same size as the 1 lb... the bread maker went back! Thank you for this sounds like a recipe for me to try.
Perfect! I know all about the positive health effects of oatmeal, but I just am not a huge fan of it. Oatmeal bread, oatmeal cereal, etc...I can do that!
I have been wanting to try my hand at baking bread and I think this may be one recipe I'll try. I love the idea of the oatmeal - anything to help with cholesterol. :)
I bet it does make an incredible French toast--Yum!
National oatmeal month! great! and i love the recipe, since I cannot stand porridge I like to have my oatmeal in baking!
My thoughts...
Ah that bread looks goooood.
How is she going to make that bread blue?
Ahahahahah She did it!
Wonderful post.
I love good bread recipes and some of my best breads were oatmeal breads I made for my husband in the '70's..boy that dates me! I wish I could print up your recipes , my computer/printer does not print yours up so I have already handwritten several recipes from you and this is another.
Ahhh, yes....oatmeal. The perfect food!! And it tastes GOOD no matter how it's prepared.
This looks delicious Mary.
Mary that sounds and looks good. I also like the idea of keeping it in the mixer a bit longer too. I came across this yesterday and thought of you and your new kitchen toy http://www.delish.com/recipefinder/pizzelle-candy-cones-4069. Maybe you can make these at a future date as I thought they were so cute.
A cooked oatmeal bread -- how interesting! And I didn't know it was National Oatmeal Month (but it makes sense -- cold January, doesn't it!)
The loaf looks delicious but as you know my bread is delivered to my door. Still, I might be tempted.
I just read your Reuben post too very interesting.
Reuben's are my favourite sandwich and we eat them as often as we dare (all those calories!)when on vacation in the States.
Have a wonderful week.
I LOVE oatmeal, and this bread looks delicious. Thanks!
Beautiful & healthy loaf of bread! Have a nice day.Cheers!
Sounds delicious! I think I'll try this.
I was adding dates to my calendar and discovered National Oatmeal Month a few days ago. I vowed to try more foods utilizing oatmeal. So far, delicious Mini Oatmeal Muffins. Next up, Spicy Oatmeal Crisps. I am going to add this bread to this week's menu as well. Thanks for sharing.
That bread looks delicious! Thanks for posting the recipe! I'm not a big fan of oatmeal (unless I add some almond butter to it!), but I'm sure I would enjoy that bread!
Thanks for posting this recipe, I will copy and paste into my recipes now!
All the best,
Mary, terrific looking bread. I'm not a big fan of cooked oatmeal, but do enjoy using it as an ingredient.
I think I am going to attempt making fresh bread, because there have been some wonderful recipes posted, like yours. Many thanks...
I like oatmeal in any cooked form. Thanks, Mary. Happy Blue Monday.
Gorgeous bread for a winter day. Love using the oatmeal! It's a winter staple around here.
I love oatmeal in the morning but right now I'd love a slice of that delicious looking warm bread with my morning coffee ;-)
Hugs and blessings,
Sounds delicious Mary. Love the maple flavor! I have yet to try making homemade bread...I need courage!
This wins my heart. Maple anything is good. Homemade maple flavored oatmeal bread would send me to stars!
Our favorite in the morning Quaker oats. Thanks for sharing!
BlueMOnday:Scuba Diving
Looks delicious, Mary..
Can't wait for your Super Bowl recipes!
we love oats!
Colored Pencils is my entry! Have a lovely Monday!
i heart oatmeal too! great post!
u may view mine here
This looks and sounds like wonderful bread. The maple syrup and the oats - to die for!
I love oatmeal but I could never attempt to make bread. It looks delicious so maybe I could talk my mother into making it for me!
Breads are very hard for me. What I want is a recipe for an easy pop in the dutch oven and into the oven kind of bread...
Nice picture......I love the smell of homeade bread. I haven't made bread in a long time, but your recipe looks like a keeper I like anything with oatmeal.
Happy Blue MOnday!!!!
Mary, this sounds great... i loved the molasses in you Anadama rolls, so this should flavor as well too!
OK, another keeper!
This sounds wonderful and is a lot like the recipe my dad used long ago. His was called Molasses Bread but still quite similar. And, boy oh boy, was it ever GOOD!
I don't know how you keep up with all the fabulous photos to go with your fablous recipes but I love your blog and what you accomplish with every single post! Thanks so much for all your creativity, hard work, and sharing!
Nice recipe for Blue Monday Ms. mary and the ingredients are all simple to find. The bread makes me go to the kitchen and find something to eat.
You always have incredible food to share for us. thanks for sharing.
I keep reading these wonderful bread recipes, but I never seem to take the initiative and bake one of them!
I do think oatmeal and maple make a Purr-fect combo!
This looks great! Love the texture. It's always a great idea to incorporate oats in our diet.
Very interesting combination!!! It looks really great!
Hi Mary,
It was good to visit your blog today. This picture makes my mouth water for a good loaf of warm bread. Especially with oatmeal and maple.
Blessings to you!
Hi Mary! Thanks for sharing this wonderful recipe!
Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and leaving such kind comments. Please stop by often!
Big TX Hugs,
Angelic Accents
Great bread to celebrate with. Glad I had my oatmeal this morning...and every morning:)
My cholesterol is a little high, so any excuse to have oatmeal is NOT an excuse! :) Thanks for sharing this!
Oh, my goodness this bread looks delicious! Baking is the perfect way to spend a winter day.
Another great mouth watering recipe. Oatmeal in any fashion is good for us. Thanks for your always good food and visit.
This bread looks perfect! Love the texture!
Just tried this out today when I saw it. Yummy! Thanks for sharing.
I so need to tear into a loaf of this right now...
This must smell heavenly while it bakes. Mmm...I'd like a piece right now!
Looks awesome! I need to eat more oatmeal. Happy Blue Monday!
I love oatmeal, maple syrup and the color blue so this seems like the perfect recipe for me. Thanks for sharing.
Happy Blue Monday!
That photo of the bread left me hungry! What a great way to celebrate Blue Monday - a fresh, piping-hot loaf of homemade bread!
My bird would have loved to have that loaf of bread instead of all of the bread crumbs we fed him. He was a very smart bird...probably hit up everyone that stopped for a picnic. We thoroughly enjoyed his antics!
Thanks for stopping by. ~Debbie
Hi Mary!
I haven't been able to get to your blog in almost two weeks due computer problems and I am feeling withdrawls! LOL
Thanks for this recipe. It looks simple and yummy!
I love oatmeal especially oatmeal and raisin cookies. This sounds like a great recipe too. I will add it to the others I have gotten from you. Thanks for visiting and Happy Belated Blue Monday.
I am going to try this. I love homemade bread...what's not to love?
Such a simple recipe and looks like it's full of flavor with the maple, I can't wait to try it!
Your Oatmeal Bread looks so yummy! Any food with oats is for me. Your recipe has been printed. I cook with oats very often and purchase the large boxes in Costco.
Thanks for visiting my blog.
I love oatmeal bread! And the addition of maple syrup sounds just perfect. I'm definitely going to make this!
I made a bread similar to this recently and it is scrumptious. Yours is, as usual, perfect!
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