Saturday, March 27, 2010

Limoncello - Pink Saturday

From the kitchen of One Perfect Bite...I make Limoncello as a gift for friends. Lemons, bought in quantity, are relatively inexpensive throughout the year, so I'm not seasonally tied to its preparation. I have several recipes for the liqueur, but I usually end up using one developed by Giada De Laurentis because it is simple to make and is ready to drink in days rather than months. While many drink Limoncello out of hand, I prefer to dilute it and serve it over ice. Its main purpose in our house is to use as an ingredient in cheesecake and other lemon desserts. I am "brewing" a bottle now to use in a cheesecake that I plan to make for the Easter holiday. If you like Limoncello you know the only thing that can spoil it is too much sugar. I've cut back on the amount of sugar that was called for in the original recipe. I also use 100 proof vodka. Anything less than that will freeze and you don't want that to happen. Here's the recipe that I use to make homemade Limoncello. You might want to consider it as an aperitif for Passover or Easter.

Limoncello...from the kitchen of One Perfect Bite, inspired by Giada De Laurentis and others

10 large lemons
1 (750-ml) bottle 100 proof vodka
3-1/2 cups water
2 cups sugar


1) Using a vegetable peeler, remove peel from lemons in long strips (reserve lemons for another use). Using a small sharp knife, trim white pith away from lemon peels; discard pith. Place lemon peels in a 2-quart pitcher. Pour vodka over peels and cover with plastic wrap. Steep for 4 days at room temperature.
2) Stir water and sugar in a large saucepan over medium heat until the sugar dissolves, about 5 minutes. Cool completely. Pour sugar syrup over vodka mixture. Cover and let stand at room temperature overnight. Strain limoncello through a mesh strainer. Discard peels. Transfer limoncello to bottles. Seal the bottles and refrigerate until cold, at least 4 hours and up to 1 month. Yield: 7 cups.

You might also enjoy these recipes:

Blue Lemonade - One Perfect Bite
Homemade Irish Cream Liqueur - One Perfect Bite
Cranberry Cocktails - One Perfect Bite

This post is being linked to:
Pink Saturday, sponsored by Beverly at How Sweet the Sound.


Mickey said...

I love Limoncello! I usually buy a bottle and keep in the outside refrigerator. I will have to try this, what a neat gift.

Rue said...

Yum! I have lemons coming to be from California - now I know what I'm going to do with them!

MaryMoh said...

Looks refreshing!

Regina said...

Happy Pink Saturday Mary.

Graham said...

This is my recipe for Limoncello. It uses Everclear instead of Vodka, and I much prefer that. It is also ready in a week.
Of course, your pics ar emuch much better than mine :)

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Look refreshing !

Elisa said...

Oh Mary, this recipe sure comes in handy! We just returned from Italy and I wanted to buy limoncello there and I never got around to it (if you can believe that.) but I can follow this recipe plus my friend has a lemon tree in her backyard and she had previously offered some lemons.

happy saturday!

TatysDonya said...

I had a lot of wonderful limoncello when I was traveling in southern Italy...thanks for the recipe, going to try it! I would also love to make meloncello sometime! That's great too

Anonymous said...

This looks so pretty and refreshing. Love the yellow colour.
Thanks for taking part in my first ever competition daaaaahling. I hope you have a great weekend.
*kisses* HH

sweetlife said...

I love this..I need to try this..perfect for spring..great pics


Deb in Hawaii said...

Mmm...limoncello is so delicious. This looks like a great recipe!

shereen said...

Hi there,

I am a reader from New Zealand.I would love to make my own Limoncello but I am not sure what you mean by 100 proof vodka.Is it a normal store bought vodka eg Absolut,Smirnoff etc?Would appreciate your feedback and thank you.

My Little Space said...

I would love to exchange my chicken pandan rolls with this! Do you mind? hehe... Though I'm not a good drinker.

Coleens Recipes said...

limoncello in cheesecake? Interesting. Your photo is beautiful.

♥Sugar♥Plum♥Fairy♥ said...

Mary ,i love ur take on everything...a super post ...have been wanting to try LImoncello for quite a while myself...this one tops surely..
have a fantastic weekend:-))))

Deana Sidney said...

Mary> what could be simpler and more delicious. Who needs those nasty sodas when you can make something so fresh and delicious. I tried a pre-made one and didn't like it.. this has got to be a zillion times better..thanks!

Dajana said...

I still have a couple of bottles of Limoncello I made last year, I preferred making it with the traditional method, 40 days infusion in 95% pure alcohol, and then added the syrup. I love it as a digestive, but also use it in fruit salads and cakes.
Beautiful picture.

Allie and Pattie said...

Mary, I'd love to try this as it's so much quicker than the norm. Thank you!
xoxo Pattie

Haden News said...

I love the idea of putting limoncello in cheesecake, I am looking forward to that recipe!!

Kat said...

I love Limoncello, this sounds so much simpler than other recipes I've seen. Will definitely try this one. Kathy

2 Stews said...

I know I'm a little late to the party, but I just discovered Limoncello. I don't usually like sweet drinks so didn't try it. Well, I love it and now after reading this I love it even more. Less sugar is a good thing.

Thanks Mary!

Anonymous said...

