From the kitchen of One Perfect Bite...What do you serve with a soup or stew that spans the seasons? Popovers are a great idea, especially if you can find a version that your family will find interesting. I found this very simple recipe in Family Circle magazine and it immediately appealed to me because of its cheesy goodness and the ease with which it came together. The finished popover is moister than its more ordinary cousins, but the flavor of this savory, especially when served warm, is outstanding. This is a two bowl and wooden spoon affair, so you'll need no special equipment to assemble the popovers. You will, however, want to liberally coat the muffin cups or popover pans with nonstick spray. These puppies cling tenaciously to the pan and it would be a shame to spoil their appearance with tears or knife wounds. I must admit I had a couple that looked like they had gone a round or two with Mike Tyson. We ate them anyway. It is important to serve these warm. They become unpleasantly moist if they are allowed to sit for any length of time. You can, however, rewarm them successfully. While I thought the popovers were O.K., the Silver Fox really enjoyed them. The recipe speaks for itself. If you are looking for a different bread to serve with meals, you might want to give this recipe a try. Here is how the popovers are made.
Scallion and Cheddar Popovers...from the kitchen of One Perfect Bite courtesy of Family Circle magazine
1 cup all-purpose flour
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 eggs
1 cup milk
1 cup (about 4-oz.) shredded sharp cheddar cheese
3 scallions, trimmed and chopped
1) Coat 6 cups of a popover or 8 cups of a standard muffin pan with nonstick cooking spray. Fill empty cups with 1/2 inch of water (so as not to burn pan). Heat oven to 450 degrees F.
2) In bowl, whisk together flour and salt. In second bowl, whisk together eggs and milk. Add to flour mixture; stir just until blended. Fold in cheese and scallions.
3) Fill prepared cups about 3/4 full (about 1/3 cup batter in each). Bake at 450 degrees F. for 15 minutes. Reduce oven temperature to 350 degrees F. and bake for 10 to 15 minutes, until browned and puffed. Keep oven closed until end of baking time or popovers will deflate.
4) Remove popovers from oven and immediately remove from pan. Pierce sides once with a knife to release steam. Serve warm. If needed, reheat at 350 degrees F. for 5 minutes to crisp outside edges. Yield: 6 to 8 servings.

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Last year we made pop overs in the TWD group. It was the first time I had made them and they were delicious. Cheese and Scallions can only make them better. I'm ready to try your recipe.
These sound delicious. I think I'm going to have to buy myself a proper popover pan.
I have never seen a recipe for cheese popovers, I have made plain ones and then came out O.K., but bland. This may be just the thing.
Hi Mary,
I love eating popovers and they are fun to make too, especially love the way they really puffed! Scallions and cheese sounds delicious, I know my family would have no problem devouring these! Thank you for sharing, and have a nice day!
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I also want to thank you for the Donughnut Muffins recipe. Not only were they fabulous, my husband asked what kind of muffins they were because they "taste like doughnuts." Awesome.
Your popovers are beautiful Mary! I've never tried to make them and might give it a try:@)
They look quite delicious, think I might just try these they look so good in your photo. Keep well Diane
Droolworthy popovers, with some salad i wont mind having anytime.
Oh my, Mary! I bet these were just awesome! Love the sheen and the color!
These looks absolutely perfect to serve with a soup or a light stew! I know I WILL love these!
Mmmmm love popovers! Recipe saved for post Lent. Hope all is well with you Mary! My husband and I are missing Oregon.
They sound delicious Mary. We have a popover pan that has been rarely used and I'll suggest the family baker change that.
I still have not tried making popovers... not sure why I haven't ventured into the territory yet, but these will definitely spark my interest back up! How could it not, it's got cheddar in it??? :)
I haven't attempted popovers in far too long! Love the big flavors in these!
they grows without yeast,I like so much !have a great day, blessings...
I think I could eat a half dozen of these! They sound delish!
hum mas que bonitos que eles estao e de queijo humm super ja comia um estao 5* bjs e feliz semana e tudo de bom
I think I would be with the SIlver Fox, they look fantastic! In fact I might just pass up the soup if I saw a basket of these on the table!
Look at how high these rise Mary! I am now adding a popover pan to my list.
It's hard to go wrong with cheese, onion(scallion) and bread in my books. I have also tried that sausage and bean soup and we LOVE it! blessings ~ tanna
These look scrumptious. I made a prime rib roast last weekend and it was only the guilt of all that beef that prevented me from going all the way and making Yorkshire pudding. This would have been perfect.
I love popovers! The addition of cheese and scallions sounds delicious. Can't wait to try these.
Adding cheese and scallions is a fabulous idea, they look very inviting. I'm guessing that what you call popovers are what we call Yorkshire puddings here in the UK. But I'll just have to try them to find out.
These look delicious! Cheese and scallion..loving the combination. Wish I had a plate of your Popovers in front of me now!
I've never made popovers. Might need to try these! They look good.
These look delicious.
Popovers look like they would definitely go well with soup.
These are lovely Mary, look at their height!
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