From the kitchen of One Perfect Bite...We thought they could. We thought they would. They didn't. The victory that once seemed certain, eluded them that day. Our team, the Ducks, lost the BCS championship last Monday and it would be true, though sad to say, "There was no joy in Mudville" on that cold dark winter day. Some take such loss in measured stride while others turn away and it was then I learnt a lesson hard, to share with you today. Never, never, never say, "It's just a game" to a grieving sports enthusiast. Your sanity and ancestry will be questioned. Fortunately, there was food to help make things right. I know you have a score of snacks to serve with drinks on game days. I'd like you to consider just one more. The recipe for these crisps was developed by Giada De Laurentis and you might want to give it a try. They are good, inexpensive and very easy to make. They can be made up to two days before serving in they are kept in airtight containers at room temperature. I doubt you'll have to worry about leftovers. Here's the recipe.
Parmesan Tortilla Chips...from the kitchen of One Perfect Bite courtesy of Giada De Laurentis
1/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil
1 tablespoon dried oregano
1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
12 (6-inch) corn tortillas
1 cup freshly shredded Parmesan
1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon salt
1) Preheat the oven to 375 degrees F.
2) Line 2 heavy large baking sheets with aluminum foil. Whisk oil, oregano, and pepper in a small saucepan over medium heat just until warm. Set aside for 15 minutes. Brush oil mixture over both sides of tortillas. Stack tortillas and cut them into 1/2 to 3/4-inch wide strips. Arrange strips in a single layer over the baking sheets. Sprinkle cheese and salt over strips. Bake until strips are golden brown and crisp, about 12 minutes. Yield: 5 to 6 servings.
You might also enjoy these recipes:
Baked Tortilla Chips - In Flora's Kitchen
Pizza Bites - Cookbook Confessions
Rosemary Parmesan Coins - Stylish Cuisine
Sweet Spiced Nuts - Around My Family Table
Festive Feta Dip - My Kitchen Adventures
Sweet and Spicy Candied Pecans - Baking Bites
These look delicious, and your picture is mouth watering!
I'm sorry that the Ducks lost on Monday. I'm not a big sport's fan, but the rest of my family gets quite involved, so I understand how hard those losses can be! These crisps look so yummy though! I always have extra corn tortillas lying around, so I'm eager to give this a try. Thank you so much for sharing. May your Sunday burst forth with joy and love.
parmesan tortilla crisps looks so tempting..super click...i will try it soon
Super Yummy Recipes
Wow those look scrumptious! Sorry about your team Mary, but as you may remember I'm down here in the other part of the world!
very easy to make!Looks tasty Mary!
Mexican/italian tortillas, I like this recipe! thanks for sharing...A hug...
I guess all men around the world become passionate with a sport and they all have the same reactions towards a win or a loss. Food is universaly the right thing to please them during and after a game whatever the result is. Your snack entered on my list. Good day Mary!
I love tortilla chips! And these looks as fantastic. I should start making my own snack. :o) Thank you very much for sharing. Have a great weekend.
Blessings, Kristy
These look healthy and perfect for the game or any day Mary.
these look easy and tasty, what more could you want after a game.
Gorgeous chips! look fabulous!
Those crisps look perfect snack with hot tea!
These look fantastic! I'm sure that these won't last two days! Would definitely love to try this. Thanks for sharing this lovely recipe.
These look really good and I do like Giada's recipes (from her TV show -- don't use her books (I have 2) all that much!)
Sorry about your team losing!
A nice way to dress up a run-of-the-mill chip.
Love your blog! This recipe sounds delicous. Will have to try this one.
They look great Mary! We can always use another game day munchie:@)
I'm sorry the Ducks lost and I can certainly understand why that phrase can be more than a little annoying to the team that lost.
These tortilla crisps look so professional. It's hard to believe they can be made at home and come out looking as attractive as yours. Very impressive Mary.
Yum, looks good! Do you dip them in anything, or just eat them as is?
Such an easy and delicous sounding treat! I love anything crunchy.
Sorry about the Ducks... and the whole "Mudville" thing!Thank goodness for food!
I'm making these to keep around.
I'm sorry your team lost Mary! Such a bummer.
I love the sound of these crisps though! I bet they'd be great to make on Superbowl Sunday!
