Sunday, December 12, 2010

Holiday Coffee Cake and Muffin Round Up

From the kitchen of One Perfect Bite...While it may be wretched excess, I think a holiday breakfast or brunch is incomplete without a coffee cake or muffins on the table. Butter, after all, needs a vehicle on which it can be spread. I watch what I eat for most of the year, and go so far as to lose 5 pounds just before the holidays begin. Then my reserve crumbles and I start to eat foods I wouldn't normally allow to cross my lips. When January rolls around I have, of course, regained the 5 pounds I lost back in October. Now, the cynics out there will note that I've lost and gained the same 5 pounds for 50 years running, and because everyone knows cynics have a mean streak, they'll also gleefully do the math for anyone who will pay attention to them. Ignore them. The optimists, however, will see Mrs. Feeziwig and say only that she "knew how to keep Christmas well." Really well. The recipes in today's round-up are for the optimists among you. They have all been tested and eaten with complete abandon and wouldn't be here if they weren't delicious. I hope you find something here that tempts you. Here are the recipes for some of my favorite coffee cakes and muffins.

Raspberry Cream Cheese Coffee Cake

Pom Koec - Belgian Coffee Cake

Cinnamon Swirl Coffee Cake

Blackberry Cream Cheese Coffee Cake

French Breakfast Puffs

Coffee Walnut Snack Cake

Raspberry Streusel Muffins

Apple Cake with Caramel Glaze

Morning Glory Muffins

Budapest Coffee Cake

Marionberry Muffins


Merisi said...

Wonderful holiday breakfast additions, what feasts! :-)

Cindy said...

Those look absolutely decadent! I think the holidays are the perfect time to indulge!

RamblingTart said...

Those French Breakfast Puffs look so lovely, Mary! :-) I'm so glad you aren't listening to the skeptics. :-)

Alessandra said...

Lovely round up, as always :-)

Happy Sunday, here is nearly finished :-)


Monet said...

Now I know how to occupy my time once I officially go on winter break...baking all of these delicious cakes would be such a pleasure (and then eating them would be even more delightful!) The raspberry cream cheese would be the first on my to-bake list. Thank you for sharing with me. I hope you have a blessed Sunday!

Banana Wonder said...

I want to make the Budapest coffee cake!

Ginny Hartzler said...

They all looks so good! But the french puffs are the best looking to me!

My Cozy Corner said...

Oh my goodness. And I mean Goodness....Yum. I love everything. I love to bake this time of year. In fact, Every month I have Cupcake Sunday at My Cozy Corner. Thank you so much for visiting me. I love to read the comments.

♥Sugar♥Plum♥Fairy♥ said...

Oh what a delightful round up , am loving all the round ups!!
i love ur not paying any attention to those with the mean streak :-)
thatsss good!!!
I love to eat all things delicious too and am so spoilt for choice here!!

Flavia Galasso said...

I know very well your special MArionberry I have to try and taste all the other recipes...have a nice blessed Sunday, ciao Flavia

Rebecca said...

These all look so good-and I just pigged out yesterday-I need to watch it-but seriously-that stuff look sooooo good!

Jan Hennings said...

These coffee cakes look delicious! I'd like to have a slice with my coffee please :)

Rita said...

They all look wonderful. I try to have something like this in my freezer for my children's visit. What a great variety you offered us today.
Happy Sunday,

Angie's Recipes said...

I love coffee cakes! Thanks for your holiday round-up and giveaway!

Cathy said...

What a lovely collection of coffee cake recipes! I've already tried several of them and see several more I can't wait to try. Just in time for Christmas morning. Thanks, Mary.

CaSaundraLeigh said...

I am really enjoying your recipe round ups!! It's a great way to highlight all the delicious and amazing food/baked goods you've made. :-) Thanks!

Joanne said...

Ooo I like your weight loss plan. Damage control in the best possible way.

All of these coffee cake/muffin treats look so delicious! I would even be able to choose among them...

The Words Crafter said...

Cream. Cheese. Coffee. Cakes. Heaven!

June said...

I knew I liked you a whole lot and now you've given me another host of reasons! Thanks Mary.


I probably gained weight already Mary looking at your coffee cakes. I can't pick just one but all of them ahhah. thanks for the roundup and for the giveaway!
Happy SUnday!

Tasha said...

This post has just reminded me of what I was missing in the plans for our Christmas morning table- some kind of sweet treat! The coffee cakes look to decide which one.

Martha's Favorites said...

Hi: Everything looks so good. Have a wonderful Christmas. Blessings, Martha

Cindy Adkins said...

Oh my gosh--everything looks so delicious!!! I hope I don't gain weight from looking at it because I'm on I'm your newest follower and so nice to meet you. Thank you for coming to visit my blog!

Kerrie said...

Wow, your site is awesome! I will put this one in favorites for sure! thank you for your visit to my Pink Saturday post and comment!

PeggyR said...

Great food as always!

Vagabonde said...

Thank you for coming to my blog a while back. We went on a trip and I am now catching up with all the posts I did not read. I enjoyed looking at your blog. One of the breads I used to love, growing up in France, was what we call “pain d’Ă©pices” or spice bread. I wonder if this Belgian Pom Koec bread would be something like it?

From The Heart said...

What wonderful looking food! I could eat some of all of it!

nesrin said...

Ich bin auch ein Muffinsliebhaber, besonders beim FrĂĽhstĂĽck. Alle sehen lecker aus. GrĂĽsse...

SmilingSally said...

Coffee cakes are so popular this time of the year. That blackberry one tempts me.

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful array of treats Mary! Everything looks so delicious. If you can't indulge over the holidays, when can you! :o)

Miss Rhea said...

Yum !!! Hard to pick one, but anything that says Raspberry has my vote !! :) :) Happy belated Pink Saturday !!! :) :) :)

Big Dude said...

I'm not a big dessert eater, but I could sure dig into several of these - especially the coffee cakes.

teresa said...

oh my goodness, what lovely breakfast treats! i wish i could go right down the line and take a big bite out of all of them!

Anonymous said...

These recipes all sound wonderful!

penny aka jeroxie said...

So many great recipes. Thanks for festive sharing.

So Very Domestic said...

I feel behind on my self inflicted weekly cake challenge, I will be using a couple of these to catch up for sure!!

Unknown said...

One of each please, I had to lol on the butter needs a vehicle! ha

Ann said...

Everyone of those treats look fantastic! I want to try many of them.

Stephanie Suzanne Designs said...

Oh my! The French breakfast Puffs look so good as does everything else!

Thanks so much for visiting with me!

Happy Day,
Stephanie ♥

Unknown said...

Those all look amazing! I've tried the cinnamon swirl coffee was fantastic!

stefanie said...

mmmmmmm, those coffee cakes look soooooo yummi!!!

Theresa @ Take A Sentimental Journey said...

The walnut snack cake looks so delicious.

Amy said...

yum....all your coffee cakes look scrumptious! I'll definitely give them a try! :)

Suzanne said...

I am seriously a sucker for coffee cake and muffins, they all look heavenly.

The Single Nester said...

So glad you left a comment on my blog because now I have found your delicious blog! Can't wait to read more!

pigpigscorner said...

Would love to wake up to any one of these goodies! I'm trying to loose some weight before the holidays and yet you are tempting me with all these treats!

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