Hello Mary,

Hhhmmmmmm but you know I have never drank anything with vodka LOL oh maybe when I get to have a vacation back home and see my girlfriends again, maybe we can try this one :-)

Happy Pink Saturday!


Sherry from Alabama said...

Good job on your photography!

Sherry @ A Happy Valentine

Cathy said...

A bit of limoncello would perk up so many recipes. I would imagine this is delicious in summer drinks too.

Angie's Recipes said...

I always wanted to make my own limoncello....I really SHOULD.

Mary Bergfeld said...

shereen, I'm glad you found us. Proof is a measure used by distillers to identify how much alcohol there is by volume in an alcoholic beverages. It can always be found on the label. In the case of vodka there are two types - 80 or 100. 100 proof alcohol will burn if lit with a match. That amount of alcohol will also keep it from freezing. Smirnoff and Stolichanaya are 100 proof. Only absolute in the black bottle is 100 proof.

Pam said...

Oh, this sounds delicious and refreshingly fantastic! I've never heard of it before and will have to try it, I have the ingredients! Have a good day!

Fresh Local and Best said...

I adore limoncello, especially ones made with Meyer lemons.

Susie Jefferson said...

Oh my goodness, a recipe my DH will really relate to! He used to make his own wine but we just don't have the space now. I know he'll give this a try. And what a lovely photo by the way.

Happy Pink Saturday!

♥ Kathy said...

I bet that's really good in cheesecake

Valerie Harrison (bellini) said...

I have portions of bottles of Limoncello made by one of my Italian is so good!

The Fajdich Times said...

The last two years I have made Limoncello, but I call it Mellocello because I add vanilla beans to the beginning. It gives such a great flavor. I usually start in October so it is ready for Christmas:)

Alicia Foodycat said...

Mary thank you so much for visiting my blog! Yours is a real treat for the eyes! I love limoncello, either neat on ice as a digestif or dribbled over icecream as a dessert.

Rebecca said...

I love pouring lemoncello over fresh berries and a sprig of mint. Wonderful spring dessert! Thanks for sharing your recipe!

Karen said...

A cheesecake with the limoncello sounds really good - nice and light and somehow perfect for Easter!

Pondside said...

This sounds wonderful. I have a bag of lemons in the fridge. Will you post the cheesecake recipe? It sounds like just the thing for Easter dinner.

The Diva on a Diet said...

With gifts like this, I'll bet you have LOTS of friends. In fact, will you be *my* friend, Mary? ;)

I've always wanted to try making Limoncello, but feared the process was too involved. Your post has convinced me otherwise and I'm eager to try it. Love that you've reduced the sugar too.


Lori said...

I gave away some limoncello this past Christmas to a few of my friends.

I have a thing for it chilled. My husband like to have one or two on a Saturday night when we sit down to play a game. Very nice. Cheers Mary!

Jamie said...

Really? Homemade Limoncello? Very cool and I'll bet it is delicious! I see more and more great and intriguing desserts made with Limoncello. I am very impressed!

Inspired by eRecipeCards said...

Danny deVito gave this a bad name a year or so ago... It is wonderful as a refresher straight out of the freezer.

I love this post

kellypea said...

Ah, this makes me think of sipping my first limoncello in Sorrento, Italy two summers ago. I'm sure the cheesecake will be lovely!

Tricia said...

Looks yummy. I'd love to try cheesecake with this in it. Have a happy Pink Saturday.


Jane said...

Yum! That looks refreshing!!! Thank you for the recipe. need to post your limoncello cheesecake.
That would be a fabulous Easter dessert.

Jane (artfully graced)

Anonymous said...

I've only had limoncello once, but it was very tasty ;-)
Hugs and blessings,

Janice said...

I bought a bottle of limoncello and was very disappointed in the flavour, bet yours is really lemonny.

Ana Powell said...

Very refreshing c

Maggie said...

This sounds so wonderful. I might have to make (and drink) some over spring break.

Happy Pinks!

In Shoes We Trust,
Maggie Mae
"Do these shoes match this purse?"

Anonymous said...

Ive never had limonchello - it sounds wonderful as I really like lemonade. I can only think it will make a great cheesecake.

tasteofbeirut said...

Hello and thanks for a handy recipe to have just in case! I will definitely make it in the summertime! Better than margaritas!

Kim said...

This looks wonderful Mary! I've been wanting to try Limoncello for years and have never been able to find it in stores. I live in a dry county and the next county over doesn't sell too much liquor either. This recipe is great because I know I can find the ingredients needed and make it myself! Thanks for sharing:D

Diana's Cocina said...

I always have a bottle of Limoncello in the freezer. I may have to add this to my April to do list. This looks so refreshing.

Valrie said...

Not just a Pink SAturday visit, but I fell in love with the recipes and am now a follower! Come over for a visit, there's more than poems going on and enter my giveaway!

Rambling Tart said...

Oh Mary, this is wonderful!! Limoncello has such precious memories attached for me. :-) I never even thought of making it myself and now I simply MUST!! :-) Beautiful. :-)

Katy ~ said...

Lemon anything is good in my book. This is a keeper. Thanks, Mary.

oneordinaryday said...

Sounds wonderful. I found a recipe for a pineapple vodka that I'd also like to try, and I like the idea of using it in cheesecake. Brilliant.

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