Oh, I know your sorrows!!!
These crisps however... would make anyone forget about their team losing! I'm thinking with a white bean dip of some sort??? Mmmmm!
Crisps looks soo tempting..
Oh yum, I definitely need to make some Mexican dishes.
Yum ;)
These sound delicious Mary and it's a shame someone had to lose the football game - it was fun to watch. And how about those uniforms?
Your Parmesan Tortilla Crisps look fantastic, Mary! What a great recipe. Thanks for sharing it.
I'm a Husky, but I'm still sorry that the Ducks lost (unlike some of my Husky fan friends who have an irrationally intense rivalry with Oregon).
I'm not a pro football fan, but I've got to say today - Go Seahawks!!
Mary these look like doritos! Yum! minus the yucky additives and MSG that doritos actually have in them!
How were they!? would you make them again?
Jenn @ Peas & Crayons
For me, sports are all about the food! I do, however, like for my sports friends to be happy with their teams!
This looks delicious--a perfect accompaniment to my bloody mary soup recipe!
These crisps would satisfy my savory tooth. I'll take something salty and cheesy over a sweet almost any day.
These look so yummy...I can't eait to try. I love your blog..I will be back!
These tortillas are ideal for apetizers....
I hope you and your friends are going to join to my funny romantic contest....have a blessed Sunday, hugs, Flavia
So sorry that your team lost but I'm so happy you shared your recipe. I have some homemade salsa just dying for some tortilla crisps.
Oh, but you DO know how to tempt me, don't you? Can I say that I have cooked if I make 'em? Bet I'd get rave reviews from my good hubby-buddy. Thanks for this.
~ Yaya
Oh, I could go for those about now. Thanks for sharing! They sound delicious!
Sorry to hear your team lost, Mary! These tortilla chips on the other hand look like a sure winner! Great flavor with the oregano and Parmesan!
Sad about the loss....
This looks like a fantastic recipe; I copied and pasted it and I can't wait to make it, thanks!!!
Hope you weekend has been wonderful:)
You are right Mary, never say 'it's just a game' :-), a cuddle is better.
The parmesan tortilla are a great idea!
I'm so sorry about the Ducks! Good food does help to soften the blow and your crisps look just great. They would be perfect for Superbowl Sunday.
You know there have been times when I've had leftover tortillas and now I know a great recipe for them. They (and your photo) look terrific.
excellent snack, especially for an energetic sports day!
How tasty! My mouth is watering for them ~ and I haven't even had breakfast yet!
These look perfect for Superbowl Sunday! I have been looking for recipes to serve and these tortilla crisps look amazing! :)
Perfect to munch on anytime..your picture is fantastic!
US Masala
I immediately thought of how good these would be with a big bowl of thick pear soup.
Corn tortillas?! Awesome! What a brilliant idea.
I support any SEC loss, so I was rooting for the Ducks :) There is no joy in Mudville today, either, because the Patriots are losing their playoff game. Unless there is divine intervention in the next 2 minutes, the Booze Hound will be trying to jump out the window!
My husband is on a gluten free diet so this is perfect. He does not get that much in treats so this will be special to him.
Oh I know these would be so delicious.
These crisps look sensational!! I want to take a bite and taste the crunch!
These look fantastic and nothing in it that my daughter is allergic to. YEAH. Sorry your team lost. :(
Parmesan tortilla chips? I love it already :). Miriam@Meatless Meals For Meat Eaters
I will have to try these. They'd be good for Super Bowl Sunday!
I'm sorry about the Ducks, I feel your pain but they had a great season and won some tough games!
How about those crisps! I think that's a fun recipe that I will have to try;-)
Mary, these crisps look fantastic! And the picture itself is almost edible!
This just went straight to my Paremesan-loving-heart.
these look fantastic! sorry the ducks lost!
Those look delicious!
There was a very big, devestating sports loss in our household yesterday, so I can relate. I, too, have learned to take care in what I say afterwards. And of course, delicious food helps. This snack would appeal to my family in so many ways.
Mmm!! Ce sont mes préférés:)) Ton blog est Splendides et très Alléchants;)xxx
Oh, these will be perfect for a snack lunch I planning soon. Great treat. Thanks.
Ciao for now,
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